distros.yml 3.8 KB

  1. # This defines the full set of distros we run CI on.
  2. ---
  3. platform_map: # map packaging architectures to docker platforms
  4. aarch64: linux/arm64/v8
  5. amd64: linux/amd64
  6. arm64: linux/arm64/v8
  7. armhf: linux/arm/v7
  8. armhfp: linux/arm/v7
  9. i386: linux/i386
  10. x86_64: linux/amd64
  11. arch_order: # sort order for per-architecture jobs in CI
  12. - amd64
  13. - x86_64
  14. - i386
  15. - armhf
  16. - armhfp
  17. - arm64
  18. - aarch64
  19. include:
  20. - &alpine
  21. distro: alpine
  22. version: edge
  23. env_prep: |
  24. apk add -U bash
  25. jsonc_removal: |
  26. apk del json-c-dev
  27. test:
  28. ebpf-core: true
  29. - <<: *alpine
  30. version: "3.17"
  31. - <<: *alpine
  32. version: "3.16"
  33. - <<: *alpine
  34. version: "3.15"
  35. - <<: *alpine
  36. version: "3.14"
  37. - distro: archlinux
  38. version: latest
  39. env_prep: |
  40. pacman --noconfirm -Syu && pacman --noconfirm -Sy grep libffi
  41. test:
  42. ebpf-core: true
  43. - &alma
  44. distro: almalinux
  45. version: "9"
  46. base_image: almalinux
  47. jsonc_removal: |
  48. dnf remove -y json-c-devel
  49. packages: &alma_packages
  50. type: rpm
  51. repo_distro: el/9
  52. alt_links:
  53. - el/9Server
  54. - el/9Client
  55. arches:
  56. - x86_64
  57. - aarch64
  58. test:
  59. ebpf-core: true
  60. - <<: *alma
  61. version: "8"
  62. packages:
  63. <<: *alma_packages
  64. repo_distro: el/8
  65. alt_links:
  66. - el/8Server
  67. - el/8Client
  68. - distro: centos
  69. version: "7"
  70. packages:
  71. type: rpm
  72. repo_distro: el/7
  73. alt_links:
  74. - el/7Server
  75. - el/7Client
  76. arches:
  77. - x86_64
  78. test:
  79. ebpf-core: false
  80. - &debian
  81. distro: debian
  82. version: "11"
  83. env_prep: |
  84. apt-get update
  85. jsonc_removal: |
  86. apt-get purge -y libjson-c-dev
  87. packages: &debian_packages
  88. type: deb
  89. repo_distro: debian/bullseye
  90. arches:
  91. - i386
  92. - amd64
  93. - armhf
  94. - arm64
  95. test:
  96. ebpf-core: true
  97. - <<: *debian
  98. version: "10"
  99. packages:
  100. <<: *debian_packages
  101. repo_distro: debian/buster
  102. test:
  103. ebpf-core: false
  104. - &fedora
  105. distro: fedora
  106. version: "37"
  107. jsonc_removal: |
  108. dnf remove -y json-c-devel
  109. packages: &fedora_packages
  110. type: rpm
  111. repo_distro: fedora/37
  112. arches:
  113. - x86_64
  114. - aarch64
  115. test:
  116. ebpf-core: true
  117. - <<: *fedora
  118. version: "36"
  119. packages:
  120. <<: *fedora_packages
  121. repo_distro: fedora/36
  122. test:
  123. ebpf-core: true
  124. - &opensuse
  125. distro: opensuse
  126. version: "15.4"
  127. base_image: opensuse/leap
  128. jsonc_removal: |
  129. zypper rm -y libjson-c-devel
  130. packages: &opensuse_packages
  131. type: rpm
  132. repo_distro: opensuse/15.4
  133. arches:
  134. - x86_64
  135. - aarch64
  136. test:
  137. ebpf-core: true
  138. - &oracle
  139. distro: oraclelinux
  140. version: "8"
  141. jsonc_removal: |
  142. dnf remove -y json-c-devel
  143. packages: &oracle_packages
  144. type: rpm
  145. repo_distro: ol/8
  146. arches:
  147. - x86_64
  148. - aarch64
  149. test:
  150. ebpf-core: true
  151. - <<: *oracle
  152. version: "9"
  153. packages:
  154. <<: *oracle_packages
  155. repo_distro: ol/9
  156. - &ubuntu
  157. distro: ubuntu
  158. version: "22.10"
  159. env_prep: |
  160. rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker && apt-get update
  161. jsonc_removal: |
  162. apt-get remove -y libjson-c-dev
  163. packages: &ubuntu_packages
  164. type: deb
  165. repo_distro: ubuntu/kinetic
  166. arches:
  167. - amd64
  168. - armhf
  169. - arm64
  170. test:
  171. ebpf-core: true
  172. - <<: *ubuntu
  173. version: "22.04"
  174. packages:
  175. <<: *ubuntu_packages
  176. repo_distro: ubuntu/jammy
  177. - <<: *ubuntu
  178. version: "20.04"
  179. packages:
  180. <<: *ubuntu_packages
  181. repo_distro: ubuntu/focal
  182. - <<: *ubuntu
  183. version: "18.04"
  184. packages:
  185. <<: *ubuntu_packages
  186. repo_distro: ubuntu/bionic
  187. arches:
  188. - i386
  189. - amd64
  190. - armhf
  191. - arm64
  192. test:
  193. ebpf-core: false