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Install Netdata on Synology

💡 This document is maintained by Netdata's community, and may not be completely up-to-date. Please double-check the details of the installation process, before proceeding.

You can help improve this document by submitting a PR with your recommended improvements or changes. Thank you!

The good news is that our one-line installation script works fine if your NAS is one that uses the amd64 architecture. It will install the content into /opt/netdata, making future removal safe and simple.

Run as netdata user

When Netdata is first installed, it will run as root. This may or may not be acceptable for you, and since other installations run it as the netdata user, you might wish to do the same. This requires some extra work:

  1. Create a group netdata via the Synology group interface. Give it no access to anything.
  2. Create a user netdata via the Synology user interface. Give it no access to anything and a random password. Assign the user to the netdata group. Netdata will chuid to this user when running.
  3. Change ownership of the following directories, as defined in Netdata Security:

    chown -R root:netdata /opt/netdata/usr/share/netdata
    chown -R netdata:netdata /opt/netdata/var/lib/netdata /opt/netdata/var/cache/netdata
    chown -R netdata:root /opt/netdata/var/log/netdata
  4. Uncomment and set web files owner to root, and web files group to netdata in the /opt/netdata/etc/netdata/netdata.conf.

  5. Restart Netdata

    /etc/rc.netdata restart

Create startup script

Additionally, as of 2018/06/24, the Netdata installer doesn't recognize DSM as an operating system, so no init script is installed. You'll have to do this manually:

  1. Add this file as /etc/rc.netdata. Make it executable with chmod 0755 /etc/rc.netdata.
  2. Add or edit /etc/rc.local and add a line calling /etc/rc.netdata to have it start on boot:

    # Netdata startup
    [ -x /etc/rc.netdata ] && /etc/rc.netdata start
  3. Make sure /etc/rc.netdata is executable: chmod 0755 /etc/rc.netdata.