@@ -263,24 +263,24 @@ func (s *Server) handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (s *Server) handleInternal(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visitor) error {
- if r.Method == http.MethodGet && r.URL.Path == "/" && s.config.EnableWeb {
- return s.handleHome(w, r)
- } else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && r.URL.Path == "/example.html" && s.config.EnableWeb {
- return s.handleExample(w, r)
+ if r.Method == http.MethodGet && r.URL.Path == "/" {
+ return s.ensureWebEnabled(s.handleHome)(w, r, v)
+ } else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && r.URL.Path == "/example.html" {
+ return s.ensureWebEnabled(s.handleExample)(w, r, v)
} else if r.Method == http.MethodHead && r.URL.Path == "/" {
- return s.handleEmpty(w, r, v)
- } else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && r.URL.Path == webConfigPath && s.config.EnableWeb {
- return s.handleWebConfig(w, r)
+ return s.ensureWebEnabled(s.handleEmpty)(w, r, v)
+ } else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && r.URL.Path == webConfigPath {
+ return s.ensureWebEnabled(s.handleWebConfig)(w, r, v)
} else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && r.URL.Path == userStatsPath {
return s.handleUserStats(w, r, v)
- } else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && staticRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path) && s.config.EnableWeb {
- return s.handleStatic(w, r)
- } else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && docsRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path) && s.config.EnableWeb {
- return s.handleDocs(w, r)
+ } else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && staticRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path) {
+ return s.ensureWebEnabled(s.handleStatic)(w, r, v)
+ } else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && docsRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path) {
+ return s.ensureWebEnabled(s.handleDocs)(w, r, v)
} else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && fileRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path) && s.config.AttachmentCacheDir != "" {
return s.limitRequests(s.handleFile)(w, r, v)
} else if r.Method == http.MethodOptions {
- return s.handleOptions(w, r)
+ return s.ensureWebEnabled(s.handleOptions)(w, r, v)
} else if (r.Method == http.MethodPut || r.Method == http.MethodPost) && r.URL.Path == "/" {
return s.limitRequests(s.transformBodyJSON(s.authWrite(s.handlePublish)))(w, r, v)
} else if (r.Method == http.MethodPut || r.Method == http.MethodPost) && topicPathRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path) {
@@ -298,21 +298,21 @@ func (s *Server) handleInternal(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visit
} else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && authPathRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path) {
return s.limitRequests(s.authRead(s.handleTopicAuth))(w, r, v)
} else if r.Method == http.MethodGet && (topicPathRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path) || externalTopicPathRegex.MatchString(r.URL.Path)) {
- return s.handleTopic(w, r)
+ return s.ensureWebEnabled(s.handleTopic)(w, r, v)
return errHTTPNotFound
-func (s *Server) handleHome(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
+func (s *Server) handleHome(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visitor) error {
if s.config.WebRootIsApp {
r.URL.Path = webAppIndex
} else {
r.URL.Path = webHomeIndex
- return s.handleStatic(w, r)
+ return s.handleStatic(w, r, v)
-func (s *Server) handleTopic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
+func (s *Server) handleTopic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visitor) error {
unifiedpush := readBoolParam(r, false, "x-unifiedpush", "unifiedpush", "up") // see PUT/POST too!
if unifiedpush {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ func (s *Server) handleTopic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
return err
r.URL.Path = webAppIndex
- return s.handleStatic(w, r)
+ return s.handleStatic(w, r, v)
func (s *Server) handleEmpty(_ http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ *visitor) error {
@@ -335,12 +335,12 @@ func (s *Server) handleTopicAuth(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ *visi
return err
-func (s *Server) handleExample(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) error {
+func (s *Server) handleExample(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ *visitor) error {
_, err := io.WriteString(w, exampleSource)
return err
-func (s *Server) handleWebConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
+func (s *Server) handleWebConfig(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ *visitor) error {
appRoot := "/"
if !s.config.WebRootIsApp {
appRoot = "/app"
@@ -368,13 +368,13 @@ func (s *Server) handleUserStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visi
return nil
-func (s *Server) handleStatic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
+func (s *Server) handleStatic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ *visitor) error {
r.URL.Path = webSiteDir + r.URL.Path
util.Gzip(http.FileServer(http.FS(webFsCached))).ServeHTTP(w, r)
return nil
-func (s *Server) handleDocs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
+func (s *Server) handleDocs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ *visitor) error {
util.Gzip(http.FileServer(http.FS(docsStaticCached))).ServeHTTP(w, r)
return nil
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ func parseSince(r *http.Request, poll bool) (sinceMarker, error) {
return sinceNoMessages, errHTTPBadRequestSinceInvalid
-func (s *Server) handleOptions(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) error {
+func (s *Server) handleOptions(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ *visitor) error {
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, PUT, POST")
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") // CORS, allow cross-origin requests
w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*") // CORS, allow auth via JS // FIXME is this terrible?
@@ -1119,6 +1119,15 @@ func (s *Server) limitRequests(next handleFunc) handleFunc {
+func (s *Server) ensureWebEnabled(next handleFunc) handleFunc {
+ return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visitor) error {
+ if !s.config.EnableWeb {
+ return errHTTPNotFound
+ }
+ return next(w, r, v)
+ }
// transformBodyJSON peeks the request body, reads the JSON, and converts it to headers
// before passing it on to the next handler. This is meant to be used in combination with handlePublish.
func (s *Server) transformBodyJSON(next handleFunc) handleFunc {