cockroachdb.conf 2.0 KB

  1. # Capacity
  2. template: cockroachdb_used_storage_capacity
  3. on: cockroachdb.storage_used_capacity_percentage
  4. class: Utilization
  5. type: Database
  6. component: CockroachDB
  7. calc: $total
  8. units: %
  9. every: 10s
  10. warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (80) : (85))
  11. crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (85) : (95))
  12. delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  13. info: storage capacity utilization
  14. to: dba
  15. template: cockroachdb_used_usable_storage_capacity
  16. on: cockroachdb.storage_used_capacity_percentage
  17. class: Utilization
  18. type: Database
  19. component: CockroachDB
  20. calc: $usable
  21. units: %
  22. every: 10s
  23. warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (80) : (85))
  24. crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (85) : (95))
  25. delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  26. info: storage usable space utilization
  27. to: dba
  28. # Replication
  29. template: cockroachdb_unavailable_ranges
  30. on: cockroachdb.ranges_replication_problem
  31. class: Errors
  32. type: Database
  33. component: CockroachDB
  34. calc: $unavailable
  35. units: num
  36. every: 10s
  37. warn: $this > 0
  38. delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  39. info: number of ranges with fewer live replicas than needed for quorum
  40. to: dba
  41. template: cockroachdb_underreplicated_ranges
  42. on: cockroachdb.ranges_replication_problem
  43. class: Errors
  44. type: Database
  45. component: CockroachDB
  46. calc: $under_replicated
  47. units: num
  48. every: 10s
  49. warn: $this > 0
  50. delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  51. info: number of ranges with fewer live replicas than the replication target
  52. to: dba
  53. # FD
  54. template: cockroachdb_open_file_descriptors_limit
  55. on: cockroachdb.process_file_descriptors
  56. class: Utilization
  57. type: Database
  58. component: CockroachDB
  59. calc: $open/$sys_fd_softlimit * 100
  60. units: %
  61. every: 10s
  62. warn: $this > 80
  63. delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  64. info: open file descriptors utilization (against softlimit)
  65. to: dba