metadata.yaml 2.6 KB

  1. meta:
  2. plugin_name: cups.plugin
  3. module_name: cups.plugin
  4. monitored_instance:
  5. name: CUPS
  6. link: ''
  7. categories:
  8. - data-collection.hardware-devices-and-sensors
  9. icon_filename: 'cups.png'
  10. related_resources:
  11. integrations:
  12. list: []
  13. info_provided_to_referring_integrations:
  14. description: ''
  15. keywords: []
  16. most_popular: false
  17. overview:
  18. data_collection:
  19. metrics_description: 'Monitor CUPS performance for achieving optimal printing system operations. Monitor job statuses, queue lengths, and error rates to ensure smooth printing tasks.'
  20. method_description: ''
  21. supported_platforms:
  22. include: []
  23. exclude: []
  24. multi_instance: true
  25. additional_permissions:
  26. description: ''
  27. default_behavior:
  28. auto_detection:
  29. description: ''
  30. limits:
  31. description: ''
  32. performance_impact:
  33. description: ''
  34. setup:
  35. prerequisites:
  36. list: []
  37. configuration:
  38. file:
  39. name: ''
  40. description: ''
  41. options:
  42. description: ''
  43. folding:
  44. title: ''
  45. enabled: true
  46. list: []
  47. examples:
  48. folding:
  49. enabled: true
  50. title: ''
  51. list: []
  52. troubleshooting:
  53. problems:
  54. list: []
  55. alerts: []
  56. metrics:
  57. folding:
  58. title: Metrics
  59. enabled: false
  60. description: ""
  61. availability: []
  62. scopes:
  63. - name: global
  64. description: ""
  65. labels: []
  66. metrics:
  67. - name: cups.dests_state
  68. description: Destinations by state
  69. unit: "dests"
  70. chart_type: stacked
  71. dimensions:
  72. - name: idle
  73. - name: printing
  74. - name: stopped
  75. - name: cups.dests_option
  76. description: Destinations by option
  77. unit: "dests"
  78. chart_type: line
  79. dimensions:
  80. - name: total
  81. - name: acceptingjobs
  82. - name: shared
  83. - name: cups.job_num
  84. description: Active jobs
  85. unit: "jobs"
  86. chart_type: stacked
  87. dimensions:
  88. - name: pending
  89. - name: held
  90. - name: processing
  91. - name: cups.job_size
  92. description: Active jobs size
  93. unit: "KB"
  94. chart_type: stacked
  95. dimensions:
  96. - name: pending
  97. - name: held
  98. - name: processing
  99. - name: destination
  100. description: ""
  101. labels: []
  102. metrics:
  103. - name: cups.destination_job_num
  104. description: Active jobs of {destination}
  105. unit: "jobs"
  106. chart_type: stacked
  107. dimensions:
  108. - name: pending
  109. - name: held
  110. - name: processing
  111. - name: cups.destination_job_size
  112. description: Active jobs size of {destination}
  113. unit: "KB"
  114. chart_type: stacked
  115. dimensions:
  116. - name: pending
  117. - name: held
  118. - name: processing