@@ -130,19 +130,21 @@ notification popups:
Here's a list of extras you can access. Most likely, you'll want to filter for `topic` and react on `message`:
-| Extra name | Type | Example | Description |
-| `id` | *string* | `bP8dMjO8ig` | Randomly chosen message identifier (likely not very useful for task automation) |
-| `base_url` | *string* | `https://ntfy.sh` | Root URL of the ntfy server this message came from |
-| `topic` ❤️ | *string* | `mytopic` | Topic name; **you'll likely want to filter for a specific topic** |
-| `muted` | *bool* | `true` | Indicates whether the subscription was muted in the app |
-| `muted_str` | *string (`true` or `false`)* | `true` | Same as `muted`, but as string `true` or `false` |
-| `time` | *int* | `1635528741` | Message date time, as Unix time stamp |
-| `title` | *string* | `Some title` | Message [title](../publish.md#message-title); may be empty if not set |
-| `message` ❤️ | *string* | `Some message` | Message body; **this is likely what you're interested in** |
-| `tags` | *string* | `tag1,tag2,..` | Comma-separated list of [tags](../publish.md#tags-emojis) |
-| `tags_map` | *string* | `0=tag1,1=tag2,..` | Map of tags to make it easier to map first, second, ... tag |
-| `priority` | *int (between 1-5)* | `4` | Message [priority](../publish.md#message-priority) with 1=min, 3=default and 5=max |
+| Extra name | Type | Example | Description |
+| `id` | *String* | `bP8dMjO8ig` | Randomly chosen message identifier (likely not very useful for task automation) |
+| `base_url` | *String* | `https://ntfy.sh` | Root URL of the ntfy server this message came from |
+| `topic` ❤️ | *String* | `mytopic` | Topic name; **you'll likely want to filter for a specific topic** |
+| `muted` | *Boolean* | `true` | Indicates whether the subscription was muted in the app |
+| `muted_str` | *String (`true` or `false`)* | `true` | Same as `muted`, but as string `true` or `false` |
+| `time` | *Int* | `1635528741` | Message date time, as Unix time stamp |
+| `title` | *String* | `Some title` | Message [title](../publish.md#message-title); may be empty if not set |
+| `message` ❤️ | *String* | `Some message` | Message body; **this is likely what you're interested in** |
+| `message_bytes` | *ByteArray* | `(binary data)` | Message body as binary data |
+| `encoding`️ | *String* | - | Message encoding (empty or "base64") |
+| `tags` | *String* | `tag1,tag2,..` | Comma-separated list of [tags](../publish.md#tags-emojis) |
+| `tags_map` | *String* | `0=tag1,1=tag2,..` | Map of tags to make it easier to map first, second, ... tag |
+| `priority` | *Int (between 1-5)* | `4` | Message [priority](../publish.md#message-priority) with 1=min, 3=default and 5=max |
#### Send messages using intents
To send messages from other apps (such as [MacroDroid](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.arlosoft.macrodroid)
@@ -164,14 +166,14 @@ Here's what that looks like:
The following intent extras are supported when for the intent with the `io.heckel.ntfy.SEND_MESSAGE` action:
-| Extra name | Required | Type | Example | Description |
-| `base_url` | - | *string* | `https://ntfy.sh` | Root URL of the ntfy server this message came from, defaults to `https://ntfy.sh` |
-| `topic` ❤️ | ✔ | *string* | `mytopic` | Topic name; **you must set this** |
-| `title` | - | *string* | `Some title` | Message [title](../publish.md#message-title); may be empty if not set |
-| `message` ❤️ | ✔ | *string* | `Some message` | Message body; **you must set this** |
-| `tags` | - | *string* | `tag1,tag2,..` | Comma-separated list of [tags](../publish.md#tags-emojis) |
-| `priority` | - | *string or int (between 1-5)* | `4` | Message [priority](../publish.md#message-priority) with 1=min, 3=default and 5=max |
+| Extra name | Required | Type | Example | Description |
+| `base_url` | - | *String* | `https://ntfy.sh` | Root URL of the ntfy server this message came from, defaults to `https://ntfy.sh` |
+| `topic` ❤️ | ✔ | *String* | `mytopic` | Topic name; **you must set this** |
+| `title` | - | *String* | `Some title` | Message [title](../publish.md#message-title); may be empty if not set |
+| `message` ❤️ | ✔ | *String* | `Some message` | Message body; **you must set this** |
+| `tags` | - | *String* | `tag1,tag2,..` | Comma-separated list of [tags](../publish.md#tags-emojis) |
+| `priority` | - | *String or Int (between 1-5)* | `4` | Message [priority](../publish.md#message-priority) with 1=min, 3=default and 5=max |
## iPhone/iOS
I almost feel devious for putting the *Download on the App Store* button on this page. Currently, there is no iOS app