Netdata uses a distributed data architecture to help you collect and store per-second metrics from any number of nodes. Every node in your infrastructure, whether it's one or a thousand, stores the metrics it collects.
Netdata Cloud bridges the gap between many distributed databases by centralizing the interface you use to query and visualize your nodes' metrics. When you look at charts in Netdata Cloud, the metrics values are queried directly from that node's database and securely streamed to Netdata Cloud, which proxies them to your browser.
Netdata's distributed data architecture has a number of benefits:
Netdata Cloud does not store metric values.
To enable certain features, such as viewing active alarms or filtering by hostname/service, Netdata Cloud does store configured alarms, their status, and a list of active collectors.
Netdata does not and never will sell your personal data or data about your deployment.
Any node running the Netdata Agent can store long-term metrics for any retention period, given you allocate the appropriate amount of RAM and disk space.
Read our document on changing how long Netdata stores metrics on your nodes for details.
While a distributed data architecture is the default when monitoring infrastructure with Netdata, you can also configure its behavior based on your needs or the type of infrastructure you manage.
To archive metrics to an external time-series database, such as InfluxDB, Graphite, OpenTSDB, Elasticsearch, TimescaleDB, and many others, see details on integrating Netdata via exporting.
You can also stream between nodes using streaming, allowing to replicate databases and create your own centralized data lake of metrics, if you choose to do so.
When you use the database engine to store your metrics, you can always perform a quick backup of a node's
folder using the tool of your choice.
You can configure the Netdata Agent to store days, weeks, or months worth of distributed, per-second data by configuring the database engine. Use our calculator to determine the system resources required to retain your desired amount of metrics, and expand or contract the database by editing a single setting.