1.4 KB

[% if entry.metrics.scopes %]


[% if entry.metrics.folding.enabled and not clean %] {% details open=true summary="[[ entry.metrics.folding.title ]]" %} [% endif %] Metrics grouped by scope.

The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.

[[ entry.metrics.description ]]

[% for scope in entry.metrics.scopes %]

Per [[ ]]

[[ scope.description ]]

[% if scope.labels %] Labels:

Label Description

[% for label in scope.labels %] | [[ strfy( ]] | [[ strfy(label.description) ]] | [% endfor %] [% else %] This scope has no labels. [% endif %]


| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |[% for a in entry.metrics.availability %] [[ a ]] |[% endfor %]

|:------|:----------|:----|[% for a in entry.metrics.availability %]:---:|[% endfor %]

[% for metric in scope.metrics %] | [[ strfy( ]] | [% for d in metric.dimensions %][[ strfy( ]][% if not loop.last %], [% endif %][% endfor %] | [[ strfy(metric.unit) ]] |[% for a in entry.metrics.availability %] [% if not metric.availability|length or a in metric.availability %]•[% else %] [% endif %] |[% endfor %]

[% endfor %]

[% endfor %] [% if entry.metrics.folding.enabled and not clean %] {% /details %} [% endif %] [% else %]


[[ entry.metrics.description ]] [% endif %]