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- site_name: ntfy
- site_url: https://ntfy.sh
- site_description: Send push notifications to your phone via PUT/POST
- copyright: Made with ❤️ by Philipp C. Heckel
- repo_name: binwiederhier/ntfy
- repo_url: https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy
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- nav:
- - "Getting started": index.md
- - "Publishing":
- - "Sending messages": publish.md
- - "Subscribing":
- - "From your phone": subscribe/phone.md
- - "From the Web UI": subscribe/web.md
- - "From the CLI": subscribe/cli.md
- - "Using the API": subscribe/api.md
- - "Self-hosting":
- - "Installation": install.md
- - "Configuration": config.md
- - "Other things":
- - "FAQs": faq.md
- - "Examples": examples.md
- - "Integrations + projects": integrations.md
- - "Release notes": releases.md
- - "Emojis 🥳 🎉": emojis.md
- - "Known issues": known-issues.md
- - "Deprecation notices": deprecations.md
- - "Development": develop.md
- - "Privacy policy": privacy.md