metadata.yaml 7.6 KB

  1. plugin_name: python.d.plugin
  2. modules:
  3. - meta:
  4. plugin_name: python.d.plugin
  5. module_name: boinc
  6. monitored_instance:
  7. name: BOINC
  8. link: ""
  9. categories:
  10. - data-collection.distributed-computing-systems
  11. icon_filename: "bolt.svg"
  12. related_resources:
  13. integrations:
  14. list: []
  15. info_provided_to_referring_integrations:
  16. description: ""
  17. keywords:
  18. - boinc
  19. - distributed
  20. most_popular: false
  21. overview:
  22. data_collection:
  23. metrics_description: "This collector monitors task counts for the Berkeley Open Infrastructure Networking Computing (BOINC) distributed computing client."
  24. method_description: "It uses the same RPC interface that the BOINC monitoring GUI does."
  25. supported_platforms:
  26. include: []
  27. exclude: []
  28. multi_instance: true
  29. additional_permissions:
  30. description: ""
  31. default_behavior:
  32. auto_detection:
  33. description: "By default, the module will try to auto-detect the password to the RPC interface by looking in `/var/lib/boinc` for this file (this is the location most Linux distributions use for a system-wide BOINC installation), so things may just work without needing configuration for a local system."
  34. limits:
  35. description: ""
  36. performance_impact:
  37. description: ""
  38. setup:
  39. prerequisites:
  40. list:
  41. - title: "Boinc RPC interface"
  42. description: BOINC requires use of a password to access it's RPC interface. You can find this password in the `gui_rpc_auth.cfg` file in your BOINC directory.
  43. configuration:
  44. file:
  45. name: python.d/boinc.conf
  46. options:
  47. description: |
  48. There are 2 sections:
  49. * Global variables
  50. * One or more JOBS that can define multiple different instances to monitor.
  51. The following options can be defined globally: priority, penalty, autodetection_retry, update_every, but can also be defined per JOB to override the global values.
  52. Additionally, the following collapsed table contains all the options that can be configured inside a JOB definition.
  53. Every configuration JOB starts with a `job_name` value which will appear in the dashboard, unless a `name` parameter is specified.
  54. folding:
  55. title: "Config options"
  56. enabled: true
  57. list:
  58. - name: update_every
  59. description: Sets the default data collection frequency.
  60. default_value: 5
  61. required: false
  62. - name: priority
  63. description: Controls the order of charts at the netdata dashboard.
  64. default_value: 60000
  65. required: false
  66. - name: autodetection_retry
  67. description: Sets the job re-check interval in seconds.
  68. default_value: 0
  69. required: false
  70. - name: penalty
  71. description: Indicates whether to apply penalty to update_every in case of failures.
  72. default_value: yes
  73. required: false
  74. - name: name
  75. description: Job name. This value will overwrite the `job_name` value. JOBS with the same name are mutually exclusive. Only one of them will be allowed running at any time. This allows autodetection to try several alternatives and pick the one that works.
  76. default_value: ""
  77. required: false
  78. - name: hostname
  79. description: Define a hostname where boinc is running.
  80. default_value: "localhost"
  81. required: false
  82. - name: port
  83. description: The port of boinc RPC interface.
  84. default_value: ""
  85. required: false
  86. - name: password
  87. description: Provide a password to connect to a boinc RPC interface.
  88. default_value: ""
  89. required: false
  90. examples:
  91. folding:
  92. enabled: true
  93. title: "Config"
  94. list:
  95. - name: Configuration of a remote boinc instance
  96. description: A basic JOB configuration for a remote boinc instance
  97. folding:
  98. enabled: false
  99. config: |
  100. remote:
  101. hostname: ''
  102. port: 1234
  103. password: 'some-password'
  104. - name: Multi-instance
  105. description: |
  106. > **Note**: When you define multiple jobs, their names must be unique.
  107. Collecting metrics from local and remote instances.
  108. config: |
  109. localhost:
  110. name: 'local'
  111. host: ''
  112. port: 1234
  113. password: 'some-password'
  114. remote_job:
  115. name: 'remote'
  116. host: ''
  117. port: 1234
  118. password: some-other-password
  119. troubleshooting:
  120. problems:
  121. list: []
  122. alerts:
  123. - name: boinc_total_tasks
  124. link:
  125. metric: boinc.tasks
  126. info: average number of total tasks over the last 10 minutes
  127. os: "*"
  128. - name: boinc_active_tasks
  129. link:
  130. metric: boinc.tasks
  131. info: average number of active tasks over the last 10 minutes
  132. os: "*"
  133. - name: boinc_compute_errors
  134. link:
  135. metric: boinc.states
  136. info: average number of compute errors over the last 10 minutes
  137. os: "*"
  138. - name: boinc_upload_errors
  139. link:
  140. metric: boinc.states
  141. info: average number of failed uploads over the last 10 minutes
  142. os: "*"
  143. metrics:
  144. folding:
  145. title: Metrics
  146. enabled: false
  147. description: ""
  148. availability: []
  149. scopes:
  150. - name: global
  151. description: "These metrics refer to the entire monitored application."
  152. labels: []
  153. metrics:
  154. - name: boinc.tasks
  155. description: Overall Tasks
  156. unit: "tasks"
  157. chart_type: line
  158. dimensions:
  159. - name: Total
  160. - name: Active
  161. - name: boinc.states
  162. description: Tasks per State
  163. unit: "tasks"
  164. chart_type: line
  165. dimensions:
  166. - name: New
  167. - name: Downloading
  168. - name: Ready to Run
  169. - name: Compute Errors
  170. - name: Uploading
  171. - name: Uploaded
  172. - name: Aborted
  173. - name: Failed Uploads
  174. - name: boinc.sched
  175. description: Tasks per Scheduler State
  176. unit: "tasks"
  177. chart_type: line
  178. dimensions:
  179. - name: Uninitialized
  180. - name: Preempted
  181. - name: Scheduled
  182. - name: boinc.process
  183. description: Tasks per Process State
  184. unit: "tasks"
  185. chart_type: line
  186. dimensions:
  187. - name: Uninitialized
  188. - name: Executing
  189. - name: Suspended
  190. - name: Aborted
  191. - name: Quit
  192. - name: Copy Pending