server.yml 15 KB

  1. # ntfy server config file
  2. #
  3. # Please refer to the documentation at for details.
  4. # All options also support underscores (_) instead of dashes (-) to comply with the YAML spec.
  5. # Public facing base URL of the service (e.g. or
  6. #
  7. # This setting is required for any of the following features:
  8. # - attachments (to return a download URL)
  9. # - e-mail sending (for the topic URL in the email footer)
  10. # - iOS push notifications for self-hosted servers (to calculate the Firebase poll_request topic)
  11. # - Matrix Push Gateway (to validate that the pushkey is correct)
  12. #
  13. # base-url:
  14. # Listen address for the HTTP & HTTPS web server. If "listen-https" is set, you must also
  15. # set "key-file" and "cert-file". Format: [<ip>]:<port>, e.g. "".
  16. #
  17. # To listen on all interfaces, you may omit the IP address, e.g. ":443".
  18. # To disable HTTP, set "listen-http" to "-".
  19. #
  20. # listen-http: ":80"
  21. # listen-https:
  22. # Listen on a Unix socket, e.g. /var/lib/ntfy/ntfy.sock
  23. # This can be useful to avoid port issues on local systems, and to simplify permissions.
  24. #
  25. # listen-unix: <socket-path>
  26. # listen-unix-mode: <linux permissions, e.g. 0700>
  27. # Path to the private key & cert file for the HTTPS web server. Not used if "listen-https" is not set.
  28. #
  29. # key-file: <filename>
  30. # cert-file: <filename>
  31. # If set, also publish messages to a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) topic for your app.
  32. # This is optional and only required to save battery when using the Android app.
  33. #
  34. # firebase-key-file: <filename>
  35. # If "cache-file" is set, messages are cached in a local SQLite database instead of only in-memory.
  36. # This allows for service restarts without losing messages in support of the since= parameter.
  37. #
  38. # The "cache-duration" parameter defines the duration for which messages will be buffered
  39. # before they are deleted. This is required to support the "since=..." and "poll=1" parameter.
  40. # To disable the cache entirely (on-disk/in-memory), set "cache-duration" to 0.
  41. # The cache file is created automatically, provided that the correct permissions are set.
  42. #
  43. # The "cache-startup-queries" parameter allows you to run commands when the database is initialized,
  44. # e.g. to enable WAL mode (see
  45. # Example:
  46. # cache-startup-queries: |
  47. # pragma journal_mode = WAL;
  48. # pragma synchronous = normal;
  49. # pragma temp_store = memory;
  50. # pragma busy_timeout = 15000;
  51. # vacuum;
  52. #
  53. # The "cache-batch-size" and "cache-batch-timeout" parameter allow enabling async batch writing
  54. # of messages. If set, messages will be queued and written to the database in batches of the given
  55. # size, or after the given timeout. This is only required for high volume servers.
  56. #
  57. # Debian/RPM package users:
  58. # Use /var/cache/ntfy/cache.db as cache file to avoid permission issues. The package
  59. # creates this folder for you.
  60. #
  61. # Check your permissions:
  62. # If you are running ntfy with systemd, make sure this cache file is owned by the
  63. # ntfy user and group by running: chown ntfy.ntfy <filename>.
  64. #
  65. # cache-file: <filename>
  66. # cache-duration: "12h"
  67. # cache-startup-queries:
  68. # cache-batch-size: 0
  69. # cache-batch-timeout: "0ms"
  70. # If set, access to the ntfy server and API can be controlled on a granular level using
  71. # the 'ntfy user' and 'ntfy access' commands. See the --help pages for details, or check the docs.
  72. #
  73. # - auth-file is the SQLite user/access database; it is created automatically if it doesn't already exist
  74. # - auth-default-access defines the default/fallback access if no access control entry is found; it can be
  75. # set to "read-write" (default), "read-only", "write-only" or "deny-all".
  76. # - auth-startup-queries allows you to run commands when the database is initialized, e.g. to enable
  77. # WAL mode. This is similar to cache-startup-queries. See above for details.
  78. #
  79. # Debian/RPM package users:
  80. # Use /var/lib/ntfy/user.db as user database to avoid permission issues. The package
  81. # creates this folder for you.
  82. #
  83. # Check your permissions:
  84. # If you are running ntfy with systemd, make sure this user database file is owned by the
  85. # ntfy user and group by running: chown ntfy.ntfy <filename>.
  86. #
  87. # auth-file: <filename>
  88. # auth-default-access: "read-write"
  89. # auth-startup-queries:
  90. # If set, the X-Forwarded-For header is used to determine the visitor IP address
  91. # instead of the remote address of the connection.
  92. #
  93. # WARNING: If you are behind a proxy, you must set this, otherwise all visitors are rate limited
  94. # as if they are one.
  95. #
  96. # behind-proxy: false
  97. # If enabled, clients can attach files to notifications as attachments. Minimum settings to enable attachments
  98. # are "attachment-cache-dir" and "base-url".
  99. #
  100. # - attachment-cache-dir is the cache directory for attached files
  101. # - attachment-total-size-limit is the limit of the on-disk attachment cache directory (total size)
  102. # - attachment-file-size-limit is the per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M)
  103. # - attachment-expiry-duration is the duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h)
  104. #
  105. # attachment-cache-dir:
  106. # attachment-total-size-limit: "5G"
  107. # attachment-file-size-limit: "15M"
  108. # attachment-expiry-duration: "3h"
  109. # If enabled, allow outgoing e-mail notifications via the 'X-Email' header. If this header is set,
  110. # messages will additionally be sent out as e-mail using an external SMTP server.
  111. #
  112. # As of today, only SMTP servers with plain text auth (or no auth at all), and STARTLS are supported.
  113. # Please also refer to the rate limiting settings below (visitor-email-limit-burst & visitor-email-limit-burst).
  114. #
  115. # - smtp-sender-addr is the hostname:port of the SMTP server
  116. # - smtp-sender-from is the e-mail address of the sender
  117. # - smtp-sender-user/smtp-sender-pass are the username and password of the SMTP user (leave blank for no auth)
  118. #
  119. # smtp-sender-addr:
  120. # smtp-sender-from:
  121. # smtp-sender-user:
  122. # smtp-sender-pass:
  123. # If enabled, ntfy will launch a lightweight SMTP server for incoming messages. Once configured, users can send
  124. # emails to a topic e-mail address to publish messages to a topic.
  125. #
  126. # - smtp-server-listen defines the IP address and port the SMTP server will listen on, e.g. :25 or
  127. # - smtp-server-domain is the e-mail domain, e.g.
  128. # - smtp-server-addr-prefix is an optional prefix for the e-mail addresses to prevent spam. If set to "ntfy-",
  129. # for instance, only e-mails to ntfy-$ will be accepted. If this is not set, all emails to
  130. # $ will be accepted (which may obviously be a spam problem).
  131. #
  132. # smtp-server-listen:
  133. # smtp-server-domain:
  134. # smtp-server-addr-prefix:
  135. # If enabled, ntfy can perform voice calls via Twilio via the "X-Call" header.
  136. #
  137. # - twilio-account is the Twilio account SID, e.g. AC12345beefbeef67890beefbeef122586
  138. # - twilio-auth-token is the Twilio auth token, e.g. affebeef258625862586258625862586
  139. # - twilio-phone-number is the outgoing phone number you purchased, e.g. +18775132586
  140. # - twilio-verify-service is the Twilio Verify service SID, e.g. VA12345beefbeef67890beefbeef122586
  141. #
  142. # twilio-account:
  143. # twilio-auth-token:
  144. # twilio-phone-number:
  145. # twilio-verify-service:
  146. # Interval in which keepalive messages are sent to the client. This is to prevent
  147. # intermediaries closing the connection for inactivity.
  148. #
  149. # Note that the Android app has a hardcoded timeout at 77s, so it should be less than that.
  150. #
  151. # keepalive-interval: "45s"
  152. # Interval in which the manager prunes old messages, deletes topics
  153. # and prints the stats.
  154. #
  155. # manager-interval: "1m"
  156. # Defines topic names that are not allowed, because they are otherwise used. There are a few default topics
  157. # that cannot be used (e.g. app, account, settings, ...). To extend the default list, define them here.
  158. #
  159. # Example:
  160. # disallowed-topics:
  161. # - about
  162. # - pricing
  163. # - contact
  164. #
  165. # disallowed-topics:
  166. # Defines the root path of the web app, or disables the web app entirely.
  167. #
  168. # Can be any simple path, e.g. "/", "/app", or "/ntfy". For backwards-compatibility reasons,
  169. # the values "app" (maps to "/"), "home" (maps to "/app"), or "disable" (maps to "") to disable
  170. # the web app entirely.
  171. #
  172. # web-root: /
  173. # Various feature flags used to control the web app, and API access, mainly around user and
  174. # account management.
  175. #
  176. # - enable-signup allows users to sign up via the web app, or API
  177. # - enable-login allows users to log in via the web app, or API
  178. # - enable-reservations allows users to reserve topics (if their tier allows it)
  179. #
  180. # enable-signup: false
  181. # enable-login: false
  182. # enable-reservations: false
  183. # Server URL of a Firebase/APNS-connected ntfy server (likely "").
  184. #
  185. # iOS users:
  186. # If you use the iOS ntfy app, you MUST configure this to receive timely notifications. You'll like want this:
  187. # upstream-base-url: ""
  188. #
  189. # If set, all incoming messages will publish a "poll_request" message to the configured upstream server, containing
  190. # the message ID of the original message, instructing the iOS app to poll this server for the actual message contents.
  191. # This is to prevent the upstream server and Firebase/APNS from being able to read the message.
  192. #
  193. # - upstream-base-url is the base URL of the upstream server. Should be "".
  194. # - upstream-access-token is the token used to authenticate with the upstream server. This is only required
  195. # if you exceed the upstream rate limits, or the uptream server requires authentication.
  196. #
  197. # upstream-base-url:
  198. # upstream-access-token:
  199. # Rate limiting: Total number of topics before the server rejects new topics.
  200. #
  201. # global-topic-limit: 15000
  202. # Rate limiting: Number of subscriptions per visitor (IP address)
  203. #
  204. # visitor-subscription-limit: 30
  205. # Rate limiting: Allowed GET/PUT/POST requests per second, per visitor:
  206. # - visitor-request-limit-burst is the initial bucket of requests each visitor has
  207. # - visitor-request-limit-replenish is the rate at which the bucket is refilled
  208. # - visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts is a comma-separated list of hostnames, IPs or CIDRs to be
  209. # exempt from request rate limiting. Hostnames are resolved at the time the server is started.
  210. # Example: ",,"
  211. #
  212. # visitor-request-limit-burst: 60
  213. # visitor-request-limit-replenish: "5s"
  214. # visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts: ""
  215. # Rate limiting: Hard daily limit of messages per visitor and day. The limit is reset
  216. # every day at midnight UTC. If the limit is not set (or set to zero), the request
  217. # limit (see above) governs the upper limit.
  218. #
  219. # visitor-message-daily-limit: 0
  220. # Rate limiting: Allowed emails per visitor:
  221. # - visitor-email-limit-burst is the initial bucket of emails each visitor has
  222. # - visitor-email-limit-replenish is the rate at which the bucket is refilled
  223. #
  224. # visitor-email-limit-burst: 16
  225. # visitor-email-limit-replenish: "1h"
  226. # Rate limiting: Attachment size and bandwidth limits per visitor:
  227. # - visitor-attachment-total-size-limit is the total storage limit used for attachments per visitor
  228. # - visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit is the total daily attachment download/upload traffic limit per visitor
  229. #
  230. # visitor-attachment-total-size-limit: "100M"
  231. # visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit: "500M"
  232. # Rate limiting: Enable subscriber-based rate limiting (mostly used for UnifiedPush)
  233. #
  234. # If enabled, subscribers may opt to have published messages counted against their own rate limits, as opposed
  235. # to the publisher's rate limits. This is especially useful to increase the amount of messages that high-volume
  236. # publishers (e.g. Matrix/Mastodon servers) are allowed to send.
  237. #
  238. # Once enabled, a client may send a "Rate-Topics: <topic1>,<topic2>,..." header when subscribing to topics via
  239. # HTTP stream, or websockets, thereby registering itself as the "rate visitor", i.e. the visitor whose rate limits
  240. # to use when publishing on this topic. Note: Setting the rate visitor requires READ-WRITE permission on the topic.
  241. #
  242. # UnifiedPush only: If this setting is enabled, publishing to UnifiedPush topics will lead to a HTTP 507 response if
  243. # no "rate visitor" has been previously registered. This is to avoid burning the publisher's "visitor-message-daily-limit".
  244. #
  245. # visitor-subscriber-rate-limiting: false
  246. # Payments integration via Stripe
  247. #
  248. # - stripe-secret-key is the key used for the Stripe API communication. Setting this values
  249. # enables payments in the ntfy web app (e.g. Upgrade dialog). See
  250. # - stripe-webhook-key is the key required to validate the authenticity of incoming webhooks from Stripe.
  251. # Webhooks are essential up keep the local database in sync with the payment provider. See
  252. # - billing-contact is an email address or website displayed in the "Upgrade tier" dialog to let people reach
  253. # out with billing questions. If unset, nothing will be displayed.
  254. #
  255. # stripe-secret-key:
  256. # stripe-webhook-key:
  257. # billing-contact:
  258. # Metrics
  259. #
  260. # ntfy can expose Prometheus-style metrics via a /metrics endpoint, or on a dedicated listen IP/port.
  261. # Metrics may be considered sensitive information, so before you enable them, be sure you know what you are
  262. # doing, and/or secure access to the endpoint in your reverse proxy.
  263. #
  264. # - enable-metrics enables the /metrics endpoint for the default ntfy server (i.e. HTTP, HTTPS and/or Unix socket)
  265. # - metrics-listen-http exposes the metrics endpoint via a dedicated [IP]:port. If set, this option implicitly
  266. # enables metrics as well, e.g. "" or ":9090"
  267. #
  268. # enable-metrics: false
  269. # metrics-listen-http:
  270. # Profiling
  271. #
  272. # ntfy can expose Go's net/http/pprof endpoints to support profiling of the ntfy server. If enabled, ntfy will listen
  273. # on a dedicated listen IP/port, which can be accessed via the web browser on http://<ip>:<port>/debug/pprof/.
  274. # This can be helpful to expose bottlenecks, and visualize call flows. See for details.
  275. #
  276. # profile-listen-http:
  277. # Logging options
  278. #
  279. # By default, ntfy logs to the console (stderr), with an "info" log level, and in a human-readable text format.
  280. # ntfy supports five different log levels, can also write to a file, log as JSON, and even supports granular
  281. # log level overrides for easier debugging. Some options (log-level and log-level-overrides) can be hot reloaded
  282. # by calling "kill -HUP $pid" or "systemctl reload ntfy".
  283. #
  284. # - log-format defines the output format, can be "text" (default) or "json"
  285. # - log-file is a filename to write logs to. If this is not set, ntfy logs to stderr.
  286. # - log-level defines the default log level, can be one of "trace", "debug", "info" (default), "warn" or "error".
  287. # Be aware that "debug" (and particularly "trace") can be VERY CHATTY. Only turn them on briefly for debugging purposes.
  288. # - log-level-overrides lets you override the log level if certain fields match. This is incredibly powerful
  289. # for debugging certain parts of the system (e.g. only the account management, or only a certain visitor).
  290. # This is an array of strings in the format:
  291. # - "field=value -> level" to match a value exactly, e.g. "tag=manager -> trace"
  292. # - "field -> level" to match any value, e.g. "time_taken_ms -> debug"
  293. # Warning: Using log-level-overrides has a performance penalty. Only use it for temporary debugging.
  294. #
  295. # Example (good for production):
  296. # log-level: info
  297. # log-format: json
  298. # log-file: /var/log/ntfy.log
  299. #
  300. # Example level overrides (for debugging, only use temporarily):
  301. # log-level-overrides:
  302. # - "tag=manager -> trace"
  303. # - "visitor_ip= -> debug"
  304. # - "time_taken_ms -> debug"
  305. #
  306. # log-level: info
  307. # log-level-overrides:
  308. # log-format: text
  309. # log-file: