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Understand the alert

This alert monitors the percentage of allocated System V IPC semaphores. If you receive this alert, it means that your system is experiencing high IPC semaphore utilization, and a lack of available semaphores can affect application performance.

Troubleshoot the alert

  1. Identify processes using IPC semaphores

You can use the ipcs command to display information about allocated semaphores. Run the following command to display a list of active semaphores:

   ipcs -s

The output will show the key, ID, owner's UID, permissions, and other related information for each semaphore.

  1. Analyze process usage of IPC semaphores

You can use ps or top commands to analyze which processes are using the IPC semaphores. This can help you identify if any process is causing high semaphore usage.

   ps -eo pid,cmd | grep [process-name]

Replace [process-name] with the name of the process you suspect is related to the semaphore usage.

  1. Adjust semaphore limits if necessary

If you determine that the high semaphore usage is a result of an inadequately configured limit, you can update the limits using the following steps:

  • Check the current semaphore limits as mentioned earlier, using the ipcs -ls command.
  • To increase the limit to a more appropriate value, edit the /proc/sys/kernel/sem file. The second field in the file represents the maximum number of semaphores that can be allocated per array.

    echo "32000 64000 1024000000 500" > /proc/sys/kernel/sem

This command doubles the number of semaphores per array. Make sure to adjust the value according to your system requirements.

  1. Monitor semaphore usage after changes

After making the necessary changes, continue to monitor semaphore usage to ensure that the changes were effective in resolving the issue. If the issue persists, further investigation may be required to identify the root cause.

Useful resources

  1. Interprocess Communication
  2. IPC: Semaphores
  3. Linux Kernel Documentation - IPC Semaphores