123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190 |
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- #include "../libnetdata.h"
- /*
- * Netdata DICTIONARY features:
- *
- * Names and Values in the dictionary can be cloned or linked.
- * In clone mode, the dictionary does all the memory management.
- * The default is clone for both names and values.
- *
- * Items are ordered in the order they are added (new items are appended at the end).
- * You may reverse the order by setting the flag DICTIONARY_FLAG_ADD_IN_FRONT.
- *
- * The dictionary uses JudyHS to maintain a very fast randomly accessible hash table.
- *
- * Each dictionary may be single threaded (no locks), or multi-threaded (multiple readers or one writer).
- * The default is multi-threaded. Add the flag DICTIONARY_FLAG_SINGLE_THREADED for single-threaded.
- *
- * WALK-THROUGH and FOREACH traversal
- * The dictionary can be traversed on read or write mode, either with a callback (walkthrough) or with
- * a loop (foreach).
- *
- * In write mode traversal, the caller may delete only the current item, but may add as many items as needed.
- *
- */
- typedef void DICTIONARY;
- #endif
- typedef enum dictionary_flags {
- DICTIONARY_FLAG_NONE = 0, // the default is the opposite of all below
- DICTIONARY_FLAG_SINGLE_THREADED = (1 << 0), // don't use any locks (default: use locks)
- DICTIONARY_FLAG_VALUE_LINK_DONT_CLONE = (1 << 1), // don't copy the value, just point to the one provided (default: copy)
- DICTIONARY_FLAG_NAME_LINK_DONT_CLONE = (1 << 2), // don't copy the name, just point to the one provided (default: copy)
- DICTIONARY_FLAG_WITH_STATISTICS = (1 << 3), // maintain statistics about dictionary operations (default: disabled)
- DICTIONARY_FLAG_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE = (1 << 4), // don't overwrite values of dictionary items (default: overwrite)
- DICTIONARY_FLAG_ADD_IN_FRONT = (1 << 5), // add dictionary items at the front of the linked list (default: at the end)
- // Create a dictionary
- extern DICTIONARY *dictionary_create(DICTIONARY_FLAGS flags);
- // an insert callback to be called just after an item is added to the dictionary
- // this callback is called while the dictionary is write locked!
- extern void dictionary_register_insert_callback(DICTIONARY *dict, void (*ins_callback)(const char *name, void *value, void *data), void *data);
- // a delete callback to be called just before an item is deleted forever
- // this callback is called while the dictionary is write locked!
- extern void dictionary_register_delete_callback(DICTIONARY *dict, void (*del_callback)(const char *name, void *value, void *data), void *data);
- // a merge callback to be called when DICTIONARY_FLAG_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE
- // and an item is already found in the dictionary - the dictionary does nothing else in this case
- // the old_value will remain in the dictionary - the new_value is ignored
- extern void dictionary_register_conflict_callback(DICTIONARY *dict, void (*conflict_callback)(const char *name, void *old_value, void *new_value, void *data), void *data);
- // Destroy a dictionary
- // returns the number of bytes freed
- // the returned value will not include name and value sizes if DICTIONARY_FLAG_WITH_STATISTICS is not set
- extern size_t dictionary_destroy(DICTIONARY *dict);
- // Set an item in the dictionary
- // - if an item with the same name does not exist, create one
- // - if an item with the same name exists, then:
- // a) if DICTIONARY_FLAG_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE is set, just return the existing value (ignore the new value)
- // else b) reset the value to the new value passed at the call
- //
- // When DICTIONARY_FLAG_VALUE_LINK_DONT_CLONE is set, the value is linked, otherwise it is copied
- // When DICTIONARY_FLAG_NAME_LINK_DONT_CLONE is set, the name is linked, otherwise it is copied
- //
- // memory management for names and values is done by the dictionary.
- //
- // Passing NULL as value, the dictionary will callocz() the newly allocated value, otherwise it will copy it.
- // Passing 0 as value_len, the dictionary will set the value to NULL (no allocations for value will be made).
- extern void *dictionary_set(DICTIONARY *dict, const char *name, void *value, size_t value_len) NEVERNULL;
- // Get an item from the dictionary
- // If it returns NULL, the item is not found
- extern void *dictionary_get(DICTIONARY *dict, const char *name);
- // Delete an item from the dictionary
- // returns 0 if the item was found and has been deleted
- // returns -1 if the item was not found in the index
- extern int dictionary_del(DICTIONARY *dict, const char *name);
- // UNSAFE functions, without locks
- // to be used when the user is traversing with the right lock type
- // Read lock is acquired by dictionary_walktrhough_read() and dfe_start_read()
- // Write lock is acquired by dictionary_walktrhough_write() and dfe_start_write()
- // For code readability, please use these macros:
- #define dictionary_get_having_read_lock(dict, name) dictionary_get_unsafe(dict, name)
- #define dictionary_get_having_write_lock(dict, name) dictionary_get_unsafe(dict, name)
- #define dictionary_set_having_write_lock(dict, name, value, value_len) dictionary_set_unsafe(dict, name, value, value_len)
- #define dictionary_del_having_write_lock(dict, name) dictionary_del_unsafe(dict, name)
- extern void *dictionary_get_unsafe(DICTIONARY *dict, const char *name);
- extern void *dictionary_set_unsafe(DICTIONARY *dict, const char *name, void *value, size_t value_len);
- extern int dictionary_del_unsafe(DICTIONARY *dict, const char *name);
- // Traverse (walk through) the items of the dictionary.
- // The order of traversal is currently the order of insertion.
- //
- // The callback function may return a negative number to stop the traversal,
- // in which case that negative value is returned to the caller.
- //
- // If all callback calls return zero or positive numbers, the sum of all of
- // them is returned to the caller.
- //
- // You cannot alter the dictionary from inside a dictionary_walkthrough_read() - deadlock!
- // You can only delete the current item from inside a dictionary_walkthrough_write() - you can add as many as you want.
- //
- #define dictionary_walkthrough_read(dict, callback, data) dictionary_walkthrough_rw(dict, 'r', callback, data)
- #define dictionary_walkthrough_write(dict, callback, data) dictionary_walkthrough_rw(dict, 'w', callback, data)
- extern int dictionary_walkthrough_rw(DICTIONARY *dict, char rw, int (*callback)(const char *name, void *value, void *data), void *data);
- // Traverse with foreach
- //
- // Use like this:
- //
- // DICTFE dfe = {};
- // for(MY_ITEM *item = dfe_start_read(&dfe, dict); item ; item = dfe_next(&dfe)) {
- // // do things with the item and its dfe.name
- // }
- // dfe_done(&dfe);
- //
- // You cannot alter the dictionary from within a dfe_read_start() - deadlock!
- // You can only delete the current item from inside a dfe_start_write() - you can add as many as you want.
- //
- #define DICTFE_CONST
- #else
- #define DICTFE_CONST const
- #endif
- typedef DICTFE_CONST struct dictionary_foreach {
- DICTFE_CONST char *name; // the dictionary name of the last item used
- void *value; // the dictionary value of the last item used
- // same as the return value of dictfe_start() and dictfe_next()
- // the following are for internal use only - to keep track of the point we are
- usec_t started_ut; // the time the caller started iterating (now_realtime_usec())
- DICTIONARY *dict; // the dictionary upon we work
- void *last_position_index; // the internal position index, to remember the position we are at
- void *next_position_index; // the internal position index, of the next item
- #define dfe_start_read(dict, value) dfe_start_rw(dict, value, 'r')
- #define dfe_start_write(dict, value) dfe_start_rw(dict, value, 'w')
- #define dfe_start_rw(dict, value, mode) \
- do { \
- DICTFE value ## _dfe = {}; \
- const char *value ## _name; (void)(value ## _name); \
- for((value) = dictionary_foreach_start_rw(&value ## _dfe, (dict), (mode)), ( value ## _name ) = value ## _dfe.name; \
- (value) ;\
- (value) = dictionary_foreach_next(&value ## _dfe), ( value ## _name ) = value ## _dfe.name)
- #define dfe_done(value) \
- dictionary_foreach_done(&value ## _dfe); \
- } while(0)
- extern void * dictionary_foreach_start_rw(DICTFE *dfe, DICTIONARY *dict, char rw);
- extern void * dictionary_foreach_next(DICTFE *dfe);
- extern usec_t dictionary_foreach_done(DICTFE *dfe);
- // Get statistics about the dictionary
- // If DICTIONARY_FLAG_WITH_STATISTICS is not set, these return zero
- extern size_t dictionary_stats_allocated_memory(DICTIONARY *dict);
- extern size_t dictionary_stats_entries(DICTIONARY *dict);
- extern size_t dictionary_stats_inserts(DICTIONARY *dict);
- extern size_t dictionary_stats_searches(DICTIONARY *dict);
- extern size_t dictionary_stats_deletes(DICTIONARY *dict);
- extern size_t dictionary_stats_resets(DICTIONARY *dict);
- extern int dictionary_unittest(size_t entries);