apps_groups.conf 7.8 KB

  1. ##
  2. ## apps.plugin process grouping
  3. ##
  4. ## Documentation at:
  5. ##
  6. ##
  7. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. ## Subprocesses of process managers are monitored individually.
  9. ## (uncomment to add or edit - the default is also hardcoded into the plugin)
  10. ## Clear all the managers, to set yours, otherwise append to the internal list.
  11. #managers: clear
  12. ## Linux process managers
  13. #managers: init systemd containerd-shim-runc-v2 dumb-init gnome-shell docker-init
  14. #managers: spawn-plugins crond plasmashell xfwm4
  15. ## FreeBSD process managers
  16. #managers: init spawn-plugins
  17. ## MacOS process managers
  18. #managers: launchd spawn-plugins
  19. ## Windows process managers
  20. #managers: wininit services explorer System netdata
  21. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. ## Interpreters to search for the actual command name in command line.
  23. ## (uncomment to add or edit - the default is also hardcoded into the plugin)
  24. ## Clear all the interpreters, to set yours, otherwise append to the internal list.
  25. #interpreters: clear
  26. #interpreters: python python2 python3
  27. #interpreters: sh bash zsh
  28. #interpreters: node perl awk
  29. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. ## Processes of interest
  31. ## Grouping and/or rename individual processes.
  32. ## (there is no internal default for this section)
  33. ## NETDATA processes accounting
  34. netdata: netdata
  35. ## NETDATA agent-service-discovery (kubernetes)
  36. agent_sd: agent_sd
  37. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. oracledb: ora_* oracle_* **
  39. unicorn: *unicorn*
  40. puma: *puma*
  41. couchdb: *couchdb*
  42. graphite: ** ** *graphite/*
  43. opentsdb: **
  44. imapd: *imapd
  45. pop3d: *pop3d
  46. popd: *popd
  47. camo: *camo*
  48. vicidial: *vicidial*
  49. vines: *vines*
  50. prosody: *prosody*
  51. azure: mdsd *waagent* *omiserver* *omiagent* hv_kvp_daemon hv_vss_daemon *auoms* *omsagent*
  52. datadog: *datadog*
  53. newrelic: newrelic*
  54. google-agent: *google_guest_agent* *google_osconfig_agent*
  55. aws-s3: '*aws s3*' s3cmd s5cmd
  56. proxmox-ve: pve* spiceproxy
  57. libvirt: virtlogd virtqemud virtstoraged virtnetworkd virtlockd virtinterfaced
  58. libvirt: virtnodedevd virtproxyd virtsecretd libvirtd
  59. guest-agent: qemu-ga spice-vdagent cloud-init*
  60. dhcp: dhcp* dhclient
  61. build: cc1 cc1plus as gcc* cppcheck ld make cmake automake autoconf autoreconf
  62. build: cargo rustc bazel buck git gdb valgrind* rpmbuild dpkg-buildpackage
  63. packagemanager: apt* dpkg* dselect dnf yum rpm zypp* yast* pacman xbps* swupd*
  64. packagemanager: packagekitd pkgin pkg apk snapd slackpkg slapt-get emerge*
  65. clam: clam* *clam
  66. backup: rsync lsyncd bacula* borg rclone
  67. cron: cron* atd anacron *systemd-cron* incrond
  68. ups: upsmon upsd */nut/* apcupsd
  69. rabbitmq: *rabbitmq*
  70. sidekiq: *sidekiq*
  71. erlang: beam.smp
  72. postfix: *postfix*
  73. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. ## java applications
  75. hdfsdatanode: *org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode*
  76. hdfsnamenode: *org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode*
  77. hdfsjournalnode: *org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.server.JournalNode*
  78. hdfszkfc: **
  79. yarnnode: *org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.NodeManager*
  80. yarnmgr: *org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager*
  81. yarnproxy: *org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.webproxy.WebAppProxyServer*
  82. sparkworker: *org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker*
  83. sparkmaster: *org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master*
  84. hbaseregion: *org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer*
  85. hbaserest: **
  86. hbasethrift: *org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.ThriftServer*
  87. hbasemaster: *org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster*
  88. zookeeper: *org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain*
  89. hive2: *org.apache.hive.service.server.HiveServer2*
  90. hivemetastore: *org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStore*
  91. solr: *solr.install.dir*
  92. airflow: *airflow*
  93. kafka: *kafka.Kafka*
  94. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. ## Kernel / System
  96. ## The following are interesting kernel threads and related processes to
  97. ## monitor individually, mainly for their CPU utilization.
  98. ## These kernel threads switch tasks all the time, so they should never be
  99. ## categorized as anything specific.
  100. kernel: kworker/*
  101. ## Kernel Samepage Merging (KSM) daemon that looks for identical memory pages
  102. ## across processes and merges them to save memory.
  103. ksmd: ksmd
  104. ## Handles migration of processes between CPU cores to balance load.
  105. kmigration: migration/*
  106. ## Manages memory compaction, moving memory pages around to reduce
  107. ## fragmentation.
  108. kcompactd: kcompactd*
  109. ## Responsible for freeing up memory by swapping pages to disk when needed.
  110. kswapd: kswapd*
  111. ## DAMON is a mechanism designed to efficiently monitor the memory access
  112. ## patterns of running processes or the system itself.
  113. kdamond: kdamond
  114. ## Manages ballooning in virtualized environments.
  115. vballoon: vballoon*
  116. ## virtio - Handles or I/O (storage and network) on virtual machines.
  117. kvirtio: virtio-* vhost-*
  118. ## Layer 4 (transport layer) load balancing
  119. ipvs: ipvsd ipvs_* ip_vs_*
  120. ## Hugepages
  121. ## Scans memory regions and tries to promote regular-sized pages (4KB) into
  122. ## hugepages (2MB) where possible. Merge smaller contiguous 4KB pages into 2MB
  123. ## pages. Hugepages also use: kswapd, kcompactd, and migration.
  124. khugepaged: khugepaged
  125. ## Note about zswap:
  126. ## zswap does not introduce its own dedicated kernel threads. Instead, it
  127. ## operates within the existing memory management and swapping framework of the
  128. ## kernel:
  129. ## - kswapd: swaps pages in/out of memory, using compression in the process.
  130. ## - kcompactd: compacts memory when pages are compressed or moved around.
  131. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. ## Block Devices
  133. ## Handles deferred block I/O operations for block devices.
  134. kblockd: kblockd
  135. ## Device Mapper (DM)
  136. device-mapper: kcopyd/* kcryptd/* kdmflush/* dm_bufio_cache
  137. device-mapper: raid1/* raid5/* raid10/* multipathd bioset/*
  138. ## Software RAID (MD)
  139. md-raid: md*_raid* md*_resync md*_reshape md*_recovery md_thread
  140. md-raid: flush_md* raid*_sync
  141. ## iSCSI
  142. iscsi: iscsid iscsiadm iscsi_eh/* iscsi_xmit/* iscsi_ttx/* iscsi_rx/* iscsi_trx/*
  143. ## SCSI
  144. scsi: scsi_eh/* scsi_tmf/* scsi_wq/*
  145. ## BCACHE
  146. bcache: bcache* bch_btree_io bch_journal
  147. ## SAS
  148. sas: sas_task/* mpt*
  149. ## Fibre Channel (FC)
  150. fc: fc_transport qla2xxx*
  151. ## loop devices
  152. loop: loop* flush-loop*
  153. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. ## Filesystems
  155. ## Ext4
  156. ext4: ext4-* jbd2/*
  157. ## XFS
  158. xfs: xfs*
  159. ## BTRFS
  160. btrfs: btrfs*
  161. ## NFS
  162. nfs: rpcbind rpc.* nfs* rpciod
  163. ## ZFS
  164. zfs: spl_* z_* txg_* zil_* arc_* l2arc* zfs* zed zdb zpool*
  165. ## CEPH
  166. ceph: ceph-* ceph_* radosgw* rbd-* cephfs-*
  167. ceph: ceph cephadm osdmaptool crushtool rados rbd
  168. ## CIFS & Samba
  169. cifs: smbd nmbd winbindd ctdbd ctdb-* ctdb_*
  170. cifs: cifsd cifscreds cifs.upcall
  171. ## Apple Filling Protocol (AFP)
  172. afp: netatalk afpd cnid_dbd cnid_metad
  173. ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. ## Desktops
  175. systemd-journald: *systemd-journal*
  176. systemd: systemd systemd-*
  177. ## GNOME
  178. desktop: gnome-* gsd-* gjs goa-* gcr-* gvfs-* *xdg-*-gnome* passimd gvfsd*
  179. desktop: at-spi-* at-spi2-* dconf-service gcr-*
  180. ## KDE
  181. desktop: plasmashell kwin-* kde* *-kde-* klauncher kactivitymanagerd krunner
  182. desktop: kdeconnectd ksmserver kglobalaccel5 plasma-* *org.kde.*
  183. desktop: sddm* kwalletd5 knotify5 kmix kscreen kwayland-*
  184. ## XFCE4
  185. desktop: xfce4-* xfwm4 xfdesktop xfce4-panel xfsettingsd xfconfd
  186. desktop: lightdm lightdm-*
  187. ## Generic tools related to desktop
  188. desktop: gdm gdm-* dbus-* xdg-* ibus-* evolution-* accounts-daemon colord
  189. desktop: geoclue pulse* pipewire* wireplumber jack* touchegg pulseaudio
  190. desktop: Xwayland Xorg