@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package cmd
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+ "github.com/urfave/cli/v2"
+ "heckel.io/ntfy/server"
+ "heckel.io/ntfy/test"
+ "testing"
+func TestCLI_Access_Show(t *testing.T) {
+ s, conf, port := newTestServerWithAuth(t)
+ defer test.StopServer(t, s, port)
+ app, _, _, stderr := newTestApp()
+ require.Nil(t, runAccessCommand(app, conf))
+ require.Contains(t, stderr.String(), "user * (anonymous)\n- no topic-specific permissions\n- no access to any (other) topics (server config)")
+func TestCLI_Access_Grant_And_Publish(t *testing.T) {
+ s, conf, port := newTestServerWithAuth(t)
+ defer test.StopServer(t, s, port)
+ app, stdin, _, _ := newTestApp()
+ stdin.WriteString("philpass\nphilpass\nbenpass\nbenpass")
+ require.Nil(t, runUserCommand(app, conf, "add", "--role=admin", "phil"))
+ require.Nil(t, runUserCommand(app, conf, "add", "ben"))
+ require.Nil(t, runAccessCommand(app, conf, "ben", "announcements", "rw"))
+ require.Nil(t, runAccessCommand(app, conf, "ben", "sometopic", "read"))
+ require.Nil(t, runAccessCommand(app, conf, "everyone", "announcements", "read"))
+ app, _, _, stderr := newTestApp()
+ require.Nil(t, runAccessCommand(app, conf))
+ expected := `user phil (admin)
+- read-write access to all topics (admin role)
+user ben (user)
+- read-write access to topic announcements
+- read-only access to topic sometopic
+user * (anonymous)
+- read-only access to topic announcements
+- no access to any (other) topics (server config)
+ require.Equal(t, expected, stderr.String())
+ // See if access permissions match
+ app, _, _, _ = newTestApp()
+ require.Error(t, app.Run([]string{
+ "ntfy",
+ "publish",
+ fmt.Sprintf("", port),
+ }))
+ require.Nil(t, app.Run([]string{
+ "ntfy",
+ "publish",
+ "-u", "ben:benpass",
+ fmt.Sprintf("", port),
+ }))
+ require.Nil(t, app.Run([]string{
+ "ntfy",
+ "publish",
+ "-u", "phil:philpass",
+ fmt.Sprintf("", port),
+ }))
+ require.Nil(t, app.Run([]string{
+ "ntfy",
+ "subscribe",
+ "--poll",
+ fmt.Sprintf("", port),
+ }))
+ require.Error(t, app.Run([]string{
+ "ntfy",
+ "subscribe",
+ "--poll",
+ fmt.Sprintf("", port),
+ }))
+func runAccessCommand(app *cli.App, conf *server.Config, args ...string) error {
+ userArgs := []string{
+ "ntfy",
+ "access",
+ "--auth-file=" + conf.AuthFile,
+ "--auth-default-access=" + confToDefaultAccess(conf),
+ }
+ return app.Run(append(userArgs, args...))