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  420. <script>
  422. // this section has to appear before loading dashboard.js
  423. // Select a theme.
  424. // uncomment on of the two themes:
  425. // var netdataTheme = 'default'; // this is white
  426. var netdataTheme = 'slate'; // this is dark
  427. var netdataNoBootstrap = true;
  428. // Set the default netdata server.
  429. // on charts without a 'data-host', this one will be used.
  430. // the default is the server that dashboard.js is downloaded from.
  431. // var netdataServer = 'http://my.server:19999/';
  432. </script>
  433. <!--
  434. --- LOAD dashboard.js ---
  435. to host this HTML file on your web server,
  436. you have to load dashboard.js from the netdata server.
  437. So, pick one the two below
  438. If you pick the first, set the server name/IP.
  439. The second assumes you host this file on /usr/share/netdata/web
  440. and that you have chown it to be owned by netdata:netdata
  441. -->
  442. <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="http://my.server:19999/dashboard.js"></script> -->
  443. <script type="text/javascript" src="dashboard.js?v20190902-0"></script>
  444. <script>
  445. // --- OPTIONS FOR THE CHARTS --
  446. // destroy charts not shown (lowers memory on the browsers)
  447. // set this to 'true' to destroy, 'false' to hide the charts
  448. NETDATA.options.current.destroy_on_hide = false;
  449. // set this to false, to always show all dimensions
  450. NETDATA.options.current.eliminate_zero_dimensions = true;
  451. // set this to false, to lower the pressure on the browser
  452. NETDATA.options.current.concurrent_refreshes = true;
  453. // if you need to support slow mobile phones, set this to false
  454. NETDATA.options.current.parallel_refresher = true;
  455. // set this to false, to always update the charts, even if focus is lost
  456. NETDATA.options.current.stop_updates_when_focus_is_lost = true;
  457. // since we have many servers and limited sockets,
  458. // abort ajax calls when we scroll
  459. NETDATA.options.current.abort_ajax_on_scroll = true;
  460. // do not to give errors on netdata demo servers for 60 seconds
  461. NETDATA.options.current.retries_on_data_failures = 60;
  462. </script>
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  568. <ul class="site-nav inline-block-list">
  569. <li><a href= data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label="Source code" target="_blank">Source code</a>
  570. <li><a href= data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=Docs target="_blank">Docs</a>
  571. </ul>
  572. </div>
  573. <div class=site-promo><h1><span class="title">Monitor your systems and applications, the right way!</span></h1>
  574. <p class=description>
  575. <strong>Unparalleled</strong> insights, in <strong>real-time</strong>,
  576. of <strong>everything</strong> happening on your systems and applications,
  577. with stunning, <strong>interactive</strong> web dashboards
  578. and powerful <strong>performance</strong> and <strong>health</strong> alarms.
  579. <div class=cta-option>
  580. <a class="btn btn-download" href="" data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=Install><strong>Install netdata now</strong></a>
  581. <a class=last-update href="" data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=Releases>See netdata releases</a></div>
  582. <div class=cta-option>
  583. <a class="btn btn-alt" href="#demosites" data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=Demo>netdata live demo</a>
  584. </div>
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  587. <div class=site-section>
  588. <div class=container><h2>Enter the world of Netdata!</h2>
  589. <div class="grid-title">
  590. <h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> 1s granularity</h3>
  591. </div>
  592. <div class=grid>
  593. <div class=grid-cell>
  594. <p>
  595. <b>Per second</b> data collection and visualization, for all metrics!
  596. </p>
  597. <p>
  598. Netdata <b>zooms into the problems</b> by providing higher resolution information, compared to any other monitoring solution.
  599. </p>
  600. </div>
  601. <div class=grid-cell>
  602. <p class="quote"><i>
  603. The world goes real-time.
  604. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>
  605. High resolution metrics are required to effectively monitor and troubleshoot systems and applications, especially on virtual environments.
  606. </i></p>
  607. </div>
  608. </div>
  609. </div>
  610. <div>
  611. <a href="">Learn more about high resolution metrics</a>
  612. </div>
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  614. <div class="site-section site-section-gray">
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  616. <div class="grid-title">
  617. <h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Unlimited metrics</h3>
  618. </div>
  619. <div class=grid>
  620. <div class=grid-cell>
  621. <p>
  622. Use all the metrics, from all available sources!
  623. </p>
  624. <p>
  625. Netdata collects all the metrics native console tools do. It has been <b>designed to kill the console</b> for troubleshooting infrastructure slowdowns and outages.
  626. </p>
  627. </div>
  628. <div class=grid-cell>
  629. <p class="quote"><i>
  630. All metrics are important and all should be available when you need them.
  631. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>
  632. Filtering out most metrics is like reading a book by skipping most of its pages.
  633. </i></p>
  634. </div>
  635. </div>
  636. </div>
  637. <div>
  638. <a href="">Learn more about unlimited metrics</a>
  639. </div>
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  643. <div class="grid-title">
  644. <h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Meaningful presentation</h3>
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  647. <div class=grid-cell>
  648. <p>
  649. Explore all metrics in a meaningful, easy to understand way!
  650. </p>
  651. <p>
  652. Netdata engineers and experts on our community organize metrics in a meaningful way, so that you can learn and understand them right on the job, while troubleshooting issues of your infrastructure.
  653. </p>
  654. </div>
  655. <div class=grid-cell>
  656. <p class="quote"><i>
  657. Metrics are a lot more than name-value pairs over time.
  658. <br/> <br/>
  659. It is just not practical to require from all users to have a deep understanding of all metrics for monitoring their systems and applications.
  660. </i></p>
  661. </div>
  662. </div>
  663. </div>
  664. <div>
  665. <a href="">Learn more about meaningful presentation</a>
  666. </div>
  667. </div>
  668. <div class="site-section site-section-gray">
  669. <div class=container>
  670. <div class="grid-title">
  671. <h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Immediate results</h3>
  672. </div>
  673. <div class=grid>
  674. <div class=grid-cell>
  675. <p>
  676. Install and use immediately! Get fully functional visualization and alarms, in just a couple of seconds after installation!
  677. </p>
  678. <p>
  679. Netdata <b>decouples your skills from your monitoring infrastructure</b>.
  680. No matter how skillful or novice you are, Netdata will apply all the community knowledge and expertise to your monitoring infrastructure.
  681. </p>
  682. </div>
  683. <div class=grid-cell>
  684. <p class="quote"><i>
  685. Most of our infrastructure is based on standardized systems and applications.
  686. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>
  687. It is a tremendous waste of time and effort, in a global scale, to require from all users to configure their infrastructure dashboards and alarms metric by metric.
  688. </i></p>
  689. </div>
  690. </div>
  691. </div>
  692. <div>
  693. <a href="">Learn more about immediate results</a>
  694. </div>
  695. </div>
  696. <div class="site-section site-section-dark">
  697. <div class=container><h2>How it works</h2>
  698. <div style="padding-bottom: 1em">
  699. <p>
  700. Netdata is a monitoring agent you install on all your systems:
  701. <br/>
  702. <b>physical servers</b>, <b>virtual servers</b>, <b>containers</b>, <b>IoT</b>.
  703. </p>
  704. <p>
  705. Netdata is lightweight, designed to permanently run on all systems without disrupting their core function.
  706. By default, it needs just 1% CPU of a single core, a few MB or RAM and no disk I/O at all.
  707. </p>
  708. <p>
  709. Each Netdata is (by default) autonomous, taking care of all the following.
  710. <br/>But all your Netdata are integrated into one large distributed application.
  711. </p>
  712. </div>
  713. <div class=grid>
  714. <div class=grid-cell><h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Collect</h3>
  715. <p>
  716. Netdata automatically detects data collection sources on the host it runs.
  717. It comes with hundreds of plugins for collecting system and application metrics,
  718. including databases, web servers, and commonly used application servers.
  719. <br/> <br/>
  720. Netdata is also a high performance, distributed <b>statsd server</b>, allowing custom
  721. application metrics to be collected and visualized.
  722. </p>
  723. </div>
  724. <div class=grid-cell><h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Check (alarms)</h3>
  725. <p>
  726. Each Netdata spawns a thread that examines the metrics as they get collected,
  727. evaluates pre-configured alarm expressions and triggers alarm notifications.
  728. <br/> <br/>
  729. Netdata comes with hundreds of alarms to detect common system and application issues,
  730. that are automatically attached to the collected metrics,
  731. supporting dozens of alarm notification integrations.
  732. </p>
  733. </div>
  734. <div class=grid-cell><h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Stream</h3>
  735. <p>
  736. Each Netdata can stream its metrics, in real-time, to any other Netdata.
  737. Streaming allows Netdata to be used in ephemeral nodes and containers in auto-scaled environments,
  738. but it also allows building Netdata hierarchies for aggregating the metrics of multiple Netdata nodes.
  739. </p>
  740. </div>
  741. <div class=grid-cell><h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Store</h3>
  742. <p>
  743. Each Netdata has its own internal metrics database. This database is optimized
  744. for minimal memory footprint, and due to its lockless design allows one writer
  745. and multiple readers per metric, concurrently, contributing significantly to
  746. the performance of Netdata.
  747. </p>
  748. </div>
  749. <div class=grid-cell><h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Archive</h3>
  750. <p>
  751. Netdata can archive its metrics to time-series databases (prometheus, graphite, opentsdb, json document dbs, etc)
  752. so that Netdata can be integrated to existing monitoring tool-chains.
  753. </p>
  754. </div>
  755. <div class=grid-cell><h3><span class=star>&#x2605;</span> Visualize</h3>
  756. <p>
  757. The best part of Netdata is its visualization. Low latency, speedy and snazzy.
  758. <br/> <br/>
  759. Netdata dashboards are optimized for visual anomaly detection, a powerful tool to troubleshoot
  760. performance issues.
  761. </p>
  762. </div>
  763. </div>
  764. </div>
  765. </div>
  766. <div class="site-section">
  767. &nbsp;
  768. </div>
  769. <div id="demosites" class="site-section site-section-dark"><h2>netdata live demo sites</h2>
  770. <div class="content">
  771. <div class="container" style="text-align: center;">
  772. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  773. <div class="mygauge">
  774. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  775. data-host="//"
  776. data-title="EU - London"
  777. data-chart-library="gauge"
  778. data-decimal-digits="0"
  779. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  780. data-width="100%"
  781. data-after="-300"
  782. data-points="300"
  783. data-colors="#558855"
  784. ></div>
  785. </div>
  786. <div class="mygauge-button">
  787. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoLondon><strong>Enter London!</strong></a>
  788. <div class="mygause-donation">
  789. Donated by
  790. </div>
  791. </div>
  792. </div>
  793. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  794. <div class="mygauge">
  795. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  796. data-host="//"
  797. data-title="US - Atlanta"
  798. data-chart-library="gauge"
  799. data-decimal-digits="0"
  800. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  801. data-width="100%"
  802. data-after="-300"
  803. data-points="300"
  804. data-colors="#AA5555"
  805. ></div>
  806. </div>
  807. <div class="mygauge-button">
  808. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoAtlanta><strong>Enter Atlanta!</strong></a>
  809. <div class="mygause-donation">
  810. Donated by
  811. </div>
  812. </div>
  813. </div>
  814. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  815. <div class="mygauge">
  816. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  817. data-host="//"
  818. data-title="US - California"
  819. data-chart-library="gauge"
  820. data-decimal-digits="0"
  821. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  822. data-width="100%"
  823. data-after="-300"
  824. data-points="300"
  825. data-colors="#5555AA"
  826. ></div>
  827. </div>
  828. <div class="mygauge-button">
  829. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoSanfrancisco><strong>Enter California!</strong></a>
  830. <div class="mygause-donation">
  831. Donated by
  832. </div>
  833. </div>
  834. </div>
  835. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  836. <div class="mygauge">
  837. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  838. data-host="//"
  839. data-title="Canada"
  840. data-chart-library="gauge"
  841. data-decimal-digits="0"
  842. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  843. data-width="100%"
  844. data-after="-300"
  845. data-points="300"
  846. data-colors="#885588"
  847. ></div>
  848. </div>
  849. <div class="mygauge-button">
  850. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoToronto><strong>Enter Canada!</strong></a>
  851. <div class="mygause-donation">
  852. Donated by
  853. </div>
  854. </div>
  855. </div>
  856. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>
  857. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  858. <div class="mygauge">
  859. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  860. data-host="//"
  861. data-title="EU - Germany"
  862. data-chart-library="easypiechart"
  863. data-decimal-digits="0"
  864. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  865. data-width="75%"
  866. data-after="-300"
  867. data-points="300"
  868. data-colors="#AAAA55"
  869. ></div>
  870. </div>
  871. <div class="mygauge-button">
  872. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoFrankfurt><strong>Enter Germany!</strong></a>
  873. <div class="mygause-donation">
  874. Donated by
  875. </div>
  876. </div>
  877. </div>
  878. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  879. <div class="mygauge">
  880. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  881. data-host="//"
  882. data-title="US - New York"
  883. data-chart-library="easypiechart"
  884. data-decimal-digits="0"
  885. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  886. data-width="75%"
  887. data-after="-300"
  888. data-points="300"
  889. data-colors="#BB5533"
  890. ></div>
  891. </div>
  892. <div class="mygauge-button">
  893. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoNewYork><strong>Enter New York!</strong></a>
  894. <div class="mygause-donation">
  895. Donated by
  896. </div>
  897. </div>
  898. </div>
  899. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  900. <div class="mygauge">
  901. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  902. data-host="//"
  903. data-title="Singapore"
  904. data-chart-library="easypiechart"
  905. data-decimal-digits="0"
  906. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  907. data-width="75%"
  908. data-after="-300"
  909. data-points="300"
  910. data-colors="#5588BB"
  911. ></div>
  912. </div>
  913. <div class="mygauge-button">
  914. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoSingapore><strong>Enter Singapore!</strong></a>
  915. <div class="mygause-donation">
  916. Donated by
  917. </div>
  918. </div>
  919. </div>
  920. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  921. <div class="mygauge">
  922. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  923. data-host="//"
  924. data-title="India"
  925. data-chart-library="easypiechart"
  926. data-decimal-digits="0"
  927. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  928. data-width="75%"
  929. data-after="-300"
  930. data-points="300"
  931. data-colors="#BB55BB"
  932. ></div>
  933. </div>
  934. <div class="mygauge-button">
  935. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoBangalore><strong>Enter India!</strong></a>
  936. <div class="mygause-donation">
  937. Donated by
  938. </div>
  939. </div>
  940. </div>
  941. <div style="padding-top: 20px;">
  942. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  943. <div class="mygauge">
  944. <div style="padding-bottom: 20px; font-size: 10px; color: #676b70;">
  945. <b>Israel</b>
  946. </div>
  947. <div class="mysparkline">
  948. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-label2">
  949. requests/s
  950. </div>
  951. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-value" id="octopuscs.requests.netdata" >
  952. </div>
  953. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  954. data-dimensions="requests"
  955. data-host="//"
  956. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  957. data-decimal-digits="0"
  958. data-chart-library="dygraph"
  959. data-dygraph-theme="sparkline"
  960. data-dygraph-type="area"
  961. data-width="100%"
  962. data-height="100%"
  963. data-after="-300"
  964. data-colors="#4BFF91"
  965. data-show-value-of-requests-at="octopuscs.requests.netdata"
  966. ></div>
  967. </div>
  968. </div>
  969. <div class="mygauge-button">
  970. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoOctopuscs><strong>Enter Israel!</strong></a>
  971. <div class="mygause-donation">
  972. Donated by
  973. </div>
  974. </div>
  975. </div>
  976. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  977. <div class="mygauge">
  978. <div style="padding-bottom: 20px; font-size: 10px; color: #676b70;">
  979. <b>EU - Spain</b>
  980. </div>
  981. <div class="mysparkline">
  982. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-label2">
  983. requests/s
  984. </div>
  985. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-value" id="stackscale.requests.netdata" >
  986. </div>
  987. <div data-netdata="netdata.requests"
  988. data-dimensions="requests"
  989. data-host="//"
  990. data-common-max="top-gauges"
  991. data-decimal-digits="0"
  992. data-chart-library="dygraph"
  993. data-dygraph-theme="sparkline"
  994. data-dygraph-type="area"
  995. data-width="100%"
  996. data-height="100%"
  997. data-after="-300"
  998. data-colors="#4B91FF"
  999. data-show-value-of-requests-at="stackscale.requests.netdata"
  1000. ></div>
  1001. </div>
  1002. </div>
  1003. <div class="mygauge-button">
  1004. <a class="btn btn-alt mygauge-legend-button" href=// data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=DemoStackScale><strong>Enter Madrid!</strong></a>
  1005. <div class="mygause-donation">
  1006. Donated by
  1007. </div>
  1008. </div>
  1009. </div>
  1010. <div class="mygauge-combo">
  1011. <div class="mygauge">
  1012. </div>
  1013. </div>
  1014. </div>
  1015. </div>
  1016. <div class="container" style="padding-top: 40px; text-align: center;">
  1017. Charts are coming from all servers, <b>in parallel</b>.
  1018. <br/>
  1019. The servers are <b>not aware</b> of this multi-server dashboard.
  1020. </div>
  1021. <div class="container" style="padding-top: 40px; padding-bottom: 40px; text-align: center;">
  1022. <div class="mysparkline">
  1023. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-label">
  1024. <b>EU - London</b> connected clients
  1025. </div>
  1026. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-value" id="nginx_local.connections.netdata" >
  1027. </div>
  1028. <div data-netdata="nginx_local.connections"
  1029. data-dimensions="active"
  1030. data-host="//"
  1031. data-decimal-digits="0"
  1032. data-common-max="web-connections"
  1033. data-chart-library="dygraph"
  1034. data-dygraph-theme="sparkline"
  1035. data-dygraph-type="area"
  1036. data-width="100%"
  1037. data-height="100%"
  1038. data-after="-300"
  1039. data-colors="#558855"
  1040. data-show-value-of-active-at="nginx_local.connections.netdata"
  1041. ></div>
  1042. </div>
  1043. </div>
  1044. <div class="container" style="padding-top: 0px; text-align: center;">
  1045. Each server is <b>not aware</b> of the other servers.
  1046. <br/>
  1047. But on this dashboard <b>they are one</b>! (hover on the chart above)
  1048. </div>
  1049. <!--
  1050. <div style="padding-top: 40px; color: #999;">
  1051. <small>We would love to show demos of IoT devices running netdata.<br/>
  1052. If you can host at your DC an RPi or a Linux IoT, <a href=" can host IoT for netdata&body=Hi Costa,%0D%0A%0D%0AI would love to host an IoT device to demo netdata on it.%0D%0A%0D%0A-- please tell me who you are and what infrastructure you have --%0D%0A-- Take into account I would need SSH access to it --%0D%0A-- You have to have a DC - a home is not good enough - sorry. --%0D%0A%0D%0AThanks!">contact me</a>.</small>
  1053. </div>
  1054. -->
  1055. </div>
  1056. </div>
  1057. <div class=site-section><h2>Who uses netdata?</h2>
  1058. <div class="content">
  1059. <div class="container" style="text-align: center;">
  1060. <p>
  1061. Netdata is used by hundreds of thousands of users all over the world.
  1062. <br/>&nbsp;<br/>
  1063. Check our <a href="">GitHub watchers</a> list.
  1064. <br/>
  1065. You will find people working for <b>Amazon</b>, <b>Atos</b>, <b>Baidu</b>, <b>Cisco Systems</b>, <b>Citrix</b>,
  1066. <b>Deutsche Telekom</b>, <b>DigitalOcean</b>, <b>Elastic</b>, <b>EPAM Systems</b>, <b>Ericsson</b>, <b>Google</b>,
  1067. <b>Groupon</b>, <b>Hortonworks</b>, <b>HP</b>, <b>Huawei</b>, <b>IBM</b>, <b>Microsoft</b>, <b>NewRelic</b>,
  1068. <b>Nvidia</b>, <b>Red Hat</b>, <b>SAP</b>, <b>Selectel</b>, <b>TicketMaster</b>, <b>Vimeo</b>, and many more!
  1069. </p>
  1070. <small>
  1071. The following figures come from users using the <a href="" target="_blank" data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=GlobalRegistry>netdata public global registry</a>.<br/>Counting since May 16th 2016. Actual figures may be a lot higher.<br/></small>
  1072. <div class="container" style="padding-top: 40px; text-align: center; width: 30%; min-width: 220px; display: inline-block;">
  1073. <div class="mysparkline">
  1074. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-label">
  1075. netdata <b>unique users</b>
  1076. </div>
  1077. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-value-center" id="netdata.registry_entries.persons.netdata" >
  1078. </div>
  1079. <div data-netdata="netdata.registry_entries"
  1080. data-dimensions="persons"
  1081. data-host="//"
  1082. data-decimal-digits="0"
  1083. data-chart-library="dygraph"
  1084. data-dygraph-theme="sparkline"
  1085. data-dygraph-type="area"
  1086. data-width="100%"
  1087. data-height="100%"
  1088. data-after="-300"
  1089. data-colors="#558855"
  1090. data-show-value-of-persons-at="netdata.registry_entries.persons.netdata"
  1091. ></div>
  1092. </div>
  1093. </div>
  1094. <div class="container" style="padding-top: 40px; text-align: center; width: 30%; min-width: 220px; display: inline-block;">
  1095. <div class="mysparkline">
  1096. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-label">
  1097. netdata <b>monitored servers</b>
  1098. </div>
  1099. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-value-center" id="netdata.registry_entries.machines.netdata" >
  1100. </div>
  1101. <div data-netdata="netdata.registry_entries"
  1102. data-dimensions="machines"
  1103. data-host="//"
  1104. data-decimal-digits="0"
  1105. data-chart-library="dygraph"
  1106. data-dygraph-theme="sparkline"
  1107. data-dygraph-type="area"
  1108. data-width="100%"
  1109. data-height="100%"
  1110. data-after="-300"
  1111. data-colors="#558855 #558855 #558855"
  1112. data-show-value-of-machines-at="netdata.registry_entries.machines.netdata"
  1113. ></div>
  1114. </div>
  1115. </div>
  1116. <div class="container" style="padding-top: 40px; text-align: center; width: 30%; min-width: 220px; display: inline-block;">
  1117. <div class="mysparkline">
  1118. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-label">
  1119. netdata <b>sessions served</b>
  1120. </div>
  1121. <div class="mysparkline-overchart-value-center" id="netdata.registry_sessions.sessions.netdata" >
  1122. </div>
  1123. <div data-netdata="netdata.registry_sessions"
  1124. data-dimensions="sessions"
  1125. data-host="//"
  1126. data-decimal-digits="0"
  1127. data-chart-library="dygraph"
  1128. data-dygraph-theme="sparkline"
  1129. data-dygraph-type="area"
  1130. data-width="100%"
  1131. data-height="100%"
  1132. data-after="-300"
  1133. data-colors="#558855 #558855 #558855"
  1134. data-show-value-of-sessions-at="netdata.registry_sessions.sessions.netdata"
  1135. ></div>
  1136. </div>
  1137. </div>
  1138. <p>
  1139. <!--
  1140. <embed src="//" type="image/svg+xml" height="20" />
  1141. <embed src="//" type="image/svg+xml" height="20" />
  1142. <embed src="//" type="image/svg+xml" height="20" />
  1143. <br/><i>(figures come from <a href="" target="_blank">the public netdata registry</a> data, showing only installations that use this registry, counting since May 16th 2016)</i>
  1144. <br/>
  1145. -->
  1146. </p>
  1147. <p>
  1148. <small>
  1149. netdata can generate auto-refreshing <strong><a href="" target="_blank" data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=Badges>badges</a></strong>, like these:
  1150. </small>
  1151. <br/>
  1152. <embed style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 25px;" src="//" type="image/svg+xml" height="20" />
  1153. <embed style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 25px;" src="//" type="image/svg+xml" height="20" />
  1154. <embed style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 25px;" src="//" type="image/svg+xml" height="20" />
  1155. <br/>
  1156. <small>These badges auto-refresh every minute.</small>
  1157. </p>
  1158. </div>
  1159. <div class="container" style="text-align: center;">
  1160. <strong>netdata</strong> is featured at the <a href="" target="_blank" data-ga-category="Outbound links" data-ga-action="Nav click" data-ga-label=Octoverse>GitHub's state of the Octoverse 2016</a>
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