unbound.conf 923 B

  1. # make sure there is no overwritten/dropped queries in the request-list
  2. template: unbound_request_list_overwritten
  3. on: unbound.request_list_jostle_list
  4. class: Errors
  5. type: DNS
  6. component: Unbound
  7. lookup: average -60s unaligned absolute match-names of overwritten
  8. units: queries
  9. every: 10s
  10. warn: $this > 5
  11. delay: up 10 down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  12. summary: Unbound overwritten queries
  13. info: Number of overwritten queries in the request-list
  14. to: sysadmin
  15. template: unbound_request_list_dropped
  16. on: unbound.request_list_jostle_list
  17. class: Errors
  18. type: DNS
  19. component: Unbound
  20. lookup: average -60s unaligned absolute match-names of dropped
  21. units: queries
  22. every: 10s
  23. warn: $this > 0
  24. delay: up 10 down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  25. summary: Unbound dropped queries
  26. info: Number of dropped queries in the request-list
  27. to: sysadmin