1. name: "Netdata Agent: Bug report"
  2. description: "Submit a report and help us improve our free and open-source Netdata Agent"
  3. title: "[Bug]: "
  4. labels: ["bug", "needs triage"]
  5. body:
  6. - type: markdown
  7. attributes:
  8. value: "### Thank you for contributing to our project!"
  9. - type: markdown
  10. attributes:
  11. value: |
  12. <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/netdata/netdata.svg?label=latest%20stable"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/netdata/netdata-nightlies.svg?label=latest%20nightly">
  13. - type: markdown
  14. attributes:
  15. value: |
  16. Before submitting, we'd appreciate it if you:
  17. - Verify that your issue is not already reported on GitHub.
  18. - Check if your Netdata Agent is up to date. If not, we recommend that you [update](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/agent/packaging/installer/update) first.
  19. - type: textarea
  20. id: bug-description
  21. attributes:
  22. label: Bug description
  23. description: Provide a description of the bug you're experiencing.
  24. validations:
  25. required: true
  26. - type: textarea
  27. id: expected-behavior
  28. attributes:
  29. label: Expected behavior
  30. description: Describe what you expected to happen.
  31. validations:
  32. required: true
  33. - type: textarea
  34. id: reproduce
  35. attributes:
  36. label: Steps to reproduce
  37. description: Describe the steps to reproduce the bug.
  38. value: |
  39. 1.
  40. 2.
  41. 3.
  42. ...
  43. validations:
  44. required: true
  45. - type: dropdown
  46. id: install-method
  47. attributes:
  48. label: Installation method
  49. description: |
  50. Select [installation method](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/agent/packaging/installer#alternative-methods) you used.
  51. Describe the method in the "Additional info" section if you chose "other".
  52. options:
  53. - "kickstart.sh"
  54. - "windows MSI"
  55. - "docker"
  56. - "helmchart (kubernetes)"
  57. - "manual setup of official DEB/RPM packages"
  58. - "from git"
  59. - "from source"
  60. - "other"
  61. validations:
  62. required: true
  63. - type: textarea
  64. id: system-info
  65. attributes:
  66. label: System info
  67. description: |
  68. Provide information about your system:
  69. | OS | Command |
  70. |------------------|-----------------------------------------------|
  71. | Linux | `uname -a; grep -HvE "^#\|URL" /etc/*release` |
  72. | Windows (prompt) | `systeminfo \| findstr /B /C:"OS"` |
  73. | BSD | `uname -a; uname -K` |
  74. | macOS | ` uname -a; sw_vers` |
  75. > NOTE: This will be automatically formatted into code, so no need for backticks.
  76. render: shell
  77. validations:
  78. required: true
  79. - type: textarea
  80. id: netdata-buildfinfo
  81. attributes:
  82. label: Netdata build info
  83. description: |
  84. Provide Netdata Agent version and build info. To get this information, execute:
  85. ```shell
  86. netdata -W buildinfo
  87. # If get "netdata: command not found", try (required running Netdata)
  88. $(ps aux | grep -m1 -E -o "[a-zA-Z/]+netdata ") -W buildinfo
  89. ```
  90. > NOTE: This will be automatically formatted into code, so no need for backticks.
  91. render: shell
  92. validations:
  93. required: true
  94. - type: textarea
  95. id: additional-info
  96. attributes:
  97. label: Additional info
  98. description: Any additional information related to the issue (ex. logs).
  99. validations:
  100. required: false