metadata.yaml 5.6 KB

  1. plugin_name: freeipmi.plugin
  2. modules:
  3. - meta:
  4. plugin_name: freeipmi.plugin
  5. module_name: sensors
  6. monitored_instance:
  7. name: Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)
  8. link: ""
  9. categories:
  10. - data-collection.hardware-devices-and-sensors
  11. icon_filename: "netdata.png"
  12. related_resources:
  13. integrations:
  14. list: []
  15. info_provided_to_referring_integrations:
  16. description: ""
  17. keywords:
  18. - sensors
  19. - ipmi
  20. - freeipmi
  21. - ipmimonitoring
  22. most_popular: true
  23. overview:
  24. data_collection:
  25. metrics_description: |
  26. "Monitor enterprise server sensor readings, event log entries, and hardware statuses to ensure reliable server operations."
  27. method_description: |
  28. The plugin uses open source library IPMImonitoring to communicate with sensors.
  29. supported_platforms:
  30. include: []
  31. exclude: []
  32. multi_instance: true
  33. additional_permissions:
  34. description: "The plugin needs setuid."
  35. default_behavior:
  36. auto_detection:
  37. description: ""
  38. limits:
  39. description: ""
  40. performance_impact:
  41. description: "Linux kernel module for IPMI can create big overhead."
  42. setup:
  43. prerequisites:
  44. list:
  45. - title: Preliminary actions
  46. description: |
  47. If you have not previously used IPMI on your system, you will probably need to run the ipmimonitoring command as root to initialize IPMI settings so that the Netdata plugin works correctly. It should return information about available sensors on the system.
  48. In some distributions libipmimonitoring.pc is located in a non-standard directory, which can cause building the plugin to fail when building Netdata from source. In that case you should find the file and link it to the standard pkg-config directory. Usually, running sudo ln -s /usr/lib/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/libipmimonitoring.pc/libipmimonitoring.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libipmimonitoring.pc resolves this issue.
  49. configuration:
  50. file:
  51. name: "netdata.conf"
  52. section_name: '[plugin:freeipmi]'
  53. description: "This is netdata main configuration file"
  54. options:
  55. description: "This tool receives command line options that are visible when user run: `./usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/freeipmi.plugin --help`"
  56. folding:
  57. title: "Config options"
  58. enabled: true
  59. list:
  60. - name: command options
  61. description: Variable used to pass arguments for the plugin.
  62. default_value: 1
  63. required: false
  64. examples:
  65. folding:
  66. enabled: true
  67. title: ""
  68. list: []
  69. troubleshooting:
  70. problems:
  71. list: []
  72. alerts:
  73. - name: ipmi_sensor_state
  74. link:
  75. metric: ipmi.sensor_state
  76. info: IPMI sensor ${label:sensor} (${label:component}) state
  77. metrics:
  78. folding:
  79. title: Metrics
  80. enabled: false
  81. description: ""
  82. availability: []
  83. scopes:
  84. - name: sensor
  85. description: ""
  86. labels:
  87. - name: sensor
  88. description: The sensor name
  89. - name: type
  90. description: One of 45 recognized sensor types (Battery, Voltage...)
  91. - name: component
  92. description: One of 25 recognized components (Processor, Peripheral).
  93. metrics:
  94. - name: ipmi.sel
  95. description: IPMI Events
  96. unit: "events"
  97. chart_type: area
  98. dimensions:
  99. - name: events
  100. - name: ipmi.sensor_state
  101. description: IPMI Sensors State
  102. unit: "state"
  103. chart_type: line
  104. dimensions:
  105. - name: nominal
  106. - name: critical
  107. - name: warning
  108. - name: unknown
  109. - name: ipmi.sensor_temperature_c
  110. description: IPMI Sensor Temperature Celsius
  111. unit: "Celsius"
  112. chart_type: line
  113. dimensions:
  114. - name: temperature
  115. - name: ipmi.sensor_temperature_f
  116. description: IPMI Sensor Temperature Fahrenheit
  117. unit: "Fahrenheit"
  118. chart_type: line
  119. dimensions:
  120. - name: temperature
  121. - name: ipmi.sensor_voltage
  122. description: IPMI Sensor Voltage
  123. unit: "Volts"
  124. chart_type: line
  125. dimensions:
  126. - name: voltage
  127. - name: ipmi.sensor_ampere
  128. description: IPMI Sensor Current
  129. unit: "Amps"
  130. chart_type: line
  131. dimensions:
  132. - name: ampere
  133. - name: ipmi.sensor_fan_speed
  134. description: IPMI Sensor Fans Speed
  135. unit: "RPM"
  136. chart_type: line
  137. dimensions:
  138. - name: rotations
  139. - name: ipmi.sensor_power
  140. description: IPMI Sensor Power
  141. unit: "Watts"
  142. chart_type: line
  143. dimensions:
  144. - name: power
  145. - name: ipmi.sensor_reading_percent
  146. description: IPMI Sensor Reading Percentage
  147. unit: "%"
  148. chart_type: line
  149. dimensions:
  150. - name: percentage