Netdata uses collectors to help you gather metrics from your favorite applications and services and view them in real-time, interactive charts. The following list includes collectors for both internal system metrics, and external apps/services metrics.
Read more about collectors and how to enable them in our collectors documentation, or use the collector quickstart to figure out how to collect metrics from your favorite app/service with auto-detection and minimal configuration.
If you don't see the app/service you'd like to monitor here, check out our GitHub issues. Use the search bar to look for previous discussions about that collector—we may be looking for contributions from users such as yourself!
plugin | O/S | Description |
cgroups.plugin | Linux | Collects resource usage of containers, libvirt VMs, and systemd services on Linux systems. |
checks.plugin | any | A debugging plugin. |
diskspace.plugin | Linux | Collects disk space usage metrics on Linux mount points. |
freebsd.plugin | FreeBSD | Collects resource usage and performance data on FreeBSD systems. |
idlejitter.plugin | any | Measures CPU latency and jitter on all operating systems. |
macos.plugin | macos | Collects resource usage and performance data on MacOS systems. |
proc.plugin | Linux | Collects resource usage and performance data on Linux systems. |
slabinfo.plugin | Linux | Collects kernel SLAB details on Linux systems. |
statsd.plugin | any | Implements a high performance statsd server for Netdata. |
tc.plugin | Linux | Collects traffic QoS metrics (tc ) of Linux network interfaces. |
xenstat.plugin | Linux | Collects XenServer and XCP-ng metrics using libxenstat . |
plugin | O/S | Description |
apps.plugin | Linux, FreeBSD | Monitors the whole process tree on Linux and FreeBSD and breaks down system resource usage by process, user and user group. |
charts.d.plugin | any | A plugin orchestrator for data collection modules written in bash v4+. |
cups.plugin | any | Monitors CUPS. |
fping.plugin | any | Measures network latency, jitter and packet loss between the monitored node and any number of remote network end points. |
freeipmi.plugin | Linux, FreeBSD | Collects metrics from enterprise hardware sensors, on Linux and FreeBSD servers. |
go.d.plugin | any | A plugin orchestrator for data collection modules written in go . |
ioping.plugin | any | Measures disk read/write latency. |
nfacct.plugin | Linux | Collects netfilter firewall, connection tracker and accounting metrics using libmnl and libnetfilter_acct . |
node.d.plugin | any | A plugin orchestrator for data collection modules written in node.js . |
perf.plugin | Linux | Collects CPU performance metrics using performance monitoring units (PMU). |
python.d.plugin | any | A plugin orchestrator for data collection modules written in python v2/v3. |
)Name | Monitors | Description |
ap | Access Points |
Monitors client, traffic and signal metrics using aw tool. |
apcupsd | APC UPSes |
Retrieves status information using apcaccess tool. |
example | - | - |
libreswan | Libreswan IPSEC Tunnels |
Collects bytes-in, bytes-out and uptime metrics. |
nut | UPS Servers |
Polls the status using upsc tool. |
opensips | OpenSIPS |
Collects server health and performance metrics using the opensipsctl tool. |
sensors | Linux Machines Sensors |
reads system sensors information (temperature, voltage, electric current, power, etc.) from /sys/devices/ . |
)Name | Monitors | Description |
activemq | ActiveMQ |
Collects message broker queues and topics statistics using ActiveMQ Console API. |
apache | Apache |
Collects web server performance metrics via server-status?auto endpoint. |
bind | ISC Bind |
Collects Name server summary performance statistics via web interface (statistics-channels feature). |
cockroachdb | CockroachDB |
Monitors various database components using _status/vars endpoint. |
consul | Consul |
Reports service and unbound checks status (passing, warning, critical, maintenance). |
coredns | CoreDNS |
Collects Name server summary, per server and per zone metrics. |
dns_query | DNS Query RTT |
Measures DNS query round trip time. |
dnsmasq_dhcp | Dnsmasq |
Automatically detects all configured Dnsmasq DHCP ranges and Monitors their utilization. |
docker_engine | Docker Engine |
Collects runtime statistics from Docker daemon (metrics-address feature). |
dockerhub | Docker Hub |
Collects docker repositories statistics (pulls, starts, status, time since last update). |
fluentd | Fluentd |
Gathers application plugins metrics from endpoint provided by in_monitor plugin . |
freeradius | FreeRADIUS |
Collects server authentication and accounting statistics from status server . |
hdfs | HDFS |
Monitors file system datanodes and namenodes health and performance metrics. |
httpcheck | HTTP Endpoint |
Monitors http endpoint availability and response time. |
k8s_kubelet | Kubelet |
Collects application health and performance metrics. |
k8s_kubeproxy | Kube-proxy |
Collects application health and performance metrics. |
lighttpd | Lighttpd |
Collects web server performance metrics via server-status?auto endpoint. |
lighttpd2 | Lighttpd2 |
Collects web server performance metrics via erver-status?format=plain endpoint. |
logstash | Logstash |
Monitors application JVM memory usage ang GC statistics. |
mysql | MySQL |
Collects database global and replication metrics. |
nginx | NGINX |
Monitors web server status information. Information is provided by ngx_http_stub_status_module . |
openvpn | OpenVPN |
Gathers server summary (client, traffic) and per user metrics (traffic, connection time) stats using management-interface . |
phpdaemon | phpDaemon |
Collects workers statistics (total, active, idle). |
phpfpm | PHP-FPM |
Collects application summary and processes health metrics scraping status page (/status?full ). |
pihole | Pi-hole |
Monitors basic (dns queries, clients, blocklist) and extended (top clients, top permitted and blocked domains) statistics using PHP API. |
portcheck | TCP Endpoint |
Monitors tcp endpoint availability and response time. |
rabbitmq | RabbitMQ |
Collects message broker overview, system and per virtual host metrics. |
scaleio | Dell EMC ScaleIO |
Monitors storage system, storage pools and sdcs health and performance metrics via VxFlex OS Gateway API. |
solr | Solr |
Collects application search requests, search errors, update requests and update errors statistics. |
springboot2 | Spring Boot2 |
Monitors running Java Spring Boot 2 applications that expose their metrics with the use of the Spring Boot Actuator. |
squidlog | Squid |
Tails access logs and provides very detailed caching proxy performance statistics. This module is able to parse 200k+ rows for less then half a second. |
tengine | Tengine |
Monitors web server statistics using information provided by ngx_http_reqstat_module . |
unbound | Unbound |
Collects dns resolver summary and extended system and per thread metrics via remote-control interface. |
vcsa | vCenter Server Appliance |
Monitors appliance system, components and software updates health statuses via Health API. |
vernemq | VerneMQ |
Monitors MQTT broker health and performance metrics. It collects all available info for both MQTTv3 and v5 communication. |
vsphere | VMware vCenter Server |
Collects hosts and virtual machines performance metrics. |
web_log | Apache/NGINX |
Tails access logs and provides very detailed web server performance statistics. This module is able to parse 200k+ rows for less then half a second. |
wmi | Windows Machines |
Collects cpu, memory, network, disk, os, system and logon metrics scraping wmi_exporter . |
x509check | Digital Certificates |
Monitors certificate expiration time. |
zookeeper | ZooKeeper |
Monitors application health metrics reading server response to mntr command. |
)Name | Monitors | Description |
named | ISC Bind |
Collects Name server summary performance statistics via web interface (statistics-channels feature). |
fronius | Fronius Symo Solar Power Products |
Collects power, consumption, autonomy, energy and inverter statistics. |
sma_webbox | SMA Sunny WebBox |
Collects power statistics. |
snmp | SNMP Devices |
Gathers data using SNMP protocol. All protocol versions are supported. |
stiebeleltron | Stiebel Eltron ISG Products |
Collects heat pumps and how water installations metrics. |
)Name | Monitors | Description |
adaptec_raid | Adaptec RAID Controller |
Monitors logical and physical devices health metrics using arcconf tool. |
am2320 | AM2320 Sensor |
Monitors sensor temperature and humidity |
apache | Apache |
Collects web server performance metrics via server-status?auto endpoint. |
beanstalk | Beanstalk |
Collects server summary and per tube metrics |
bind_rndc | ISC Bind |
Collects Name server summary performance statistics using rndc tool. |
boinc | BOINC |
Monitors task counts. |
ceph | CEPH |
Monitors the ceph cluster usage and server data consumption. |
chrony | Chrony |
Monitors the precision and statistics of a local chronyd server. |
couchdb | Apache CouchDB |
Monitors database health and performance metrics (reads/writes, HTTP traffic, replication status, etc). |
dns_query_time | DNS Query RTT |
measures DNS query round trip time. |
dnsdist | PowerDNS dnsdist |
Collects load-balancer performance and health metrics. |
dockerd | Docker Engine |
Collects container health statistics. |
dovecot | Dovecot |
Collects email server performance metrics. It reads server response to EXPORT global command. |
elasticsearch | Elasticseach |
Collects search engine performance and health statistics. Optionally Collects per index metrics. |
energid | Energi Core Node |
Monitors blockchain, memory, network and unspent transactions statistics. |
example | - | just an data collector example. |
exim | Exim |
reports MTA emails queue length using exim tool. |
fail2ban | Fail2ban |
parses log file and reports ban rate and number of banned IPS (since the last restart of Netdata) for every jail. It automatically detects all configured jails from Fail2ban configuration files. |
freeradius | FreeRADIUS |
Collects server authentication and accounting statistics from status server using radclient tool. |
gearman | Gearman |
Collects application summary (queued, running) and per job worker statistics (queued, idle, running) |
go_expvar | Go Application |
Monitors Go application that exposes its metrics with the use of expvar package from the Go standard library. |
haproxy | Haproxy |
Collects frontend, backend and health metrics. |
hddtemp | HDD Temperature |
Monitors storage temperature. |
hpssa | HP Smart Storage Arrays |
Monitors controller, cache module, logical and physical drive state and temperature using ssacli tool. |
httpcheck | HTTP Endpoint |
Monitors http endpoint availability and response time. |
icecast | Icecast |
Monitors server number of listeners for active sources. |
ipfs | IPFS |
Collects file system bandwidth, peers and repo metrics. |
isc_dhcpd | ISC DHCP |
reads dhcpd.leases file and reports DHCP pools utiliation and leases statistics (total number, leases per pool). |
litespeed | LiteSpeed |
Collects web server data (network, connection, requests, cache) reading .rtreport* files. |
logind | Systemd-Logind |
Monitors active sessions, users, and seats tracked by systemd-logind or elogind . |
megacli | MegaRAID Controller |
Collects adapter, physical drives and battery stats using megacli tool. |
memcached | Memcached |
Collects memory-caching system performance metrics. It reads server response to stats command (stats interface). |
mongodb | MongoDB |
Monitors database health, performance and replication metrics. |
monit | Monit |
Monitors statuses of targets (service-checks) using XML stats interface. |
mysql | MySQL |
Collects database global, replication and per user statistics. |
nginx | NGINX |
Monitors web server status information. Information is provided by ngx_http_stub_status_module . |
nginx_plus | NGINX Plus |
Collects web server global, and per server zone/upstream/cache metrics. |
nsd | NSD |
Monitors Name server performance metrics using nsd-control tool. |
ntpd | NTPd |
Monitors the system variables of the local ntpd daemon (optional incl. variables of the polled peers) using the NTP Control Message Protocol via UDP socket. |
nvidia_smi | Nvidia GPU |
Monitors performance metrics (memory usage, fan speed, pcie bandwidth utilization, temperature, etc.) using nvidia-smi tool. |
openldap | OpenLDAP |
provides statistics information from openldap (slapd) server. Statistics are taken from LDAP monitoring interface. |
oracledb | OracleDB |
Monitors database performance and health metrics. |
ovpn_status_log | OpenVPN |
parses server log files and provides summary (client, traffic) metrics. |
phpfpm | PHP-FPM |
Collects application summary and processes health metrics scraping status page (/status?full ). |
portcheck | TCP Endpoint |
Monitors tcp endpoint availability and response time. |
postfix | Postfix |
Monitors MTA email queue statistics using postqueue tool. |
postgres | PostgreSQL |
Collects database health and performance metrics. |
powerdns | PowerDNS |
Monitors authoritative server and recursor statistics. |
proxysql | ProxySQL |
Monitors database backend and frontend performance metrics. |
puppet | Puppet |
Monitors status of Puppet Server and Puppet DB. |
rabbitmq | RabbitMQ |
Collects message broker global and per virtual host metrics. |
redis | Redis |
Monitors database status. It reads server response to INFO command. |
rethinkdbs | RethinkDB |
Collects database server and cluster statistics. |
retroshare | RetroShare |
Monitors application bandwidth, peers and DHT metrics. |
riakkv | RiakKV |
Collects database stats from /stats endpoint. |
samba | Samba |
Collects file sharing metrics using smbstatus tool. |
sensors | Linux Machines Sensors |
reads system sensors information (temperature, voltage, electric current, power, etc.). |
smartd_log | Storage Devices |
reads SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon logs. |
spigotmc | SpigotMC |
Monitors average ticket rate and number of users. |
springboot | Spring Boot2 |
Monitors running Java Spring Boot applications that expose their metrics with the use of the Spring Boot Actuator. |
squid | Squid |
Monitors client and server bandwidth/requests. This module Gathers data from Cache Manager component. |
tomcat | Apache Tomcat |
Collects web server performance metrics from Manager App (/manager/status?XML=true ). |
tor | Tor |
reports traffic usage statistics. It uses Tor control port to gather the data. |
traefik | Traefic |
uses Health API to provide statistics. |
uwsgi | uWSGI |
Monitors performance metrics exposed by Stats Server . |
varnish | Varnish Cache |
provides HTTP accelerator global, backends (VBE) and disks (SMF) statistics using varnishstat tool. |
w1sensor | 1-Wire Sensors |
Monitors sensor temperature. |
web_log | Apache/NGINX/Squid |
tails access log file and Collects web server/caching proxy metrics. |
Third-party plugins are distributed by their developers, and are not installed by default with Netdata. To use a third-party plugin, you must visit their documentation and follow the installation steps.
Name | Monitors | Description |
netdata_nv_plugin | Nvidia GPUs | Monitors nvidia GPUs. |
netdata_ts3_plugin | Teamspeak 3 | polls active users and bandwidth from TeamSpeak 3 servers |
netdata-ssh-module | SSH | Monitors failed authentication requests of an SSH server |
netdata-numsessions | uptime |
Collects the number of currently logged-on users. |
netdata_cyberpwrups_plugin | CyberPower UPS | |
nim-netdata-plugin | helper | A helper to create native Netdata plugins using Nim. |