retroshare.conf 475 B

  1. # make sure the DHT is fine when active
  2. template: retroshare_dht_working
  3. on: retroshare.dht
  4. class: Utilization
  5. type: Data Sharing
  6. component: Retroshare
  7. calc: $dht_size_all
  8. units: peers
  9. every: 1m
  10. warn: $this < (($status >= $WARNING) ? (120) : (100))
  11. crit: $this < (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (10) : (1))
  12. delay: up 0 down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  13. summary: Retroshare DHT peers
  14. info: Number of DHT peers
  15. to: sysadmin