99-makeself.install.sh 4.4 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
  3. set -x
  4. # shellcheck source=packaging/makeself/functions.sh
  5. . "$(dirname "${0}")/../functions.sh" "${@}" || exit 1
  6. # shellcheck disable=SC2015
  7. [ "${GITHUB_ACTIONS}" = "true" ] && echo "::group::Building self-extracting archive" || true
  8. run cd "${NETDATA_SOURCE_PATH}" || exit 1
  9. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. # find the netdata version
  11. VERSION="$("${NETDATA_INSTALL_PARENT}/netdata/bin/netdata" -v | cut -f 2 -d ' ')"
  12. [ -z "${VERSION}" ] && VERSION="$(cat "${NETDATA_SOURCE_PATH}/packaging/version")"
  13. if [ "${VERSION}" == "" ]; then
  14. echo >&2 "Cannot find version number. Create makeself executable from source code with git tree structure."
  15. exit 1
  16. fi
  17. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. # copy the files needed by makeself installation
  19. run mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/system"
  20. run cp \
  21. packaging/makeself/post-installer.sh \
  22. packaging/makeself/install-or-update.sh \
  23. packaging/installer/functions.sh \
  24. "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/system/"
  25. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. # create a wrapper to start our netdata with a modified path
  27. run mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv"
  28. run mv "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata" \
  29. "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv/netdata" || exit 1
  30. cat > "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata" << EOF
  31. #!${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/bash
  33. export PATH="${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin:\${PATH}"
  34. exec "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv/netdata" "\${@}"
  35. EOF
  36. run chmod 755 "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata"
  37. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. # the claiming script must be in the same directory as the netdata binary for web-based claiming to work
  39. run ln -s "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata-claim.sh" \
  40. "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv/netdata-claim.sh" || exit 1
  41. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. # copy the SSL/TLS configuration and certificates from the build system
  43. run cp -a /etc/ssl "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/share/ssl"
  44. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. # remove the links to allow untaring the archive
  46. run rm "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/sbin" \
  47. "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr/bin" \
  48. "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr/sbin" \
  49. "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr/local"
  50. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. # ensure required directories actually exist
  52. for dir in var/lib/netdata var/cache/netdata var/log/netdata ; do
  53. run mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/${dir}"
  54. run touch "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/${dir}/.keep"
  55. done
  56. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. # create the makeself archive
  58. run sed "s|NETDATA_VERSION|${VERSION}|g" < "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.lsm" > "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.lsm.tmp"
  59. run "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.sh" \
  60. --gzip \
  61. --complevel 9 \
  62. --notemp \
  63. --needroot \
  64. --target "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}" \
  65. --header "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself-header.sh" \
  66. --lsm "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.lsm.tmp" \
  67. --license "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself-license.txt" \
  68. --help-header "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself-help-header.txt" \
  70. "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}.gz.run" \
  71. "netdata, the real-time performance and health monitoring system" \
  72. ./system/post-installer.sh
  73. run rm "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.lsm.tmp"
  74. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. # copy it to the netdata build dir
  76. FILE="netdata-${BUILDARCH}-${VERSION}.gz.run"
  77. run mkdir -p artifacts
  78. run mv "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}.gz.run" "artifacts/${FILE}"
  79. [ -f "netdata-${BUILDARCH}-latest.gz.run" ] && rm "netdata-${BUILDARCH}-latest.gz.run"
  80. run cp "artifacts/${FILE}" "netdata-${BUILDARCH}-latest.gz.run"
  81. if [ "${BUILDARCH}" = "x86_64" ]; then
  82. [ -f "netdata-latest.gz.run" ] && rm "netdata-latest.gz.run"
  83. run cp "artifacts/${FILE}" "netdata-latest.gz.run"
  84. [ -f "artifacts/netdata-${VERSION}.gz.run" ] && rm "netdata-${VERSION}.gz.run"
  85. run cp "artifacts/${FILE}" "artifacts/netdata-${VERSION}.gz.run"
  86. fi
  87. # shellcheck disable=SC2015
  88. [ "${GITHUB_ACTIONS}" = "true" ] && echo "::endgroup::" || true
  89. echo >&2 "Self-extracting installer moved to 'artifacts/${FILE}'"