This alert calculates the average time between the reception of client GET
requests and their subsequent responses in a Riak KV
cluster over the last hour. If you receive this alert, it means that the average GET
request latency in your Riak database has increased.
Mean latency measures the average time taken between the start of a request and its completion, indicating the efficiency of the Riak system in processing GET
requests. High mean latency implies slower processing times, which can negatively impact your application's performance.
High latency might be related to resource bottlenecks on your Riak nodes. Check CPU, memory, and disk usage using top
or htop
If you find any resource constraint, consider scaling your Riak cluster or optimize resource usage by tuning the application configurations.
Networking problems between the Riak nodes or the client and the nodes could cause increased latency. Check for network performance issues using ping
or traceroute
ping node_ip_address
traceroute node_ip_address
Check Riak configuration settings, like read/write parameters and anti-entropy settings, for any misconfigurations.
Re-evaluate and optimize settings for performance based on your application requirements.
Analyze your application's request patterns and workload. High request rates or large amounts of data being fetched can cause increased latency.
Optimize your application workload to reduce latency and distribute requests uniformly across the Riak nodes.