deploy.yaml 23 KB

  1. - &linux
  2. id: deploy-linux-generic
  3. meta: &linux_meta
  4. name: Linux
  5. link: ""
  6. categories:
  7. - deploy.operating-systems
  8. icon_filename: "linux.svg"
  9. keywords:
  10. - linux
  11. most_popular: true
  12. install_description: "Run the following command on your node to install and connnect Netdata to your Space:"
  13. methods:
  14. - &ks_wget
  15. method: wget
  16. commands:
  17. - channel: nightly
  18. command: >
  19. wget -O /tmp/ && sh /tmp/ --nightly-channel{% if $showClaimingOptions %} --claim-token {% claim_token %} --claim-rooms {% $claim_rooms %} --claim-url {% claim_url %}{% /if %}
  20. - channel: stable
  21. command: >
  22. wget -O /tmp/ && sh /tmp/ --stable-channel{% if $showClaimingOptions %} --claim-token {% claim_token %} --claim-rooms {% $claim_rooms %} --claim-url {% claim_url %}{% /if %}
  23. - &ks_curl
  24. method: curl
  25. commands:
  26. - channel: nightly
  27. command: >
  28. curl > /tmp/ && sh /tmp/ --nightly-channel{% if $showClaimingOptions %} --claim-token {% claim_token %} --claim-rooms {% $claim_rooms %} --claim-url {% claim_url %}{% /if %}
  29. - channel: stable
  30. command: >
  31. curl > /tmp/ && sh /tmp/ --stable-channel{% if $showClaimingOptions %} --claim-token {% claim_token %} --claim-rooms {% $claim_rooms %} --claim-url {% claim_url %}{% /if %}
  32. additional_info: &ref_containers >
  33. Did you know you can also deploy Netdata on your OS using {% goToCategory navigateToSettings=$navigateToSettings categoryId="deploy.docker-kubernetes" %}Kubernetes{% /goToCategory %} or {% goToCategory categoryId="deploy.docker-kubernetes" %}Docker{% /goToCategory %}?
  34. clean_additional_info: &ref_clean_containers >
  35. Did you know you can also deploy Netdata on your OS using Kubernetes or Docker?
  36. related_resources: {}
  37. platform_info:
  38. group: ""
  39. distro: ""
  40. quick_start: 1
  41. - <<: *linux
  42. id: deploy-ubuntu
  43. meta:
  44. <<: *linux_meta
  45. name: Ubuntu
  46. link:
  47. icon_filename: "ubuntu.svg"
  48. most_popular: false
  49. platform_info:
  50. group: "include"
  51. distro: "ubuntu"
  52. quick_start: -1
  53. - <<: *linux
  54. id: deploy-debian
  55. meta:
  56. <<: *linux_meta
  57. name: Debian
  58. link:
  59. icon_filename: "debian.svg"
  60. most_popular: false
  61. platform_info:
  62. group: "include"
  63. distro: "debian"
  64. quick_start: -1
  65. - <<: *linux
  66. id: deploy-fedora
  67. meta:
  68. <<: *linux_meta
  69. name: Fedora
  70. link:
  71. icon_filename: "fedora.png"
  72. most_popular: false
  73. platform_info:
  74. group: "include"
  75. distro: "fedora"
  76. quick_start: -1
  77. - <<: *linux
  78. id: deploy-rhel
  79. meta:
  80. <<: *linux_meta
  81. name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  82. link:
  83. icon_filename: "rhel.png"
  84. most_popular: false
  85. platform_info:
  86. group: "no_include"
  87. distro: "rhel"
  88. quick_start: -1
  89. - <<: *linux
  90. id: deploy-rockylinux
  91. meta:
  92. <<: *linux_meta
  93. name: Rocky Linux
  94. link:
  95. icon_filename: "rocky.svg"
  96. most_popular: false
  97. platform_info:
  98. group: "include"
  99. distro: "rockylinux"
  100. quick_start: -1
  101. - <<: *linux
  102. id: deploy-alpinelinux
  103. meta:
  104. <<: *linux_meta
  105. name: Alpine Linux
  106. link:
  107. icon_filename: "alpine.svg"
  108. most_popular: false
  109. platform_info:
  110. group: "include"
  111. distro: "alpinelinux"
  112. quick_start: -1
  113. - <<: *linux
  114. id: deploy-amazonlinux
  115. meta:
  116. <<: *linux_meta
  117. name: Amazon Linux
  118. link:
  119. icon_filename: "amazonlinux.png"
  120. most_popular: false
  121. platform_info:
  122. group: "include"
  123. distro: "amazonlinux"
  124. quick_start: -1
  125. - <<: *linux
  126. id: deploy-archlinux
  127. meta:
  128. <<: *linux_meta
  129. name: Arch Linux
  130. link:
  131. icon_filename: "archlinux.png"
  132. most_popular: false
  133. platform_info:
  134. group: "include"
  135. distro: "archlinux"
  136. quick_start: -1
  137. - <<: *linux
  138. id: deploy-centos
  139. meta:
  140. <<: *linux_meta
  141. name: CentOS
  142. link:
  143. icon_filename: "centos.svg"
  144. most_popular: false
  145. platform_info:
  146. group: "include"
  147. distro: "centos"
  148. quick_start: -1
  149. - <<: *linux
  150. id: deploy-centos-stream
  151. meta:
  152. <<: *linux_meta
  153. name: CentOS Stream
  154. link:
  155. icon_filename: "centos.svg"
  156. most_popular: false
  157. platform_info:
  158. group: "include"
  159. distro: "centos-stream"
  160. quick_start: -1
  161. - <<: *linux
  162. id: deploy-manjarolinux
  163. meta:
  164. <<: *linux_meta
  165. name: Manjaro Linux
  166. link:
  167. icon_filename: "manjaro.svg"
  168. most_popular: false
  169. platform_info:
  170. group: "include"
  171. distro: "archlinux"
  172. quick_start: -1
  173. - <<: *linux
  174. id: deploy-oraclelinux
  175. meta:
  176. <<: *linux_meta
  177. name: Oracle Linux
  178. link:
  179. icon_filename: "oraclelinux.svg"
  180. most_popular: false
  181. platform_info:
  182. group: "include"
  183. distro: "oraclelinux"
  184. quick_start: -1
  185. - <<: *linux
  186. id: deploy-opensuse
  187. meta:
  188. <<: *linux_meta
  189. name: SUSE Linux
  190. link:
  191. icon_filename: "openSUSE.svg"
  192. most_popular: false
  193. platform_info:
  194. group: "include"
  195. distro: "opensuse"
  196. quick_start: -1
  197. - id: deploy-macos
  198. meta:
  199. name: macOS
  200. link: ""
  201. categories:
  202. - deploy.operating-systems
  203. icon_filename: "macos.svg"
  204. most_popular: true
  205. keywords:
  206. - macOS
  207. - mac
  208. - apple
  209. install_description: "Run the following command on your Intel based OSX, macOS servers to install and claim Netdata:"
  210. methods:
  211. - *ks_curl
  212. additional_info: *ref_containers
  213. clean_additional_info: *ref_clean_containers
  214. related_resources: {}
  215. platform_info:
  216. group: "no_include"
  217. distro: "macos"
  218. quick_start: 5
  219. - id: deploy-docker
  220. meta:
  221. name: Docker
  222. link: ""
  223. categories:
  224. - deploy.docker-kubernetes
  225. icon_filename: "docker.svg"
  226. most_popular: true
  227. keywords:
  228. - docker
  229. - container
  230. - containers
  231. install_description: |
  232. Install and connect new Docker containers
  233. Find the commands for `docker run`, `docker compose` or `Docker Swarm`. On the last two you can copy the configs, then run `docker-compose up -d` in the same directory as the `docker-compose.yml`
  234. > Netdata container requires different privileges and mounts to provide functionality similar to that provided by Netdata installed on the host. More info [here](*f2xcnf*_ga*MTI1MTUwMzU0OS4xNjg2NjM1MDA1*_ga_J69Z2JCTFB*MTY5MDMxMDIyMS40MS4xLjE2OTAzMTAzNjkuNTguMC4w#create-a-new-netdata-agent-container)
  235. > Netdata will use the hostname from the container in which it is run instead of that of the host system. To change the default hostname check [here](*i5weve*_ga*MTI1MTUwMzU0OS4xNjg2NjM1MDA1*_ga_J69Z2JCTFB*MTY5MDMxMjM4Ny40Mi4xLjE2OTAzMTIzOTAuNTcuMC4w#change-the-default-hostname)
  236. methods:
  237. - method: Docker CLI
  238. commands:
  239. - channel: nightly
  240. command: |
  241. docker run -d --name=netdata \
  242. --pid=host \
  243. --network=host \
  244. -v netdataconfig:/etc/netdata \
  245. -v netdatalib:/var/lib/netdata \
  246. -v netdatacache:/var/cache/netdata \
  247. -v /:/host/root:ro,rslave \
  248. -v /etc/passwd:/host/etc/passwd:ro \
  249. -v /etc/group:/host/etc/group:ro \
  250. -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
  251. -v /proc:/host/proc:ro \
  252. -v /sys:/host/sys:ro \
  253. -v /etc/os-release:/host/etc/os-release:ro \
  254. -v /var/log:/host/var/log:ro \
  255. -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
  256. -v /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro \
  257. --restart unless-stopped \
  258. --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \
  259. --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
  260. --security-opt apparmor=unconfined \
  261. {% if $showClaimingOptions %}
  262. -e NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN={% claim_token %} \
  263. -e NETDATA_CLAIM_URL={% claim_url %} \
  264. -e NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS={% $claim_rooms %} \
  265. {% /if %}
  266. netdata/netdata:edge
  267. - channel: stable
  268. command: |
  269. docker run -d --name=netdata \
  270. --pid=host \
  271. --network=host \
  272. -v netdataconfig:/etc/netdata \
  273. -v netdatalib:/var/lib/netdata \
  274. -v netdatacache:/var/cache/netdata \
  275. -v /:/host/root:ro,rslave \
  276. -v /etc/passwd:/host/etc/passwd:ro \
  277. -v /etc/group:/host/etc/group:ro \
  278. -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
  279. -v /proc:/host/proc:ro \
  280. -v /sys:/host/sys:ro \
  281. -v /etc/os-release:/host/etc/os-release:ro \
  282. -v /var/log:/host/var/log:ro \
  283. -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
  284. -v /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro \
  285. --restart unless-stopped \
  286. --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \
  287. --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
  288. --security-opt apparmor=unconfined \
  289. {% if $showClaimingOptions %}
  290. -e NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN={% claim_token %} \
  291. -e NETDATA_CLAIM_URL={% claim_url %} \
  292. -e NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS={% $claim_rooms %} \
  293. {% /if %}
  294. netdata/netdata:stable
  295. - method: Docker Compose
  296. commands:
  297. - channel: nightly
  298. command: |
  299. version: '3'
  300. services:
  301. netdata:
  302. image: netdata/netdata:edge
  303. container_name: netdata
  304. pid: host
  305. network_mode: host
  306. restart: unless-stopped
  307. cap_add:
  308. - SYS_PTRACE
  309. - SYS_ADMIN
  310. security_opt:
  311. - apparmor:unconfined
  312. volumes:
  313. - netdataconfig:/etc/netdata
  314. - netdatalib:/var/lib/netdata
  315. - netdatacache:/var/cache/netdata
  316. - /:/host/root:ro,rslave
  317. - /etc/passwd:/host/etc/passwd:ro
  318. - /etc/group:/host/etc/group:ro
  319. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  320. - /proc:/host/proc:ro
  321. - /sys:/host/sys:ro
  322. - /etc/os-release:/host/etc/os-release:ro
  323. - /var/log:/host/var/log:ro
  324. - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
  325. - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro
  326. {% if $showClaimingOptions %}
  327. environment:
  328. - NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN={% claim_token %}
  329. - NETDATA_CLAIM_URL={% claim_url %}
  330. - NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS={% $claim_rooms %}
  331. {% /if %}
  332. volumes:
  333. netdataconfig:
  334. netdatalib:
  335. netdatacache:
  336. - channel: stable
  337. command: |
  338. version: '3'
  339. services:
  340. netdata:
  341. image: netdata/netdata:stable
  342. container_name: netdata
  343. pid: host
  344. network_mode: host
  345. restart: unless-stopped
  346. cap_add:
  347. - SYS_PTRACE
  348. - SYS_ADMIN
  349. security_opt:
  350. - apparmor:unconfined
  351. volumes:
  352. - netdataconfig:/etc/netdata
  353. - netdatalib:/var/lib/netdata
  354. - netdatacache:/var/cache/netdata
  355. - /:/host/root:ro,rslave
  356. - /etc/passwd:/host/etc/passwd:ro
  357. - /etc/group:/host/etc/group:ro
  358. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  359. - /proc:/host/proc:ro
  360. - /sys:/host/sys:ro
  361. - /etc/os-release:/host/etc/os-release:ro
  362. - /var/log:/host/var/log:ro
  363. - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
  364. - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro
  365. {% if $showClaimingOptions %}
  366. environment:
  367. - NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN={% claim_token %}
  368. - NETDATA_CLAIM_URL={% claim_url %}
  369. - NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS={% $claim_rooms %}
  370. {% /if %}
  371. volumes:
  372. netdataconfig:
  373. netdatalib:
  374. netdatacache:
  375. - method: Docker Swarm
  376. commands:
  377. - channel: nightly
  378. command: |
  379. version: '3'
  380. services:
  381. netdata:
  382. image: netdata/netdata:edge
  383. pid: host
  384. network_mode: host
  385. cap_add:
  386. - SYS_PTRACE
  387. - SYS_ADMIN
  388. security_opt:
  389. - apparmor:unconfined
  390. volumes:
  391. - netdataconfig:/etc/netdata
  392. - netdatalib:/var/lib/netdata
  393. - netdatacache:/var/cache/netdata
  394. - /:/host/root:ro,rslave
  395. - /etc/passwd:/host/etc/passwd:ro
  396. - /etc/group:/host/etc/group:ro
  397. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  398. - /proc:/host/proc:ro
  399. - /sys:/host/sys:ro
  400. - /etc/os-release:/host/etc/os-release:ro
  401. - /etc/hostname:/etc/hostname:ro
  402. - /var/log:/host/var/log:ro
  403. - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
  404. - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro
  405. {% if $showClaimingOptions %}
  406. environment:
  407. - NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN={% claim_token %}
  408. - NETDATA_CLAIM_URL={% claim_url %}
  409. - NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS={% $claim_rooms %}
  410. {% /if %}
  411. deploy:
  412. mode: global
  413. restart_policy:
  414. condition: on-failure
  415. volumes:
  416. netdataconfig:
  417. netdatalib:
  418. netdatacache:
  419. - channel: stable
  420. command: |
  421. version: '3'
  422. services:
  423. netdata:
  424. image: netdata/netdata:stable
  425. pid: host
  426. network_mode: host
  427. cap_add:
  428. - SYS_PTRACE
  429. - SYS_ADMIN
  430. security_opt:
  431. - apparmor:unconfined
  432. volumes:
  433. - netdataconfig:/etc/netdata
  434. - netdatalib:/var/lib/netdata
  435. - netdatacache:/var/cache/netdata
  436. - /:/host/root:ro,rslave
  437. - /etc/passwd:/host/etc/passwd:ro
  438. - /etc/group:/host/etc/group:ro
  439. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  440. - /proc:/host/proc:ro
  441. - /sys:/host/sys:ro
  442. - /etc/os-release:/host/etc/os-release:ro
  443. - /etc/hostname:/etc/hostname:ro
  444. - /var/log:/host/var/log:ro
  445. - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
  446. - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro
  447. {% if $showClaimingOptions %}
  448. environment:
  449. - NETDATA_CLAIM_TOKEN={% claim_token %}
  450. - NETDATA_CLAIM_URL={% claim_url %}
  451. - NETDATA_CLAIM_ROOMS={% $claim_rooms %}
  452. {% /if %}
  453. deploy:
  454. mode: global
  455. restart_policy:
  456. condition: on-failure
  457. volumes:
  458. netdataconfig:
  459. netdatalib:
  460. netdatacache:
  461. additional_info: ""
  462. related_resources: {}
  463. platform_info:
  464. group: "no_include"
  465. distro: "docker"
  466. quick_start: 3
  467. - id: deploy-kubernetes
  468. meta:
  469. name: Kubernetes (Helm)
  470. link: ""
  471. categories:
  472. - deploy.docker-kubernetes
  473. icon_filename: "kubernetes.svg"
  474. keywords:
  475. - kubernetes
  476. - container
  477. - Orchestrator
  478. install_description: |
  479. **Use helm install to install Netdata on your Kubernetes cluster**
  480. For a new installation use `helm install` or for existing clusters add the content below to your `override.yaml` and then run `helm upgrade -f override.yml netdata netdata/netdata`
  481. methods:
  482. - method: Helm
  483. commands:
  484. - channel: nightly
  485. command: |
  486. helm install netdata netdata/netdata \
  487. --set image.tag=edge{% if $showClaimingOptions %} \
  488. --set parent.claiming.enabled="true" \
  489. --set parent.claiming.token={% claim_token %} \
  490. --set parent.claiming.rooms={% $claim_rooms %} \
  491. --set child.claiming.enabled="true" \
  492. --set child.claiming.token={% claim_token %} \
  493. --set child.claiming.rooms={% $claim_rooms %}{% /if %}
  494. - channel: stable
  495. command: |
  496. helm install netdata netdata/netdata \
  497. --set image.tag=stable{% if $showClaimingOptions %} \
  498. --set parent.claiming.enabled="true" \
  499. --set parent.claiming.token={% claim_token %} \
  500. --set parent.claiming.rooms={% $claim_rooms %} \
  501. --set child.claiming.enabled="true" \
  502. --set child.claiming.token={% claim_token %} \
  503. --set child.claiming.rooms={% $claim_rooms %}{% /if %}
  504. - method: Existing Cluster
  505. commands:
  506. - channel: nightly
  507. command: |
  508. image:
  509. tag: edge
  510. restarter:
  511. enabled: true
  512. {% if $showClaimingOptions %}
  513. parent:
  514. claiming:
  515. enabled: true
  516. token: {% claim_token %}
  517. rooms: {% $claim_rooms %}
  518. child:
  519. claiming:
  520. enabled: true
  521. token: {% claim_token %}
  522. rooms: {% $claim_rooms %}
  523. {% /if %}
  524. - channel: stable
  525. command: |
  526. image:
  527. tag: stable
  528. restarter:
  529. enabled: true
  530. {% if $showClaimingOptions %}
  531. parent:
  532. claiming:
  533. enabled: true
  534. token: {% claim_token %}
  535. rooms: {% $claim_rooms %}
  536. child:
  537. claiming:
  538. enabled: true
  539. token: {% claim_token %}
  540. rooms: {% $claim_rooms %}
  541. {% /if %}
  542. additional_info: ""
  543. related_resources: {}
  544. most_popular: true
  545. platform_info:
  546. group: ""
  547. distro: ""
  548. quick_start: 4
  549. - id: deploy-windows
  550. meta:
  551. name: Windows
  552. link: ""
  553. categories:
  554. - deploy.operating-systems
  555. icon_filename: "windows.svg"
  556. keywords:
  557. - windows
  558. install_description: |
  559. Netdata offers a convenient Windows installer for easy setup. This executable provides two distinct installation modes, outlined below.
  560. ## Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  561. **Download the MSI Installer**:
  562. - [Stable version](
  563. - [Nightly version](
  564. Double-click the installer to start the installation process. As Netdata adds a service to your system, you'll need to provide administrator privileges.
  565. Once installed, you can access your Netdata dashboard at `localhost:19999`.
  566. ## Silent Mode (Command line)
  567. If you prefer to install Netdata through the command line, you can do so by running the following command on Windows Powershell with administrator rights.
  568. methods:
  569. - method: Silent Mode (Command line)
  570. commands:
  571. - channel: stable
  572. command: >
  573. $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
  574. Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile "netdata-x64.msi";
  575. msiexec /qn /i netdata-x64.msi {% if $showClaimingOptions %}TOKEN={% claim_token %} ROOMS={% $claim_rooms %}{% /if %}
  576. - channel: nightly
  577. command: >
  578. $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';
  579. Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile "netdata-x64.msi";
  580. msiexec /qn /i netdata-x64.msi {% if $showClaimingOptions %}TOKEN={% claim_token %} ROOMS={% $claim_rooms %}{% /if %}
  581. additional_info: |
  582. ### Available CLI Options
  583. | Option | Description |
  584. |--------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  585. | `/qn` | Enables silent mode installation. |
  586. | `/i` | Specifies the path to the MSI installer file. |
  587. | `INSECURE=1` | Forces insecure connections, bypassing hostname verification (use only if absolutely necessary). |
  588. | `TOKEN=` | Sets the Claim Token for your Netdata Cloud Space. |
  589. | `ROOMS=` | Comma-separated list of Room IDs where you want your node to appear. |
  590. | `PROXY=` | Sets the proxy server address if your network requires one. |
  591. related_resources: {}
  592. most_popular: true
  593. platform_info:
  594. group: ""
  595. distro: ""
  596. quick_start: 2
  597. - id: deploy-freebsd
  598. meta:
  599. name: FreeBSD
  600. link: ""
  601. categories:
  602. - deploy.operating-systems
  603. icon_filename: "freebsd.svg"
  604. most_popular: true
  605. keywords:
  606. - freebsd
  607. install_description: |
  608. ## Install dependencies
  609. Please install the following packages using the command below:
  610. ```pkg install bash e2fsprogs-libuuid git curl autoconf automake pkgconf pidof liblz4 libuv json-c cmake gmake```
  611. This step needs root privileges. Please respond in the affirmative for any relevant prompts during the installation process.
  612. Run the following command on your node to install and claim Netdata:
  613. methods:
  614. - *ks_curl
  615. - method: fetch
  616. commands:
  617. - channel: nightly
  618. command: >
  619. fetch -o /tmp/ && sh /tmp/ --nightly-channel{% if $showClaimingOptions %} --claim-token {% claim_token %} --claim-rooms {% $claim_rooms %} --claim-url {% claim_url %}{% /if %}
  620. - channel: stable
  621. command: >
  622. fetch -o /tmp/ && sh /tmp/ --stable-channel{% if $showClaimingOptions %} --claim-token {% claim_token %} --claim-rooms {% $claim_rooms %} --claim-url {% claim_url %}{% /if %}
  623. additional_info: |
  624. Netdata can also be installed via [FreeBSD ports](
  625. related_resources: {}
  626. platform_info:
  627. group: "no_include"
  628. distro: "freebsd"
  629. quick_start: 6