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Getting started with Netdata Cloud On-Prem Light PoC

Due to the high demand, we designed a very light and easy-to-install version of netdata for clients who do not have Kubernetes cluster installed. Please keep in mind that this is (for now) only designed to be used as a PoC with no built-in resiliency on failures of any kind.


  • Ubuntu 22.04 (clean installation will work best).
  • 10 CPU Cores and 24 GiB of memory.
  • Access to shell as a sudo.
  • TLS certificate for Netdata Cloud On-Prem PoC. A single endpoint is required. The certificate must be trusted by all entities connecting to the On-Prem installation by any means.
  • AWS ID and Key - contact Netdata Product Team -
  • License Key - contact Netdata Product Team -

To install the whole environment, log in to the designated host and run:

curl -o
chmod +x
sudo ./ install \
      -key-id "" \
      -access-key "" \
      -onprem-license-key "" \
      -onprem-license-subject "" \
      -onprem-url "" \
      -certificate-path "" \
      -private-key-path ""

What does the script do during installation?

  1. Prompts for user to provide:
    • -key-id - AWS ECR access key ID.
    • -access-key - AWS ECR Access Key.
    • -onprem-license-key - Netdata Cloud On-Prem license key.
    • -onprem-license-subject - Netdata Cloud On-Prem license subject.
    • -onprem-url - URL for the On-prem (without http(s) protocol).
    • -certificate-path - path to your PEM encoded certificate.
    • -private-key-path - path to your PEM encoded key.
  2. After getting all of the information installation is starting. The script will install:
    • Helm
    • Kubectl
    • AWS CLI
    • K3s cluster (single node)
  3. When all the required software is installed script starts to provision the K3s cluster with gathered data.

After cluster provisioning netdata is ready to be used.

How to log in?

Because this is a PoC with 0 configurations required, only log in by mail can work. What's more every mail that Netdata Cloud On-Prem sends will appear on the mailcatcher, which acts as the SMTP server with a simple GUI to read the mails. Steps:

  1. Open Netdata Cloud On-Prem PoC in the web browser on URL you specified
  2. Provide email and use the button to confirm
  3. Mailcatcher will catch all the emails so go to <URL from point 1.>/mailcatcher. Find yours and click the link.
  4. You are now logged into the netdata. Add your first nodes!
How to remove Netdata Cloud On-Prem PoC?

To uninstall the whole PoC, use the same script that installed it, with the uninstall switch.

cd <script dir>
sudo ./ uninstall


This script will automatically expose not only netdata but also a mailcatcher under <URL from point 1.>/mailcatcher.