123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- #!/bin/bash
- set -e
- # Decrypt our private files; changes to this file should be inspected
- # closely to ensure they do not create information leaks
- eval key="\${encrypted_${1}_key}"
- eval iv="\${encrypted_${1}_iv}"
- if [ ! "$key" ]
- then
- echo "No aes key present - skipping decryption"
- exit 0
- fi
- for i in .travis/*.enc
- do
- u=$(echo $i | sed -e 's/.enc$//')
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K "$key" -iv "$iv" -in $i -out $u -d
- done
- if [ -f .travis/travis_rsa ]
- then
- echo "ssh key present - loading to agent"
- # add key, then remove to prevent leaks
- chmod 600 .travis/travis_rsa
- ssh-add .travis/travis_rsa
- rm -f .travis/travis_rsa
- touch /tmp/ssh-key-loaded
- else
- echo "No ssh key present - skipping agent start"
- fi