@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/tidwall/gjson"
@@ -397,11 +398,11 @@ func (s *Server) handlePublish(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visito
return err
m := newDefaultMessage(t.ID, "")
- cache, firebase, email, unifiedpush, err := s.parsePublishParams(r, v, m)
+ cache, firebase, email, template, unifiedpush, err := s.parsePublishParams(r, v, m)
if err != nil {
return err
- if err := s.handlePublishBody(r, v, m, body, unifiedpush); err != nil {
+ if err := s.handlePublishBody(r, v, m, body, template, unifiedpush); err != nil {
return err
if m.Message == "" {
@@ -443,7 +444,7 @@ func (s *Server) handlePublish(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *visito
return nil
-func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (cache bool, firebase bool, email string, unifiedpush bool, err error) {
+func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (cache bool, firebase bool, email string, template string, unifiedpush bool, err error) {
cache = readBoolParam(r, true, "x-cache", "cache")
firebase = readBoolParam(r, true, "x-firebase", "firebase")
m.Title = readParam(r, "x-title", "title", "t")
@@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (ca
if attach != "" {
if !attachURLRegex.MatchString(attach) {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestAttachmentURLInvalid
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPBadRequestAttachmentURLInvalid
m.Attachment.URL = attach
if m.Attachment.Name == "" {
@@ -477,11 +478,11 @@ func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (ca
email = readParam(r, "x-email", "x-e-mail", "email", "e-mail", "mail", "e")
if email != "" {
if err := v.EmailAllowed(); err != nil {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPTooManyRequestsLimitEmails
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPTooManyRequestsLimitEmails
if s.mailer == nil && email != "" {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestEmailDisabled
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPBadRequestEmailDisabled
messageStr := strings.ReplaceAll(readParam(r, "x-message", "message", "m"), "\\n", "\n")
if messageStr != "" {
@@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (ca
m.Priority, err = util.ParsePriority(readParam(r, "x-priority", "priority", "prio", "p"))
if err != nil {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestPriorityInvalid
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPBadRequestPriorityInvalid
tagsStr := readParam(r, "x-tags", "tags", "tag", "ta")
if tagsStr != "" {
@@ -501,27 +502,33 @@ func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (ca
delayStr := readParam(r, "x-delay", "delay", "x-at", "at", "x-in", "in")
if delayStr != "" {
if !cache {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayNoCache
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayNoCache
if email != "" {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayNoEmail // we cannot store the email address (yet)
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayNoEmail // we cannot store the email address (yet)
delay, err := util.ParseFutureTime(delayStr, time.Now())
if err != nil {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayCannotParse
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayCannotParse
} else if delay.Unix() < time.Now().Add(s.config.MinDelay).Unix() {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayTooSmall
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayTooSmall
} else if delay.Unix() > time.Now().Add(s.config.MaxDelay).Unix() {
- return false, false, "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayTooLarge
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errHTTPBadRequestDelayTooLarge
m.Time = delay.Unix()
+ template = readParam(r, "x-template", "template", "tpl")
+ if template != "" {
+ if template != "json" {
+ return false, false, "", "", false, errors.New("invalid template")
+ }
+ }
unifiedpush = readBoolParam(r, false, "x-unifiedpush", "unifiedpush", "up") // see GET too!
if unifiedpush {
firebase = false
unifiedpush = true
- return cache, firebase, email, unifiedpush, nil
+ return cache, firebase, email, template, unifiedpush, nil
// handlePublishBody consumes the PUT/POST body and decides whether the body is an attachment or the message.
@@ -536,15 +543,15 @@ func (s *Server) parsePublishParams(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message) (ca
// If file.txt is <= 4096 (message limit) and valid UTF-8, treat it as a message
// 5. curl -T file.txt ntfy.sh/mytopic
// If file.txt is > message limit, treat it as an attachment
-func (s *Server) handlePublishBody(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message, body *util.PeakedReadCloser, unifiedpush bool) error {
+func (s *Server) handlePublishBody(r *http.Request, v *visitor, m *message, body *util.PeakedReadCloser, template string, unifiedpush bool) error {
if unifiedpush {
return s.handleBodyAsMessageAutoDetect(m, body) // Case 1
} else if m.Attachment != nil && m.Attachment.URL != "" {
- return s.handleBodyAsTextMessage(m, body) // Case 2
+ return s.handleBodyAsTextMessage(m, body, template) // Case 2
} else if m.Attachment != nil && m.Attachment.Name != "" {
return s.handleBodyAsAttachment(r, v, m, body) // Case 3
} else if !body.LimitReached && utf8.Valid(body.PeakedBytes) {
- return s.handleBodyAsTextMessage(m, body) // Case 4
+ return s.handleBodyAsTextMessage(m, body, template) // Case 4
return s.handleBodyAsAttachment(r, v, m, body) // Case 5
@@ -559,12 +566,33 @@ func (s *Server) handleBodyAsMessageAutoDetect(m *message, body *util.PeakedRead
return nil
-func (s *Server) handleBodyAsTextMessage(m *message, body *util.PeakedReadCloser) error {
+func (s *Server) handleBodyAsTextMessage(m *message, body *util.PeakedReadCloser, template string) error {
if !utf8.Valid(body.PeakedBytes) {
return errHTTPBadRequestMessageNotUTF8
if len(body.PeakedBytes) > 0 { // Empty body should not override message (publish via GET!)
- m.Message = strings.TrimSpace(string(body.PeakedBytes)) // Truncates the message to the peak limit if required
+ peakedBody := strings.TrimSpace(string(body.PeakedBytes)) // Truncates the message to the peak limit if required
+ if template == "json" && gjson.Valid(peakedBody) {
+ r := regexp.MustCompile(`\${([^}]+)}`)
+ matches := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(m.Message, -1)
+ for _, v := range matches {
+ query := v[1]
+ result := gjson.Get(peakedBody, query)
+ if result.Exists() {
+ m.Message = strings.ReplaceAll(m.Message, fmt.Sprintf("${%s}", query), result.String())
+ }
+ }
+ matches = r.FindAllStringSubmatch(m.Title, -1)
+ for _, v := range matches {
+ query := v[1]
+ result := gjson.Get(peakedBody, query)
+ if result.Exists() {
+ m.Title = strings.ReplaceAll(m.Title, fmt.Sprintf("${%s}", query), result.String())
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ m.Message = peakedBody
+ }
if m.Attachment != nil && m.Attachment.Name != "" && m.Message == "" {
m.Message = fmt.Sprintf(defaultAttachmentMessage, m.Attachment.Name)