bundle_dashboard_v2.py 4.3 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. #
  3. # Copyright: © 2023 Netdata Inc.
  4. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
  5. '''Bundle the v2 dashboard code into the agent repo.
  6. This is designed to be run as part of a GHA workflow, but will work fine outside of one.'''
  7. import os
  8. import shutil
  9. import subprocess
  10. from pathlib import Path
  11. os.chdir(Path(__file__).parent.absolute())
  12. BASEDIR = 'v2'
  14. TMPPATH = Path('tmp')
  15. URLSRC = 'https://app.netdata.cloud/agent.tar.gz'
  17. # Auto-generated by bundle_dashboard_v2.py
  18. # Copyright: © 2023 Netdata Inc.
  19. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
  20. MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(srcdir)/Makefile.in
  21. dist_noinst_DATA = \\
  22. $(srcdir)/README.md
  23. webv2dir=$(webdir)/v2
  24. dist_webv2_DATA = \\
  25. {0} \\
  26. $(NULL)
  27. webv2staticdir=$(webv2dir)/static
  28. dist_webv2static_DATA = \\
  29. {1} \\
  30. $(NULL)
  31. webv2staticemailimgdir=$(webv2staticdir)/email/img
  32. dist_webv2staticemailimg_DATA = \\
  33. {2} \\
  34. $(NULL)
  35. webv2staticimgdir=$(webv2staticdir)/img
  36. dist_webv2staticimg_DATA = \\
  37. {3} \\
  38. $(NULL)
  39. webv2staticimglogososdir=$(webv2staticimgdir)/logos/os
  40. dist_webv2staticimglogosos_DATA = \\
  41. {4} \\
  42. $(NULL)
  43. webv2staticimglogosservicesdir=$(webv2staticimgdir)/logos/services
  44. dist_webv2staticimglogosservices_DATA = \\
  45. {5} \\
  46. $(NULL)
  47. webv2staticimgmaildir=$(webv2staticimgdir)/mail
  48. dist_webv2staticimgmail_DATA = \\
  49. {6} \\
  50. $(NULL)
  51. webv2staticsitepagesholding503dir=$(webv2staticdir)/site/pages/holding-page-503
  52. dist_webv2staticsitepagesholding503_DATA = \\
  53. {7} \\
  54. $(NULL)
  55. '''
  56. def copy_dashboard():
  57. '''Fetch and bundle the dashboard code.'''
  58. print('Preparing target directory')
  59. shutil.rmtree(BASEPATH)
  60. TMPPATH.mkdir()
  61. print('::group::Fetching dashboard release tarball')
  62. subprocess.check_call(f'curl -L -o agent.tar { URLSRC }', shell=True)
  63. print('::endgroup::')
  64. print('::group::Extracting dashboard release tarball')
  65. subprocess.check_call(f"tar -xvf agent.tar -C { TMPPATH } --strip-components=1 --exclude='*.br' --exclude='*.gz'", shell=True)
  66. print('::endgroup::')
  67. print('Copying files')
  68. (TMPPATH / 'agent' / BASEDIR).rename(BASEPATH)
  69. (TMPPATH / 'agent' / 'index.html').rename(Path('./index.html'))
  70. (TMPPATH / 'agent' / 'registry-access.html').rename('./registry-access.html')
  71. (TMPPATH / 'agent' / 'registry-alert-redirect.html').rename('./registry-alert-redirect.html')
  72. (TMPPATH / 'agent' / 'registry-hello.html').rename('./registry-hello.html')
  73. shutil.copytree(TMPPATH / 'agent' / 'static', Path('./static'), dirs_exist_ok=True)
  74. shutil.rmtree(TMPPATH)
  75. print('Copying README.md')
  76. BASEPATH.joinpath('README.md').symlink_to('../.dashboard-v2-notice.md')
  77. print('Removing dashboard release tarball')
  78. BASEPATH.joinpath('..', 'agent.tar').unlink()
  79. def genfilelist(path):
  80. '''Generate a list of files for the Makefile.'''
  81. files = [f for f in path.iterdir() if f.is_file() and f.name != 'README.md']
  82. files = [Path(*f.parts[1:]) for f in files]
  83. files.sort()
  84. return ' \\\n '.join([("$(srcdir)/" + str(f)) for f in files])
  85. def write_makefile():
  86. '''Write out the makefile for the dashboard code.'''
  87. print('Generating Makefile')
  89. genfilelist(BASEPATH),
  90. genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static')),
  91. genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'email', 'img')),
  92. genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img')),
  93. genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img', 'logos', 'os')),
  94. genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img', 'logos', 'services')),
  95. genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'img', 'mail')),
  96. genfilelist(BASEPATH.joinpath('static', 'site', 'pages', 'holding-page-503')),
  97. )
  98. BASEPATH.joinpath('Makefile.am').write_text(MAKEFILEDATA)
  99. def list_changed_files():
  100. '''Create a list of changed files, and set it in an environment variable.'''
  101. if 'GITHUB_ENV' in os.environ:
  102. print('Generating file list for commit.')
  103. subprocess.check_call('echo "COMMIT_FILES<<EOF" >> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True)
  104. subprocess.check_call('git status --porcelain=v1 --no-renames --untracked-files=all | rev | cut -d \' \' -f 1 | rev >> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True)
  105. subprocess.check_call('echo "EOF" >> $GITHUB_ENV', shell=True)
  106. copy_dashboard()
  107. write_makefile()
  108. list_changed_files()