123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218 |
- //go:build !noserver
- package cmd
- import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/urfave/cli/v2"
- "heckel.io/ntfy/auth"
- "heckel.io/ntfy/util"
- )
- func init() {
- commands = append(commands, cmdAccess)
- }
- const (
- userEveryone = "everyone"
- )
- var flagsAccess = append(
- userCommandFlags(),
- &cli.BoolFlag{Name: "reset", Aliases: []string{"r"}, Usage: "reset access for user (and topic)"},
- )
- var cmdAccess = &cli.Command{
- Name: "access",
- Usage: "Grant/revoke access to a topic, or show access",
- UsageText: "ntfy access [USERNAME [TOPIC [PERMISSION]]]",
- Flags: flagsAccess,
- Before: initConfigFileInputSourceFunc("config", flagsAccess),
- Action: execUserAccess,
- Category: categoryServer,
- Description: `Manage the access control list for the ntfy server.
- This is a server-only command. It directly manages the user.db as defined in the server config
- file server.yml. The command only works if 'auth-file' is properly defined. Please also refer
- to the related command 'ntfy user'.
- The command allows you to show the access control list, as well as change it, depending on how
- it is called.
- Usage:
- ntfy access # Shows access control list (alias: 'ntfy user list')
- ntfy access USERNAME # Shows access control entries for USERNAME
- ntfy access USERNAME TOPIC PERMISSION # Allow/deny access for USERNAME to TOPIC
- Arguments:
- USERNAME an existing user, as created with 'ntfy user add', or "everyone"/"*"
- to define access rules for anonymous/unauthenticated clients
- TOPIC name of a topic with optional wildcards, e.g. "mytopic*"
- PERMISSION one of the following:
- - read-write (alias: rw)
- - read-only (aliases: read, ro)
- - write-only (aliases: write, wo)
- - deny (alias: none)
- Examples:
- ntfy access # Shows access control list (alias: 'ntfy user list')
- ntfy access phil # Shows access for user phil
- ntfy access phil mytopic rw # Allow read-write access to mytopic for user phil
- ntfy access everyone mytopic rw # Allow anonymous read-write access to mytopic
- ntfy access everyone "up*" write # Allow anonymous write-only access to topics "up..."
- ntfy access --reset # Reset entire access control list
- ntfy access --reset phil # Reset all access for user phil
- ntfy access --reset phil mytopic # Reset access for user phil and topic mytopic
- `,
- }
- func execUserAccess(c *cli.Context) error {
- if c.NArg() > 3 {
- return errors.New("too many arguments, please check 'ntfy access --help' for usage details")
- }
- manager, err := createAuthManager(c)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- username := c.Args().Get(0)
- if username == userEveryone {
- username = auth.Everyone
- }
- topic := c.Args().Get(1)
- perms := c.Args().Get(2)
- reset := c.Bool("reset")
- if reset {
- if perms != "" {
- return errors.New("too many arguments, please check 'ntfy access --help' for usage details")
- }
- return resetAccess(c, manager, username, topic)
- } else if perms == "" {
- if topic != "" {
- return errors.New("invalid syntax, please check 'ntfy access --help' for usage details")
- }
- return showAccess(c, manager, username)
- }
- return changeAccess(c, manager, username, topic, perms)
- }
- func changeAccess(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager, username string, topic string, perms string) error {
- if !util.InStringList([]string{"", "read-write", "rw", "read-only", "read", "ro", "write-only", "write", "wo", "none", "deny"}, perms) {
- return errors.New("permission must be one of: read-write, read-only, write-only, or deny (or the aliases: read, ro, write, wo, none)")
- }
- read := util.InStringList([]string{"read-write", "rw", "read-only", "read", "ro"}, perms)
- write := util.InStringList([]string{"read-write", "rw", "write-only", "write", "wo"}, perms)
- user, err := manager.User(username)
- if err == auth.ErrNotFound {
- return fmt.Errorf("user %s does not exist", username)
- } else if user.Role == auth.RoleAdmin {
- return fmt.Errorf("user %s is an admin user, access control entries have no effect", username)
- }
- if err := manager.AllowAccess(username, topic, read, write); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if read && write {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "granted read-write access to topic %s\n\n", topic)
- } else if read {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "granted read-only access to topic %s\n\n", topic)
- } else if write {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "granted write-only access to topic %s\n\n", topic)
- } else {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "revoked all access to topic %s\n\n", topic)
- }
- return showUserAccess(c, manager, username)
- }
- func resetAccess(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager, username, topic string) error {
- if username == "" {
- return resetAllAccess(c, manager)
- } else if topic == "" {
- return resetUserAccess(c, manager, username)
- }
- return resetUserTopicAccess(c, manager, username, topic)
- }
- func resetAllAccess(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager) error {
- if err := manager.ResetAccess("", ""); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintln(c.App.ErrWriter, "reset access for all users")
- return nil
- }
- func resetUserAccess(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager, username string) error {
- if err := manager.ResetAccess(username, ""); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "reset access for user %s\n\n", username)
- return showUserAccess(c, manager, username)
- }
- func resetUserTopicAccess(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager, username string, topic string) error {
- if err := manager.ResetAccess(username, topic); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "reset access for user %s and topic %s\n\n", username, topic)
- return showUserAccess(c, manager, username)
- }
- func showAccess(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager, username string) error {
- if username == "" {
- return showAllAccess(c, manager)
- }
- return showUserAccess(c, manager, username)
- }
- func showAllAccess(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager) error {
- users, err := manager.Users()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return showUsers(c, manager, users)
- }
- func showUserAccess(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager, username string) error {
- users, err := manager.User(username)
- if err == auth.ErrNotFound {
- return fmt.Errorf("user %s does not exist", username)
- } else if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return showUsers(c, manager, []*auth.User{users})
- }
- func showUsers(c *cli.Context, manager auth.Manager, users []*auth.User) error {
- for _, user := range users {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "user %s (%s)\n", user.Name, user.Role)
- if user.Role == auth.RoleAdmin {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "- read-write access to all topics (admin role)\n")
- } else if len(user.Grants) > 0 {
- for _, grant := range user.Grants {
- if grant.AllowRead && grant.AllowWrite {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "- read-write access to topic %s\n", grant.TopicPattern)
- } else if grant.AllowRead {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "- read-only access to topic %s\n", grant.TopicPattern)
- } else if grant.AllowWrite {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "- write-only access to topic %s\n", grant.TopicPattern)
- } else {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "- no access to topic %s\n", grant.TopicPattern)
- }
- }
- } else {
- fmt.Fprintf(c.App.ErrWriter, "- no topic-specific permissions\n")
- }
- if user.Name == auth.Everyone {
- defaultRead, defaultWrite := manager.DefaultAccess()
- if defaultRead && defaultWrite {
- fmt.Fprintln(c.App.ErrWriter, "- read-write access to all (other) topics (server config)")
- } else if defaultRead {
- fmt.Fprintln(c.App.ErrWriter, "- read-only access to all (other) topics (server config)")
- } else if defaultWrite {
- fmt.Fprintln(c.App.ErrWriter, "- write-only access to all (other) topics (server config)")
- } else {
- fmt.Fprintln(c.App.ErrWriter, "- no access to any (other) topics (server config)")
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
- }