123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328 |
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- #include "plugins_d.h"
- #include "pluginsd_parser.h"
- char *plugin_directories[PLUGINSD_MAX_DIRECTORIES] = { [0] = PLUGINS_DIR, };
- struct plugind *pluginsd_root = NULL;
- inline size_t pluginsd_initialize_plugin_directories()
- {
- char plugins_dirs[(FILENAME_MAX * 2) + 1];
- static char *plugins_dir_list = NULL;
- // Get the configuration entry
- if (likely(!plugins_dir_list)) {
- snprintfz(plugins_dirs, FILENAME_MAX * 2, "\"%s\" \"%s/custom-plugins.d\"", PLUGINS_DIR, CONFIG_DIR);
- plugins_dir_list = strdupz(config_get(CONFIG_SECTION_DIRECTORIES, "plugins", plugins_dirs));
- }
- // Parse it and store it to plugin directories
- return quoted_strings_splitter_config(plugins_dir_list, plugin_directories, PLUGINSD_MAX_DIRECTORIES);
- }
- static inline void plugin_set_disabled(struct plugind *cd) {
- spinlock_lock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- cd->unsafe.enabled = false;
- spinlock_unlock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- }
- bool plugin_is_enabled(struct plugind *cd) {
- spinlock_lock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- bool ret = cd->unsafe.enabled;
- spinlock_unlock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- return ret;
- }
- static inline void plugin_set_running(struct plugind *cd) {
- spinlock_lock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- cd->unsafe.running = true;
- spinlock_unlock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- }
- static inline bool plugin_is_running(struct plugind *cd) {
- spinlock_lock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- bool ret = cd->unsafe.running;
- spinlock_unlock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- return ret;
- }
- static void pluginsd_worker_thread_cleanup(void *arg)
- {
- struct plugind *cd = (struct plugind *)arg;
- worker_unregister();
- spinlock_lock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- cd->unsafe.running = false;
- cd->unsafe.thread = 0;
- pid_t pid = cd->unsafe.pid;
- cd->unsafe.pid = 0;
- spinlock_unlock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- if (pid) {
- siginfo_t info;
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', killing data collection child process with pid %d",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), pid);
- if (killpid(pid) != -1) {
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', waiting for data collection child process pid %d to exit...",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), pid);
- netdata_waitid(P_PID, (id_t)pid, &info, WEXITED);
- }
- }
- }
- static void pluginsd_worker_thread_handle_success(struct plugind *cd) {
- if (likely(cd->successful_collections)) {
- sleep((unsigned int)cd->update_every);
- return;
- }
- if (likely(cd->serial_failures <= SERIAL_FAILURES_THRESHOLD)) {
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', '%s' (pid %d) does not generate useful output but it reports success (exits with 0). %s.",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->fullfilename, cd->unsafe.pid,
- plugin_is_enabled(cd) ? "Waiting a bit before starting it again." : "Will not start it again - it is now disabled.");
- sleep((unsigned int)(cd->update_every * 10));
- return;
- }
- if (cd->serial_failures > SERIAL_FAILURES_THRESHOLD) {
- netdata_log_error("PLUGINSD: 'host:'%s', '%s' (pid %d) does not generate useful output, "
- "although it reports success (exits with 0)."
- "We have tried to collect something %zu times - unsuccessfully. Disabling it.",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->fullfilename, cd->unsafe.pid, cd->serial_failures);
- plugin_set_disabled(cd);
- return;
- }
- }
- static void pluginsd_worker_thread_handle_error(struct plugind *cd, int worker_ret_code) {
- if (worker_ret_code == -1) {
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', '%s' (pid %d) was killed with SIGTERM. Disabling it.",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->fullfilename, cd->unsafe.pid);
- plugin_set_disabled(cd);
- return;
- }
- if (!cd->successful_collections) {
- netdata_log_error("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', '%s' (pid %d) exited with error code %d and haven't collected any data. Disabling it.",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->fullfilename, cd->unsafe.pid, worker_ret_code);
- plugin_set_disabled(cd);
- return;
- }
- if (cd->serial_failures <= SERIAL_FAILURES_THRESHOLD) {
- netdata_log_error("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', '%s' (pid %d) exited with error code %d, but has given useful output in the past (%zu times). %s",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->fullfilename, cd->unsafe.pid, worker_ret_code, cd->successful_collections,
- plugin_is_enabled(cd) ? "Waiting a bit before starting it again." : "Will not start it again - it is disabled.");
- sleep((unsigned int)(cd->update_every * 10));
- return;
- }
- if (cd->serial_failures > SERIAL_FAILURES_THRESHOLD) {
- netdata_log_error("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', '%s' (pid %d) exited with error code %d, but has given useful output in the past (%zu times)."
- "We tried to restart it %zu times, but it failed to generate data. Disabling it.",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->fullfilename, cd->unsafe.pid, worker_ret_code,
- cd->successful_collections, cd->serial_failures);
- plugin_set_disabled(cd);
- return;
- }
- }
- static void *pluginsd_worker_thread(void *arg) {
- worker_register("PLUGINSD");
- netdata_thread_cleanup_push(pluginsd_worker_thread_cleanup, arg);
- struct plugind *cd = (struct plugind *)arg;
- plugin_set_running(cd);
- size_t count = 0;
- while (service_running(SERVICE_COLLECTORS)) {
- FILE *fp_child_input = NULL;
- FILE *fp_child_output = netdata_popen(cd->cmd, &cd->unsafe.pid, &fp_child_input);
- if (unlikely(!fp_child_input || !fp_child_output)) {
- netdata_log_error("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', cannot popen(\"%s\", \"r\").", rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->cmd);
- break;
- }
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s' connected to '%s' running on pid %d",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->fullfilename, cd->unsafe.pid);
- count = pluginsd_process(cd->host, cd, fp_child_input, fp_child_output, 0);
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', '%s' (pid %d) disconnected after %zu successful data collections (ENDs).",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->fullfilename, cd->unsafe.pid, count);
- killpid(cd->unsafe.pid);
- int worker_ret_code = netdata_pclose(fp_child_input, fp_child_output, cd->unsafe.pid);
- if (likely(worker_ret_code == 0))
- pluginsd_worker_thread_handle_success(cd);
- else
- pluginsd_worker_thread_handle_error(cd, worker_ret_code);
- cd->unsafe.pid = 0;
- if (unlikely(!plugin_is_enabled(cd)))
- break;
- }
- netdata_thread_cleanup_pop(1);
- return NULL;
- }
- static void pluginsd_main_cleanup(void *data) {
- struct netdata_static_thread *static_thread = (struct netdata_static_thread *)data;
- static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITING;
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: cleaning up...");
- struct plugind *cd;
- for (cd = pluginsd_root; cd; cd = cd->next) {
- spinlock_lock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- if (cd->unsafe.enabled && cd->unsafe.running && cd->unsafe.thread != 0) {
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s', stopping plugin thread: %s",
- rrdhost_hostname(cd->host), cd->id);
- netdata_thread_cancel(cd->unsafe.thread);
- }
- spinlock_unlock(&cd->unsafe.spinlock);
- }
- netdata_log_info("PLUGINSD: cleanup completed.");
- static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITED;
- worker_unregister();
- }
- void *pluginsd_main(void *ptr)
- {
- netdata_thread_cleanup_push(pluginsd_main_cleanup, ptr);
- int automatic_run = config_get_boolean(CONFIG_SECTION_PLUGINS, "enable running new plugins", 1);
- int scan_frequency = (int)config_get_number(CONFIG_SECTION_PLUGINS, "check for new plugins every", 60);
- if (scan_frequency < 1)
- scan_frequency = 1;
- // disable some plugins by default
- config_get_boolean(CONFIG_SECTION_PLUGINS, "slabinfo", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO);
- // store the errno for each plugins directory
- // so that we don't log broken directories on each loop
- int directory_errors[PLUGINSD_MAX_DIRECTORIES] = { 0 };
- while (service_running(SERVICE_COLLECTORS)) {
- int idx;
- const char *directory_name;
- for (idx = 0; idx < PLUGINSD_MAX_DIRECTORIES && (directory_name = plugin_directories[idx]); idx++) {
- if (unlikely(!service_running(SERVICE_COLLECTORS)))
- break;
- errno = 0;
- DIR *dir = opendir(directory_name);
- if (unlikely(!dir)) {
- if (directory_errors[idx] != errno) {
- directory_errors[idx] = errno;
- netdata_log_error("cannot open plugins directory '%s'", directory_name);
- }
- continue;
- }
- struct dirent *file = NULL;
- while (likely((file = readdir(dir)))) {
- if (unlikely(!service_running(SERVICE_COLLECTORS)))
- break;
- netdata_log_debug(D_PLUGINSD, "examining file '%s'", file->d_name);
- if (unlikely(strcmp(file->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(file->d_name, "..") == 0))
- continue;
- int len = (int)strlen(file->d_name);
- if (unlikely(len <= (int)PLUGINSD_FILE_SUFFIX_LEN))
- continue;
- if (unlikely(strcmp(PLUGINSD_FILE_SUFFIX, &file->d_name[len - (int)PLUGINSD_FILE_SUFFIX_LEN]) != 0)) {
- netdata_log_debug(D_PLUGINSD, "file '%s' does not end in '%s'", file->d_name, PLUGINSD_FILE_SUFFIX);
- continue;
- }
- char pluginname[CONFIG_MAX_NAME + 1];
- snprintfz(pluginname, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "%.*s", (int)(len - PLUGINSD_FILE_SUFFIX_LEN), file->d_name);
- int enabled = config_get_boolean(CONFIG_SECTION_PLUGINS, pluginname, automatic_run);
- if (unlikely(!enabled)) {
- netdata_log_debug(D_PLUGINSD, "plugin '%s' is not enabled", file->d_name);
- continue;
- }
- // check if it runs already
- struct plugind *cd;
- for (cd = pluginsd_root; cd; cd = cd->next)
- if (unlikely(strcmp(cd->filename, file->d_name) == 0))
- break;
- if (likely(cd && plugin_is_running(cd))) {
- netdata_log_debug(D_PLUGINSD, "plugin '%s' is already running", cd->filename);
- continue;
- }
- // it is not running
- // allocate a new one, or use the obsolete one
- if (unlikely(!cd)) {
- cd = callocz(sizeof(struct plugind), 1);
- snprintfz(cd->id, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "plugin:%s", pluginname);
- strncpyz(cd->filename, file->d_name, FILENAME_MAX);
- snprintfz(cd->fullfilename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", directory_name, cd->filename);
- cd->host = localhost;
- cd->unsafe.enabled = enabled;
- cd->unsafe.running = false;
- cd->update_every = (int)config_get_number(cd->id, "update every", localhost->rrd_update_every);
- cd->started_t = now_realtime_sec();
- char *def = "";
- snprintfz(
- cd->cmd, PLUGINSD_CMD_MAX, "exec %s %d %s", cd->fullfilename, cd->update_every,
- config_get(cd->id, "command options", def));
- // link it
- DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_PREPEND_ITEM_UNSAFE(pluginsd_root, cd, prev, next);
- if (plugin_is_enabled(cd)) {
- char tag[NETDATA_THREAD_TAG_MAX + 1];
- snprintfz(tag, NETDATA_THREAD_TAG_MAX, "PD[%s]", pluginname);
- // spawn a new thread for it
- netdata_thread_create(&cd->unsafe.thread,
- tag,
- pluginsd_worker_thread,
- cd);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- sleep((unsigned int)scan_frequency);
- }
- netdata_thread_cleanup_pop(1);
- return NULL;
- }