123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613 |
- # UI base class
- # Copyright (C) 2002-2018 John Goerzen & contributors.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- import logging
- import logging.handlers
- import re
- import time
- import sys
- import traceback
- import threading
- from queue import Queue
- from collections import deque
- import offlineimap
- from offlineimap.error import OfflineImapError
- debugtypes = {'': 'Other offlineimap related sync messages',
- 'imap': 'IMAP protocol debugging',
- 'maildir': 'Maildir repository debugging',
- 'thread': 'Threading debugging'}
- globalui = None
- def setglobalui(newui):
- """Set the global ui object to be used for logging."""
- global globalui
- globalui = newui
- def getglobalui():
- """Return the current ui object."""
- global globalui
- return globalui
- class UIBase:
- def __init__(self, config, loglevel=logging.INFO):
- self.config = config
- # Is this a 'dryrun'?
- self.dryrun = config.getdefaultboolean('general', 'dry-run', False)
- self.debuglist = []
- # list of debugtypes we are supposed to log
- self.debugmessages = {}
- # debugmessages in a deque(v) per thread(k)
- self.debugmsglen = 15
- self.threadaccounts = {}
- # dict linking active threads (k) to account names (v)
- self.acct_startimes = {}
- # linking active accounts with the time.time() when sync started
- self.logfile = None
- self.exc_queue = Queue()
- # saves all occuring exceptions, so we can output them at the end
- self.uidval_problem = False
- # at least one folder skipped due to UID validity problem
- # create logger with 'OfflineImap' app
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('OfflineImap')
- self.logger.setLevel(loglevel)
- self._log_con_handler = self.setup_consolehandler()
- """The console handler (we need access to be able to lock it)."""
- def setup_consolehandler(self):
- """Backend specific console handler.
- Sets up things and adds them to self.logger.
- :returns: The logging.Handler() for console output"""
- # create console handler with a higher log level
- ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- # ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- # create formatter and add it to the handlers
- self.formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
- ch.setFormatter(self.formatter)
- # add the handlers to the logger
- self.logger.addHandler(ch)
- self.logger.info(offlineimap.banner)
- return ch
- def setup_sysloghandler(self):
- """Backend specific syslog handler."""
- # create syslog handler
- ch = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler('/dev/log')
- # create formatter and add it to the handlers
- self.formatter = logging.Formatter("offlineimap[%(process)d]: %(message)s")
- ch.setFormatter(self.formatter)
- # add the handlers to the logger
- self.logger.addHandler(ch)
- def setlogfile(self, logfile):
- """Create file handler which logs to file."""
- fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile, 'at')
- # fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- file_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: "
- "%(message)s", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- fh.setFormatter(file_formatter)
- self.logger.addHandler(fh)
- # write out more verbose initial info blurb on the log file
- p_ver = ".".join([str(x) for x in sys.version_info[0:3]])
- msg = "OfflineImap %s starting...\n Python: %s Platform: %s\n " \
- "Args: %s" % (offlineimap.__version__, p_ver, sys.platform,
- " ".join(sys.argv))
- record = logging.LogRecord('OfflineImap', logging.INFO, __file__,
- None, msg, None, None)
- fh.emit(record)
- def _msg(self, msg):
- """Display a message."""
- # TODO: legacy function, rip out.
- self.info(msg)
- def info(self, msg):
- """Display a message."""
- self.logger.info(msg)
- def warn(self, msg, minor=0):
- self.logger.warning(msg)
- def error(self, exc, exc_traceback=None, msg=None):
- """Log a message at severity level ERROR.
- Log Exception 'exc' to error log, possibly prepended by a preceding
- error "msg", detailing at what point the error occurred.
- In debug mode, we also output the full traceback that occurred
- if one has been passed in via sys.info()[2].
- Also save the Exception to a stack that can be output at the end
- of the sync run when offlineiamp exits. It is recommended to
- always pass in exceptions if possible, so we can give the user
- the best debugging info.
- We are always pushing tracebacks to the exception queue to
- make them to be output at the end of the run to allow users
- pass sensible diagnostics to the developers or to solve
- problems by themselves.
- One example of such a call might be:
- ui.error(exc, sys.exc_info()[2], msg="While syncing Folder %s in "
- "repo %s")
- """
- if msg:
- self.logger.error("ERROR: %s\n %s" % (msg, exc))
- else:
- self.logger.error("ERROR: %s" % exc)
- instant_traceback = exc_traceback
- if not self.debuglist:
- # only output tracebacks in debug mode
- instant_traceback = None
- # push exc on the queue for later output
- self.exc_queue.put((msg, exc, exc_traceback))
- if instant_traceback:
- self.logger.error(traceback.format_tb(instant_traceback))
- def registerthread(self, account):
- """Register current thread as being associated with an account name."""
- cur_thread = threading.current_thread()
- if cur_thread in self.threadaccounts:
- # was already associated with an old account, update info
- self.debug('thread', "Register thread '%s' (previously '%s', now "
- "'%s')" % (cur_thread.name,
- self.getthreadaccount(cur_thread), account))
- else:
- self.debug('thread', "Register new thread '%s' (account '%s')" %
- (cur_thread.name, account))
- self.threadaccounts[cur_thread] = account
- def unregisterthread(self, thr):
- """Unregister a thread as being associated with an account name."""
- if thr in self.threadaccounts:
- del self.threadaccounts[thr]
- self.debug('thread', "Unregister thread '%s'" % thr.name)
- def getthreadaccount(self, thr=None):
- """Get Account() for a thread (current if None)
- If no account has been registered with this thread, return 'None'."""
- if thr is None:
- thr = threading.current_thread()
- if thr in self.threadaccounts:
- return self.threadaccounts[thr]
- return None
- def debug(self, debugtype, msg):
- cur_thread = threading.current_thread()
- if cur_thread not in self.debugmessages:
- # deque(..., self.debugmsglen) would be handy but was
- # introduced in p2.6 only, so we'll need to work around and
- # shorten our debugmsg list manually :-(
- self.debugmessages[cur_thread] = deque()
- self.debugmessages[cur_thread].append("%s: %s" % (debugtype, msg))
- # Shorten queue if needed
- if len(self.debugmessages[cur_thread]) > self.debugmsglen:
- self.debugmessages[cur_thread].popleft()
- if debugtype in self.debuglist: # log if we are supposed to do so
- self.logger.debug("[%s]: %s" % (debugtype, msg))
- def add_debug(self, debugtype):
- global debugtypes
- if debugtype in debugtypes:
- if debugtype not in self.debuglist:
- self.debuglist.append(debugtype)
- self.debugging(debugtype)
- else:
- self.invaliddebug(debugtype)
- def is_debugging(self, debugtype):
- return (debugtype in self.debuglist)
- def debugging(self, debugtype):
- global debugtypes
- self.logger.debug("Now debugging for %s: %s" % (debugtype,
- debugtypes[debugtype]))
- def invaliddebug(self, debugtype):
- self.warn("Invalid debug type: %s" % debugtype)
- def getnicename(self, mobject):
- """Return the type of a repository or Folder as string.
- (IMAP, Gmail, Maildir, etc...)"""
- prelimname = mobject.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]
- # Strip off extra stuff.
- return re.sub('(Folder|Repository)', '', prelimname)
- def isusable(self):
- """Returns true if this UI object is usable in the current
- environment. For instance, an X GUI would return true if it's
- being run in X with a valid DISPLAY setting, and false otherwise."""
- return True
- def getpass(self, username, config, errmsg=None):
- raise NotImplementedError("Prompting for a password is not supported"
- " in this UI backend.")
- def folderlist(self, folder_list):
- return ', '.join(["%s[%s]" %
- (self.getnicename(x), x.getname()) for x in folder_list])
- def msgtoreadonly(self, destfolder, uid):
- if self.config.has_option('general', 'ignore-readonly') and \
- self.config.getboolean('general', 'ignore-readonly'):
- return
- self.warn("Attempted to synchronize message %d to folder %s[%s], "
- "but that folder is read-only. The message will not be "
- "copied to that folder." % (
- uid, self.getnicename(destfolder), destfolder))
- def flagstoreadonly(self, destfolder, uidlist, flags):
- if self.config.has_option('general', 'ignore-readonly') and \
- self.config.getboolean('general', 'ignore-readonly'):
- return
- self.warn("Attempted to modify flags for messages %s in folder %s[%s], "
- "but that folder is read-only. No flags have been modified "
- "for that message." % (
- str(uidlist), self.getnicename(destfolder), destfolder))
- def labelstoreadonly(self, destfolder, uidlist, labels):
- if self.config.has_option('general', 'ignore-readonly') and \
- self.config.getboolean('general', 'ignore-readonly'):
- return
- self.warn("Attempted to modify labels for messages %s in folder %s[%s], "
- "but that folder is read-only. No labels have been modified "
- "for that message." % (
- str(uidlist), self.getnicename(destfolder), destfolder))
- def deletereadonly(self, destfolder, uidlist):
- if self.config.has_option('general', 'ignore-readonly') and \
- self.config.getboolean('general', 'ignore-readonly'):
- return
- self.warn("Attempted to delete messages %s in folder %s[%s], but that "
- "folder is read-only. No messages have been deleted in that "
- "folder." % (str(uidlist), self.getnicename(destfolder),
- destfolder))
- def init_banner(self):
- """Called when the UI starts. Must be called before any other UI
- call except isusable(). Displays the copyright banner. This is
- where the UI should do its setup -- TK, for instance, would
- create the application window here."""
- pass
- def connecting(self, reposname, hostname, port):
- """Log 'Establishing connection to'."""
- if not self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
- return
- displaystr = ''
- hostname = hostname if hostname else ''
- port = "%s" % port if port else ''
- if hostname:
- displaystr = ' to %s:%s' % (hostname, port)
- self.logger.info("Establishing connection%s (%s)" %
- (displaystr, reposname))
- def acct(self, account):
- """Output that we start syncing an account (and start counting)."""
- self.acct_startimes[account] = time.time()
- self.logger.info("*** Processing account %s" % account)
- def acctdone(self, account):
- """Output that we finished syncing an account (in which time)."""
- sec = time.time() - self.acct_startimes[account]
- del self.acct_startimes[account]
- self.logger.info("*** Finished account '%s' in %d:%02d" %
- (account, sec // 60, sec % 60))
- def syncfolders(self, src_repo, dst_repo):
- """Log 'Copying folder structure...'."""
- if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
- self.debug('', "Copying folder structure from %s to %s" %
- (src_repo, dst_repo))
- # Folder syncing
- def makefolder(self, repo, foldername):
- """Called when a folder is created."""
- prefix = "[DRYRUN] " if self.dryrun else ""
- self.info(("{0}Creating folder {1}[{2}]".format(
- prefix, foldername, repo)))
- def syncingfolder(self, srcrepos, srcfolder, destrepos, destfolder):
- """Called when a folder sync operation is started."""
- self.logger.info("Syncing %s: %s -> %s" % (srcfolder,
- self.getnicename(srcrepos),
- self.getnicename(destrepos)))
- def skippingfolder(self, folder):
- """Called when a folder sync operation is started."""
- self.logger.info("Skipping %s (not changed)" % folder)
- def validityproblem(self, folder):
- self.uidval_problem = True
- self.logger.warning("UID validity problem for folder %s (repo %s) "
- "(saved %d; got %d); skipping it. Please see FAQ "
- "and manual on how to handle this." %
- (folder, folder.getrepository(),
- folder.get_saveduidvalidity(), folder.get_uidvalidity()))
- def loadmessagelist(self, repos, folder):
- self.logger.debug("Loading message list for %s[%s]" % (
- self.getnicename(repos),
- folder))
- def messagelistloaded(self, repos, folder, count):
- self.logger.debug("Message list for %s[%s] loaded: %d messages" % (
- self.getnicename(repos), folder, count))
- # Message syncing
- def syncingmessages(self, sr, srcfolder, dr, dstfolder):
- self.logger.debug("Syncing messages %s[%s] -> %s[%s]" % (
- self.getnicename(sr), srcfolder,
- self.getnicename(dr), dstfolder))
- def ignorecopyingmessage(self, uid, src, destfolder):
- """Output a log line stating which message is ignored."""
- self.logger.info("IGNORED: Copy message UID %s %s:%s -> %s" % (
- uid, src.repository, src, destfolder.repository))
- def copyingmessage(self, uid, num, num_to_copy, src, destfolder):
- """Output a log line stating which message we copy."""
- self.logger.info("Copy message UID %s (%d/%d) %s:%s -> %s:%s" % (
- uid, num, num_to_copy, src.repository, src,
- destfolder.repository, destfolder))
- def deletingmessages(self, uidlist, destlist):
- ds = self.folderlist(destlist)
- prefix = "[DRYRUN] " if self.dryrun else ""
- self.info("{0}Deleting {1} messages ({2}) in {3}".format(
- prefix, len(uidlist),
- offlineimap.imaputil.uid_sequence(uidlist), ds))
- def addingflags(self, uidlist, flags, dest):
- self.logger.info("Adding flag %s to %d messages on %s" % (
- ", ".join(flags), len(uidlist), dest))
- def deletingflags(self, uidlist, flags, dest):
- self.logger.info("Deleting flag %s from %d messages on %s" % (
- ", ".join(flags), len(uidlist), dest))
- def addinglabels(self, uidlist, label, dest):
- self.logger.info("Adding label %s to %d messages on %s" % (
- label, len(uidlist), dest))
- def deletinglabels(self, uidlist, label, dest):
- self.logger.info("Deleting label %s from %d messages on %s" % (
- label, len(uidlist), dest))
- def settinglabels(self, uid, num, num_to_set, labels, dest):
- self.logger.info("Setting labels to message %d on %s (%d of %d): %s" % (
- uid, dest, num, num_to_set, ", ".join(labels)))
- def collectingdata(self, uidlist, source):
- if uidlist:
- self.logger.info("Collecting data from %d messages on %s" % (
- len(uidlist), source))
- else:
- self.logger.info("Collecting data from messages on %s" % source)
- def serverdiagnostics(self, repository, rtype):
- """Connect to repository and output useful information for debugging."""
- conn = None
- self._msg("%s repository '%s': type '%s'" % (rtype, repository.name,
- self.getnicename(repository)))
- try:
- if hasattr(repository, 'gethost'): # IMAP
- self._msg("Host: %s Port: %s SSL: %s" % (repository.gethost(),
- repository.getport(), repository.getssl()))
- try:
- conn = repository.imapserver.acquireconnection()
- except OfflineImapError as e:
- self._msg("Failed to connect. Reason %s" % e)
- else:
- if 'ID' in conn.capabilities:
- self._msg("Server supports ID extension.")
- # TODO: Debug and make below working, it hangs Gmail
- # res_type, response = conn.id((
- # 'name', offlineimap.__productname__,
- # 'version', offlineimap.__version__))
- # self._msg("Server ID: %s %s" % (res_type, response[0]))
- self._msg("Server welcome string: %s" % str(conn.welcome))
- self._msg("Server capabilities: %s\n" % str(conn.capabilities))
- repository.imapserver.releaseconnection(conn)
- if rtype != 'Status':
- folderfilter = repository.getconf('folderfilter', None)
- if folderfilter:
- self._msg("folderfilter= %s\n" % folderfilter)
- folderincludes = repository.getconf('folderincludes', None)
- if folderincludes:
- self._msg("folderincludes= %s\n" % folderincludes)
- nametrans = repository.getconf('nametrans', None)
- if nametrans:
- self._msg("nametrans= %s\n" % nametrans)
- folders = repository.getfolders()
- foldernames = [(f.name, f.getvisiblename(), f.sync_this)
- for f in folders]
- folders = []
- for name, visiblename, sync_this in foldernames:
- syncstr = "" if sync_this else " (disabled)"
- if name == visiblename:
- folders.append("%s%s" % (name,
- syncstr))
- else:
- folders.append("%s -> %s%s" % (name,
- visiblename, syncstr))
- self._msg("Folderlist:\n %s\n" % "\n ".join(folders))
- finally:
- if conn: # release any existing IMAP connection
- repository.imapserver.close()
- def savemessage(self, debugtype, uid, flags, folder):
- """Output a log line stating that we save a msg."""
- self.debug(debugtype, "Write mail '%s:%d' with flags %s" %
- (folder, uid, repr(flags)))
- # Threads
- def getThreadDebugLog(self, thread):
- if thread in self.debugmessages:
- message = "\nLast %d debug messages logged for %s prior to exception:\n" \
- % (len(self.debugmessages[thread]), thread.name)
- message += "\n".join(self.debugmessages[thread])
- else:
- message = "\nNo debug messages were logged for %s." % \
- thread.name
- return message
- def delThreadDebugLog(self, thread):
- if thread in self.debugmessages:
- del self.debugmessages[thread]
- def getThreadExceptionString(self, thread):
- message = "Thread '%s' terminated with exception:\n%s" % \
- (thread.name, thread.exit_stacktrace)
- message += "\n" + self.getThreadDebugLog(thread)
- return message
- def threadException(self, thread):
- """Called when a thread has terminated with an exception.
- The argument is the ExitNotifyThread that has so terminated."""
- self.warn(self.getThreadExceptionString(thread))
- self.delThreadDebugLog(thread)
- self.terminate(100)
- def terminate(self, exitstatus=0, errortitle=None, errormsg=None):
- """Called to terminate the application."""
- # print any exceptions that have occurred over the run
- if not self.exc_queue.empty():
- self.warn("ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!")
- if exitstatus == 0:
- exitstatus = 1
- while not self.exc_queue.empty():
- msg, exc, exc_traceback = self.exc_queue.get()
- exc_str = "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(type(exc), exc))
- if msg:
- self.warn("ERROR: %s\n %s" % (msg, exc_str))
- else:
- self.warn("ERROR: %s" % exc_str)
- if exc_traceback:
- self.warn("\nTraceback:\n%s" % "".join(
- traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)))
- if errormsg and errortitle:
- self.warn('ERROR: %s\n\n%s\n' % (errortitle, errormsg))
- elif errormsg:
- self.warn('%s\n' % errormsg)
- if self.uidval_problem:
- self.warn('At least one folder skipped due to UID validity problem')
- if exitstatus == 0:
- exitstatus = 2
- sys.exit(exitstatus)
- def threadExited(self, thread):
- """Called when a thread has exited normally.
- Many UIs will just ignore this."""
- self.delThreadDebugLog(thread)
- self.unregisterthread(thread)
- # Hooks
- def callhook(self, msg):
- if self.dryrun:
- self.info("[DRYRUN] {0}".format(msg))
- else:
- self.info(msg)
- # Other
- def sleep(self, sleepsecs, account):
- """This function does not actually output anything, but handles
- the overall sleep, dealing with updates as necessary. It will,
- however, call sleeping() which DOES output something.
- :returns: 0/False if timeout expired, 1/2/True if there is a
- request to cancel the timer.
- """
- abortsleep = False
- while sleepsecs > 0 and not abortsleep:
- if account.get_abort_event():
- abortsleep = True
- else:
- abortsleep = self.sleeping(10, sleepsecs)
- sleepsecs -= 10
- self.sleeping(0, 0) # Done sleeping.
- return abortsleep
- def sleeping(self, sleepsecs, remainingsecs):
- """Sleep for sleepsecs, display remainingsecs to go.
- Does nothing if sleepsecs <= 0.
- Display a message on the screen if we pass a full minute.
- This implementation in UIBase does not support this, but some
- implementations return 0 for successful sleep and 1 for an
- 'abort', ie a request to sync immediately.
- """
- if sleepsecs > 0:
- if remainingsecs // 60 != (remainingsecs - sleepsecs) // 60:
- self.logger.debug("Next refresh in %.1f minutes" % (
- remainingsecs / 60.0))
- time.sleep(sleepsecs)
- return 0