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- import SwiftUI
- import Firebase
- // TODO: Errors are not shown to the user, but instead just logged
- @main
- struct AppMain: App {
- private let tag = "main"
- @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var delegate: AppDelegate
- @StateObject private var store = Store.shared
- init() {
- Log.d(tag, "Launching ntfy 🥳. Welcome!")
- Log.d(tag, "Base URL is \(Config.appBaseUrl), user agent is \(ApiService.userAgent)")
- // We must configure Firebase here, and not in the AppDelegate. For some reason
- // configuring it there did not work.
- FirebaseApp.configure()
- FirebaseConfiguration.shared.setLoggerLevel(.max)
- }
- var body: some Scene {
- WindowGroup {
- MainView()
- .environmentObject(store)
- .environmentObject(delegate)
- .environment(\.managedObjectContext, store.context)
- .onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification)) { _ in
- // Use this hook instead of applicationDidBecomeActive, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/68888509/1440785
- // That post also explains how to start SwiftUI from AppDelegate if that's ever needed.
- Log.d(tag, "App became active, refreshing objects")
- store.hardRefresh()
- }
- }
- }
- }