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Install Netdata on FreeBSD

💡 This document is maintained by Netdata's community, and may not be completely up-to-date. Please double-check the details of the installation process, such as version numbers for downloadable packages, before proceeding.

You can help improve this document by submitting a PR with your recommended improvements or changes. Thank you!

Install latest version

This is how to install the latest Netdata version on FreeBSD:

Install required packages (need root permission):

pkg install bash e2fsprogs-libuuid git curl autoconf automake pkgconf pidof liblz4 libuv json-c cmake gmake

Download Netdata:


⚠️ Verify the latest version by either navigating to Netdata's latest release or using curl:

> basename $(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective}
> ```

Unzip the downloaded file:

sh gunzip netdata.tar.gz && tar xf netdata.tar && rm -rf netdata*.tar

Install Netdata in `/opt/netdata`. If you want to enable automatic updates, add `--auto-update` or `-u` to install `netdata-updater` in `cron` (**need root permission**):

sh cd netdata-v* && ./ --install-prefix /opt && cp /opt/netdata/usr/sbin/ /usr/sbin/

You also need to enable the `netdata` service in `/etc/rc.conf`:

sh sysrc netdata_enable="YES"

Finally, and very importantly, update Netdata using the script provided by the Netdata team (**need root permission**):

sh cd /opt/netdata/usr/libexec/netdata/ && ./ ```

You can now access the Netdata dashboard by navigating to http://NODE:19999, replacing NODE with the IP address or hostname of your system.


Starting with v1.30, Netdata collects anonymous usage information by default and sends it to a self hosted PostHog instance within the Netdata infrastructure. To read more about the information collected and how to opt-out, check the anonymous statistics page.

Updating the Agent on FreeBSD

If you have not passed the --auto-update or -u parameter for the installer to enable automatic updating, repeat the last step to update Netdata whenever a new version becomes available. The script will update your Agent.

Optional parameters to alter your installation

parameters Description
--install-prefix <path> Install netdata in <path>. Ex: --install-prefix /opt will put netdata in /opt/netdata
--dont-start-it Do not (re)start netdata after installation
--dont-wait Run installation in non-interactive mode
--auto-update or -u Install netdata-updater in cron to update netdata automatically once per day
--stable-channel Use packages from GitHub release pages instead of GCS (nightly updates). This results in less frequent updates
--nightly-channel Use most recent nightly updates instead of GitHub releases. This results in more frequent updates
--disable-go Disable installation of go.d.plugin
--disable-ebpf Disable eBPF Kernel plugin (Default: enabled)
--disable-cloud Disable all Netdata Cloud functionality
--require-cloud Fail the install if it can't build Netdata Cloud support
--enable-plugin-freeipmi Enable the FreeIPMI plugin. Default: enable it when libipmimonitoring is available
--disable-plugin-freeipmi Enable the FreeIPMI plugin
--disable-https Explicitly disable TLS support
--disable-dbengine Explicitly disable DB engine support
--enable-plugin-nfacct Enable nfacct plugin. Default: enable it when libmnl and libnetfilter_acct are available
--disable-plugin-nfacct Disable nfacct plugin. Default: enable it when libmnl and libnetfilter_acct are available
--enable-plugin-xenstat Enable the xenstat plugin. Default: enable it when libxenstat and libyajl are available
--disable-plugin-xenstat Disable the xenstat plugin
--disable-exporting-kinesis Disable AWS Kinesis exporting connector. Default: enable it when libaws_cpp_sdk_kinesis and libraries (it depends on are available)
--enable-exporting-prometheus-remote-write Enable Prometheus remote write exporting connector. Default: enable it when libprotobuf and libsnappy are available
--disable-exporting-prometheus-remote-write Disable Prometheus remote write exporting connector. Default: enable it when libprotobuf and libsnappy are available
--enable-exporting-mongodb Enable MongoDB exporting connector. Default: enable it when libmongoc is available
--disable-exporting-mongodb Disable MongoDB exporting connector
--enable-lto Enable Link-Time-Optimization. Default: enabled
--disable-lto Disable Link-Time-Optimization. Default: enabled
--disable-x86-sse Disable SSE instructions. By default SSE optimizations are enabled
--zlib-is-really-here or --libs-are-really-here If you get errors about missing zlib or libuuid but you know it is available, you might have a broken pkg-config. Use this option to proceed without checking pkg-config
--disable-telemetry Use this flag to opt-out from our anonymous telemetry program. (DISABLE_TELEMETRY=1)