Uninstalling netdata

netdata was installed from source (or kickstart.sh)

The script netdata-installer.sh generates another script called netdata-uninstaller.sh.

To uninstall netdata, run:

cd /path/to/netdata.git
./netdata-uninstaller.sh --force

The uninstaller will ask you to confirm all deletions.

netdata was installed with kickstart-static64.sh package

Stop netdata with one of the following:

  • service netdata stop (non-systemd systems)
  • systemctl stop netdata (systemd systems)

Disable running netdata at startup, with one of the following (based on your distro):

  • rc-update del netdata
  • update-rc.d netdata disable
  • chkconfig netdata off
  • systemctl disable netdata

Delete the netdata files:

  1. rm -rf /opt/netdata
  2. groupdel netdata
  3. userdel netdata
  4. rm /etc/logrotate.d/netdata
  5. rm /etc/systemd/system/netdata.service or rm /etc/init.d/netdata, depending on the distro.