123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219 |
- # no need for shebang - this file is included from other scripts
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- LOOPSLEEP_DATE="$(which date 2>/dev/null || command -v date 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ -z "$LOOPSLEEP_DATE" ]; then
- echo >&2 "$0: ERROR: Cannot find the command 'date' in the system path."
- exit 1
- fi
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # use the date command as a high resolution timer
- now_ms=
- current_time_ms_from_date() {
- if [ $LOOPSLEEPMS_HIGHRES -eq 0 ]; then
- now_ms="$($LOOPSLEEP_DATE +'%s')000"
- else
- now_ms="$(($($LOOPSLEEP_DATE +'%s * 1000 + %-N / 1000000')))"
- fi
- }
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # use /proc/uptime as a high resolution timer
- current_time_ms_from_date
- current_time_ms_from_uptime_started="${now_ms}"
- current_time_ms_from_uptime_last="${now_ms}"
- current_time_ms_from_uptime_first=0
- current_time_ms_from_uptime() {
- local up rest arr=() n
- read up rest </proc/uptime
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo >&2 "$0: Cannot read /proc/uptime - falling back to current_time_ms_from_date()."
- current_time_ms="current_time_ms_from_date"
- current_time_ms_from_date
- current_time_ms_accuracy=1
- return
- fi
- arr=(${up//./ })
- if [ ${#arr[1]} -lt 1 ]; then
- n="${arr[0]}000"
- elif [ ${#arr[1]} -lt 2 ]; then
- n="${arr[0]}${arr[1]}00"
- elif [ ${#arr[1]} -lt 3 ]; then
- n="${arr[0]}${arr[1]}0"
- else
- n="${arr[0]}${arr[1]}"
- fi
- now_ms=$((current_time_ms_from_uptime_started - current_time_ms_from_uptime_first + n))
- if [ "${now_ms}" -lt "${current_time_ms_from_uptime_last}" ]; then
- echo >&2 "$0: Cannot use current_time_ms_from_uptime() - new time ${now_ms} is older than the last ${current_time_ms_from_uptime_last} - falling back to current_time_ms_from_date()."
- current_time_ms="current_time_ms_from_date"
- current_time_ms_from_date
- current_time_ms_accuracy=1
- fi
- current_time_ms_from_uptime_last="${now_ms}"
- }
- current_time_ms_from_uptime
- current_time_ms_from_uptime_first="$((now_ms - current_time_ms_from_uptime_started))"
- current_time_ms_from_uptime_last="${current_time_ms_from_uptime_first}"
- current_time_ms="current_time_ms_from_uptime"
- current_time_ms_accuracy=10
- if [ "${current_time_ms_from_uptime_first}" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo >&2 "$0: Invalid setup for current_time_ms_from_uptime() - falling back to current_time_ms_from_date()."
- current_time_ms="current_time_ms_from_date"
- current_time_ms_accuracy=1
- fi
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # use read with timeout for sleep
- mysleep=""
- mysleep_fifo="${NETDATA_CACHE_DIR-/tmp}/.netdata_bash_sleep_timer_fifo"
- [ -f "${mysleep_fifo}" ] && rm "${mysleep_fifo}"
- [ ! -p "${mysleep_fifo}" ] && mkfifo "${mysleep_fifo}"
- [ -p "${mysleep_fifo}" ] && mysleep="mysleep_read"
- mysleep_read() {
- read -t "${1}" <>"${mysleep_fifo}"
- ret=$?
- if [ $ret -le 128 ]; then
- echo >&2 "$0: Cannot use read for sleeping (return code ${ret})."
- mysleep="sleep"
- ${mysleep} "${1}"
- fi
- }
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # use bash loadable module for sleep
- mysleep_builtin() {
- builtin sleep "${1}"
- ret=$?
- if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
- echo >&2 "$0: Cannot use builtin sleep for sleeping (return code ${ret})."
- mysleep="sleep"
- ${mysleep} "${1}"
- fi
- }
- if [ -z "${mysleep}" -a "$((BASH_VERSINFO[0] + 0))" -ge 3 -a "${NETDATA_BASH_LOADABLES}" != "DISABLE" ]; then
- # enable modules only for bash version 3+
- for bash_modules_path in ${BASH_LOADABLES_PATH//:/ } "$(pkg-config bash --variable=loadablesdir 2>/dev/null)" "/usr/lib/bash" "/lib/bash" "/lib64/bash" "/usr/local/lib/bash" "/usr/local/lib64/bash"; do
- [ -z "${bash_modules_path}" -o ! -d "${bash_modules_path}" ] && continue
- # check for sleep
- for bash_module_sleep in "sleep" "sleep.so"; do
- if [ -f "${bash_modules_path}/${bash_module_sleep}" ]; then
- if enable -f "${bash_modules_path}/${bash_module_sleep}" sleep 2>/dev/null; then
- mysleep="mysleep_builtin"
- # echo >&2 "$0: Using bash loadable ${bash_modules_path}/${bash_module_sleep} for sleep"
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- [ ! -z "${mysleep}" ] && break
- done
- fi
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # fallback to external sleep
- [ -z "${mysleep}" ] && mysleep="sleep"
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # this function is used to sleep a fraction of a second
- # it calculates the difference between every time is called
- # and tries to align the sleep time to give you exactly the
- # loop you need.
- loopsleepms() {
- local tellwork=0 t="${1}" div s m now mstosleep
- if [ "${t}" = "tellwork" ]; then
- tellwork=1
- shift
- t="${1}"
- fi
- # $t = the time in seconds to wait
- # if high resolution is not supported
- # just sleep the time requested, in seconds
- if [ ${LOOPSLEEPMS_HIGHRES} -eq 0 ]; then
- sleep ${t}
- return
- fi
- # get the current time, in ms in ${now_ms}
- ${current_time_ms}
- # calculate ms since last run
- [ ${LOOPSLEEPMS_LASTRUN} -gt 0 ] &&
- # echo "# last loop's work took $LOOPSLEEPMS_LASTWORK ms"
- # remember this run
- # calculate the next run
- LOOPSLEEPMS_NEXTRUN=$(((now_ms - (now_ms % (t * 1000))) + (t * 1000)))
- # calculate ms to sleep
- mstosleep=$((LOOPSLEEPMS_NEXTRUN - now_ms + current_time_ms_accuracy))
- # echo "# mstosleep is $mstosleep ms"
- # if we are too slow, sleep some time
- test ${mstosleep} -lt 200 && mstosleep=200
- s=$((mstosleep / 1000))
- m=$((mstosleep - (s * 1000)))
- [ "${m}" -lt 100 ] && m="0${m}"
- [ "${m}" -lt 10 ] && m="0${m}"
- test $tellwork -eq 1 && echo >&2 " >>> PERFORMANCE >>> WORK TOOK ${LOOPSLEEPMS_LASTWORK} ms ( $((LOOPSLEEPMS_LASTWORK * 100 / 1000)).$((LOOPSLEEPMS_LASTWORK % 10))% cpu ) >>> SLEEPING ${mstosleep} ms"
- # echo "# sleeping ${s}.${m}"
- # echo
- ${mysleep} ${s}.${m}
- # keep the values we need
- # for our next run
- }
- # test it
- #while [ 1 ]
- #do
- # r=$(( (RANDOM * 2000 / 32767) ))
- # s=$((r / 1000))
- # m=$((r - (s * 1000)))
- # [ "${m}" -lt 100 ] && m="0${m}"
- # [ "${m}" -lt 10 ] && m="0${m}"
- # echo "${r} = ${s}.${m}"
- #
- # # the work
- # ${mysleep} ${s}.${m}
- #
- # # the alignment loop
- # loopsleepms tellwork 1
- #done