1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- cpus=$(grep -c ^processor </proc/cpuinfo)
- [ -z "${cpus}" ] && cpus=1
- ([ -z "${token}" ] && [ -f .coverity-token ]) && token="$(<.coverity-token)"
- [ -z "${token}" ] && \
- echo >&2 "Save the coverity token to .coverity-token or export it as COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN." && \
- exit 1
- # echo >&2 "Coverity token: ${token}"
- covbuild="$(which cov-build 2>/dev/null || command -v cov-build 2>/dev/null)"
- ([ -z "${covbuild}" ] && [ -f .coverity-build ]) && covbuild="$(<.coverity-build)"
- [ -z "${covbuild}" ] && \
- echo "Save command the full filename of cov-build in .coverity-build" && \
- exit 1
- [ ! -x "${covbuild}" ] && \
- echo "The command ${covbuild} is not executable. Save command the full filename of cov-build in .coverity-build" && \
- exit 1
- version="$(grep "^#define PACKAGE_VERSION" config.h | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- echo >&2 "Working on netdata version: ${version}"
- echo >&2 "Cleaning up old builds..."
- make clean || exit 1
- [ -d "cov-int" ] && \
- rm -rf "cov-int"
- [ -f netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz ] && \
- rm netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz
- "${covbuild}" --dir cov-int make -j${cpus} || exit 1
- echo >&2 "Compressing data..."
- tar czvf netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz cov-int || exit 1
- echo >&2 "Sending analysis..."
- curl --progress-bar --form token="${token}" \
- --form email=costa@tsaousis.gr \
- --form file=@netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz \
- --form version="${version}" \
- --form description="netdata, real-time performance monitoring, done right." \
- https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=firehol%2Fnetdata