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Understand the alert

This alert presents the average I/O latency over the last 10 seconds. I/O latency is the time that is required to complete a single I/O operation on a block device.

This alert might indicate that your disk is under high load, or that the disk is slow.

Troubleshoot the alert

  1. Check per-process I/O usage:

Use iotop to see the processes that are the main I/O consumers:

   sudo iotop

If you don't have iotop installed, then install it

  1. Analyze the running processes:

Investigate the top I/O consumers and determine if these processes are expected to consume that much I/O, or if there might be an issue with these processes.

  1. Minimize the load by closing any unnecessary main consumer processes:

If you find that any unnecessary or unexpected processes are heavily utilizing your disk, try stopping or closing those processes to reduce the load on the disk. Always double-check if the process you want to close is necessary.

  1. Verify your disk health:

Make sure your disk is not facing any hardware issues or failures. For this, you can use the smartmontools package, which contains the smartctl utility. If it's not installed, you can install it.

To check the disk health, run:

   sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX

Replace /dev/sdX with the correct disk device identifier (for example, /dev/sda).

  1. Consider upgrading your disk:

If your disk consistently experiences high latency and you have already addressed any performance issues with the running processes, consider upgrading your disk to a faster drive (e.g., replace an HDD with an SSD).

Useful resources

  1. iotop - Monitor Linux Disk I/O Activity
  2. smartmontools - SMART monitoring tools