redis.conf 1.4 KB

  1. # you can disable an alarm notification by setting the 'to' line to: silent
  2. template: redis_connections_rejected
  3. on: redis.connections
  4. class: Errors
  5. type: KV Storage
  6. component: Redis
  7. lookup: sum -1m unaligned of rejected
  8. every: 10s
  9. units: connections
  10. warn: $this > 0
  11. info: connections rejected because of maxclients limit in the last minute
  12. delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  13. to: dba
  14. template: redis_bgsave_broken
  15. on: redis.bgsave_health
  16. class: Errors
  17. type: KV Storage
  18. component: Redis
  19. every: 10s
  20. crit: $last_bgsave != nan AND $last_bgsave != 0
  21. units: ok/failed
  22. info: status of the last RDB save operation (0: ok, 1: error)
  23. delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  24. to: dba
  25. template: redis_bgsave_slow
  26. on: redis.bgsave_now
  27. class: Latency
  28. type: KV Storage
  29. component: Redis
  30. every: 10s
  31. calc: $current_bgsave_time
  32. warn: $this > 600
  33. crit: $this > 1200
  34. units: seconds
  35. info: duration of the on-going RDB save operation
  36. delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  37. to: dba
  38. template: redis_master_link_down
  39. on: redis.master_link_down_since_time
  40. class: Errors
  41. type: KV Storage
  42. component: Redis
  43. every: 10s
  44. calc: $time
  45. units: seconds
  46. crit: $this != nan AND $this > 0
  47. info: time elapsed since the link between master and slave is down
  48. delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  49. to: dba