exporting.conf 2.7 KB

  1. [exporting:global]
  2. enabled = no
  3. # send configured labels = yes
  4. # send automatic labels = no
  5. # update every = 10
  6. [prometheus:exporter]
  7. # data source = average
  8. # send names instead of ids = yes
  9. # send configured labels = yes
  10. # send automatic labels = no
  11. # send charts matching = *
  12. # send hosts matching = localhost *
  13. # prefix = netdata
  14. # An example configuration for graphite, json, opentsdb exporting connectors
  15. # [graphite:my_graphite_instance]
  16. # enabled = no
  17. # destination = localhost
  18. # Credentials for basic HTTP authentication
  19. # username = my_username
  20. # password = my_password
  21. # data source = average
  22. # prefix = netdata
  23. # hostname = my_hostname
  24. # update every = 10
  25. # buffer on failures = 10
  26. # timeout ms = 20000
  27. # send names instead of ids = yes
  28. # send charts matching = *
  29. # send hosts matching = localhost *
  30. # [prometheus_remote_write:my_prometheus_remote_write_instance]
  31. # enabled = no
  32. # destination = localhost
  33. # remote write URL path = /receive
  34. # username = my_username
  35. # password = my_password
  36. # data source = average
  37. # prefix = netdata
  38. # hostname = my_hostname
  39. # update every = 10
  40. # buffer on failures = 10
  41. # timeout ms = 20000
  42. # send names instead of ids = yes
  43. # send charts matching = *
  44. # send hosts matching = localhost *
  45. # [kinesis:my_kinesis_instance]
  46. # enabled = no
  47. # destination = us-east-1
  48. # stream name = netdata
  49. # aws_access_key_id = my_access_key_id
  50. # aws_secret_access_key = my_aws_secret_access_key
  51. # data source = average
  52. # prefix = netdata
  53. # hostname = my_hostname
  54. # update every = 10
  55. # buffer on failures = 10
  56. # timeout ms = 20000
  57. # send names instead of ids = yes
  58. # send charts matching = *
  59. # send hosts matching = localhost *
  60. # [pubsub:my_pubsub_instance]
  61. # enabled = no
  62. # destination = pubsub.googleapis.com
  63. # credentials file = /etc/netdata/pubsub_credentials.json
  64. # project id = my_project
  65. # topic id = my_topic
  66. # data source = average
  67. # prefix = netdata
  68. # hostname = my_hostname
  69. # update every = 10
  70. # buffer on failures = 10
  71. # timeout ms = 20000
  72. # send names instead of ids = yes
  73. # send charts matching = *
  74. # send hosts matching = localhost *
  75. # [mongodb:my_mongodb_instance]
  76. # enabled = no
  77. # destination = localhost
  78. # database = my_database
  79. # collection = my_collection
  80. # data source = average
  81. # prefix = netdata
  82. # hostname = my_hostname
  83. # update every = 10
  84. # buffer on failures = 10
  85. # timeout ms = 20000
  86. # send names instead of ids = yes
  87. # send charts matching = *
  88. # send hosts matching = localhost *