import SwiftUI struct SubscriptionAddView: View { private let tag = "SubscriptionAddView" @Binding var isShowing: Bool @EnvironmentObject private var store: Store @State private var topic: String = "" @State private var useAnother: Bool = false @State private var baseUrl: String = "" private var subscriptionManager: SubscriptionManager { return SubscriptionManager(store: store) } var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { Form { Section( footer: Text("Topics are not password protected, so choose a name that's not easy to guess. Once subscribed, you can PUT/POST notifications") ) { TextField("Topic name, e.g. phil_alerts", text: $topic) .disableAutocapitalization() .disableAutocorrection(true) } Section( footer: (useAnother) ? Text("Support for self-hosted servers is currently limited. To ensure instant delivery, be sure to set upstream-base-url in your server's config, otherwise messages may arrive with significant delay. Auth is not yet supported.") : Text("") ) { Toggle("Use another server", isOn: $useAnother) if useAnother { TextField("Server URL, e.g.", text: $baseUrl) .disableAutocapitalization() .disableAutocorrection(true) } } } } .navigationTitle("Add subscription") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) { Button(action: cancelAction) { Text("Cancel") } } ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) { Button(action: subscribeAction) { Text("Subscribe") } .disabled(!isValid()) } } } } private var sanitizedTopic: String { return topic.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) } private func isValid() -> Bool { if sanitizedTopic.isEmpty { return false } else if sanitizedTopic.range(of: "^[-_A-Za-z0-9]{1,64}$", options: .regularExpression, range: nil, locale: nil) == nil { return false } else if store.getSubscription(baseUrl: selectedBaseUrl, topic: topic) != nil { return false } return true } private func subscribeAction() { .background).async { subscriptionManager.subscribe(baseUrl: selectedBaseUrl, topic: sanitizedTopic) } isShowing = false } private func cancelAction() { isShowing = false } private var selectedBaseUrl: String { return (useAnother) ? baseUrl : Config.appBaseUrl } } struct SubscriptionAddView_Previews: PreviewProvider { @State static var isShowing = true static var previews: some View { let store = Store.preview SubscriptionAddView(isShowing: $isShowing) .environmentObject(store) } }