metadata.yaml 9.8 KB

  1. plugin_name: charts.d.plugin
  2. modules:
  3. - meta:
  4. plugin_name: charts.d.plugin
  5. module_name: apcupsd
  6. monitored_instance:
  7. name: APC UPS
  8. link: ""
  9. categories:
  10. -
  11. icon_filename: "apc.svg"
  12. related_resources:
  13. integrations:
  14. list: []
  15. info_provided_to_referring_integrations:
  16. description: ""
  17. keywords:
  18. - ups
  19. - apc
  20. - power
  21. - supply
  22. - battery
  23. - apcupsd
  24. most_popular: false
  25. overview:
  26. data_collection:
  27. metrics_description: "Monitor APC UPS performance with Netdata for optimal uninterruptible power supply operations. Enhance your power supply reliability with real-time APC UPS metrics."
  28. method_description: "The collector uses the `apcaccess` tool to contact the `apcupsd` daemon and get the APC UPS statistics."
  29. supported_platforms:
  30. include: []
  31. exclude: []
  32. multi_instance: false
  33. additional_permissions:
  34. description: ""
  35. default_behavior:
  36. auto_detection:
  37. description: "By default, with no configuration provided, the collector will try to contact with using the `apcaccess` utility."
  38. limits:
  39. description: ""
  40. performance_impact:
  41. description: ""
  42. setup:
  43. prerequisites:
  44. list:
  45. - title: "Install charts.d plugin"
  46. description: |
  47. If [using our official native DEB/RPM packages](, make sure `netdata-plugin-chartsd` is installed.
  48. - title: "Required software"
  49. description: "Make sure the `apcaccess` and `apcupsd` are installed and running."
  50. configuration:
  51. file:
  52. name: charts.d/apcupsd.conf
  53. options:
  54. description: |
  55. The config file is sourced by the charts.d plugin. It's a standard bash file.
  56. The following collapsed table contains all the options that can be configured for the apcupsd collector.
  57. folding:
  58. title: "Config options"
  59. enabled: true
  60. list:
  61. - name: apcupsd_sources
  62. description: This is an array of apcupsd sources. You can have multiple entries there. Please refer to the example below on how to set it.
  63. default_value: ""
  64. required: false
  65. - name: apcupsd_timeout
  66. description: How long to wait for apcupsd to respond.
  67. default_value: 3
  68. required: false
  69. - name: apcupsd_update_every
  70. description: The data collection frequency. If unset, will inherit the netdata update frequency.
  71. default_value: 1
  72. required: false
  73. - name: apcupsd_priority
  74. description: The charts priority on the dashboard.
  75. default_value: 90000
  76. required: false
  77. - name: apcupsd_retries
  78. description: The number of retries to do in case of failure before disabling the collector.
  79. default_value: 10
  80. required: false
  81. examples:
  82. folding:
  83. enabled: false
  84. title: "Config"
  85. list:
  86. - name: Multiple apcupsd sources
  87. description: Specify a multiple apcupsd sources along with a custom update interval
  88. config: |
  89. # add all your APC UPSes in this array - uncomment it too
  90. declare -A apcupsd_sources=(
  91. ["local"]="",
  92. ["remote"]=""
  93. )
  94. # how long to wait for apcupsd to respond
  95. #apcupsd_timeout=3
  96. # the data collection frequency
  97. # if unset, will inherit the netdata update frequency
  98. apcupsd_update_every=5
  99. # the charts priority on the dashboard
  100. #apcupsd_priority=90000
  101. # the number of retries to do in case of failure
  102. # before disabling the module
  103. #apcupsd_retries=10
  104. troubleshooting:
  105. problems:
  106. list: []
  107. alerts:
  108. - name: apcupsd_ups_charge
  109. link:
  110. metric: apcupsd.charge
  111. info: average UPS charge over the last minute
  112. os: "*"
  113. - name: apcupsd_10min_ups_load
  114. link:
  115. metric: apcupsd.load
  116. info: average UPS load over the last 10 minutes
  117. os: "*"
  118. - name: apcupsd_last_collected_secs
  119. link:
  120. metric: apcupsd.load
  121. info: number of seconds since the last successful data collection
  122. - name: apcupsd_selftest_warning
  123. link:
  124. metric: apcupsd.selftest
  125. info: self-test failed due to insufficient battery capacity or due to overload.
  126. - name: apcupsd_status_onbatt
  127. link:
  128. metric: apcupsd.status
  129. info: APC UPS has switched to battery power because the input power has failed
  130. - name: apcupsd_status_overload
  131. link:
  132. metric: apcupsd.status
  133. info: APC UPS is overloaded and cannot supply enough power to the load
  134. - name: apcupsd_status_lowbatt
  135. link:
  136. metric: apcupsd.status
  137. info: APC UPS battery is low and needs to be recharged
  138. - name: apcupsd_status_replacebatt
  139. link:
  140. metric: apcupsd.status
  141. info: APC UPS battery has reached the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced
  142. - name: apcupsd_status_nobatt
  143. link:
  144. metric: apcupsd.status
  145. info: APC UPS has no battery
  146. - name: apcupsd_status_commlost
  147. link:
  148. metric: apcupsd.status
  149. info: APC UPS communication link is lost
  150. metrics:
  151. folding:
  152. title: Metrics
  153. enabled: false
  154. description: ""
  155. availability: []
  156. scopes:
  157. - name: ups
  158. description: "Metrics related to UPS. Each UPS provides its own set of the following metrics."
  159. labels: []
  160. metrics:
  161. - name: apcupsd.charge
  162. description: UPS Charge
  163. unit: "percentage"
  164. chart_type: area
  165. dimensions:
  166. - name: charge
  167. - name: apcupsd.battery.voltage
  168. description: UPS Battery Voltage
  169. unit: "Volts"
  170. chart_type: line
  171. dimensions:
  172. - name: voltage
  173. - name: nominal
  174. - name: apcupsd.input.voltage
  175. description: UPS Input Voltage
  176. unit: "Volts"
  177. chart_type: line
  178. dimensions:
  179. - name: voltage
  180. - name: min
  181. - name: max
  182. - name: apcupsd.output.voltage
  183. description: UPS Output Voltage
  184. unit: "Volts"
  185. chart_type: line
  186. dimensions:
  187. - name: absolute
  188. - name: nominal
  189. - name: apcupsd.input.frequency
  190. description: UPS Input Voltage
  191. unit: "Hz"
  192. chart_type: line
  193. dimensions:
  194. - name: frequency
  195. - name: apcupsd.load
  196. description: UPS Load
  197. unit: "percentage"
  198. chart_type: area
  199. dimensions:
  200. - name: load
  201. - name: apcupsd.load_usage
  202. description: UPS Load Usage
  203. unit: "Watts"
  204. chart_type: area
  205. dimensions:
  206. - name: load
  207. - name: apcupsd.temperature
  208. description: UPS Temperature
  209. unit: "Celsius"
  210. chart_type: line
  211. dimensions:
  212. - name: temp
  213. - name: apcupsd.time
  214. description: UPS Time Remaining
  215. unit: "Minutes"
  216. chart_type: area
  217. dimensions:
  218. - name: time
  219. - name:
  220. description: UPS ONLINE flag
  221. unit: "boolean"
  222. chart_type: line
  223. dimensions:
  224. - name: online
  225. - name: apcupsd.selftest
  226. description: UPS Self-Test status
  227. unit: status
  228. chart_type: line
  229. dimensions:
  230. - name: OK
  231. - name: NO
  232. - name: BT
  233. - name: NG
  234. - name: apcupsd.status
  235. description: UPS Status
  236. unit: status
  237. chart_type: line
  238. dimensions:
  239. - name: ONLINE
  240. - name: ONBATT
  241. - name: OVERLOAD
  242. - name: LOWBATT
  243. - name: REPLACEBATT
  244. - name: NOBATT
  245. - name: SLAVE
  246. - name: SLAVEDOWN
  247. - name: COMMLOST
  248. - name: CAL
  249. - name: TRIM
  250. - name: BOOST
  251. - name: SHUTTING_DOWN