metadata.yaml 14 KB

  1. plugin_name: python.d.plugin
  2. modules:
  3. - meta:
  4. plugin_name: python.d.plugin
  5. module_name: riakkv
  6. monitored_instance:
  7. name: RiakKV
  8. link: ""
  9. categories:
  10. - data-collection.database-servers
  11. icon_filename: "riak.svg"
  12. related_resources:
  13. integrations:
  14. list: []
  15. info_provided_to_referring_integrations:
  16. description: ""
  17. keywords:
  18. - database
  19. - nosql
  20. - big data
  21. most_popular: false
  22. overview:
  23. data_collection:
  24. metrics_description: |
  25. This collector monitors RiakKV metrics about throughput, latency, resources and more.'
  26. method_description: "This collector reads the database stats from the `/stats` endpoint."
  27. supported_platforms:
  28. include: []
  29. exclude: []
  30. multi_instance: true
  31. additional_permissions:
  32. description: ""
  33. default_behavior:
  34. auto_detection:
  35. description: "If the /stats endpoint is accessible, RiakKV instances on the local host running on port 8098 will be autodetected."
  36. limits:
  37. description: ""
  38. performance_impact:
  39. description: ""
  40. setup:
  41. prerequisites:
  42. list:
  43. - title: Configure RiakKV to enable /stats endpoint
  44. description: |
  45. You can follow the RiakKV configuration reference documentation for how to enable this.
  46. Source :
  47. configuration:
  48. file:
  49. name: "python.d/riakkv.conf"
  50. options:
  51. description: |
  52. There are 2 sections:
  53. * Global variables
  54. * One or more JOBS that can define multiple different instances to monitor.
  55. The following options can be defined globally: priority, penalty, autodetection_retry, update_every, but can also be defined per JOB to override the global values.
  56. Additionally, the following collapsed table contains all the options that can be configured inside a JOB definition.
  57. Every configuration JOB starts with a `job_name` value which will appear in the dashboard, unless a `name` parameter is specified.
  58. folding:
  59. title: "Config options"
  60. enabled: true
  61. list:
  62. - name: update_every
  63. description: Sets the default data collection frequency.
  64. default_value: 5
  65. required: false
  66. - name: priority
  67. description: Controls the order of charts at the netdata dashboard.
  68. default_value: 60000
  69. required: false
  70. - name: autodetection_retry
  71. description: Sets the job re-check interval in seconds.
  72. default_value: 0
  73. required: false
  74. - name: penalty
  75. description: Indicates whether to apply penalty to update_every in case of failures.
  76. default_value: yes
  77. required: false
  78. - name: url
  79. description: The url of the server
  80. default_value: no
  81. required: true
  82. examples:
  83. folding:
  84. enabled: true
  85. title: "Config"
  86. list:
  87. - name: Basic (default)
  88. folding:
  89. enabled: false
  90. description: A basic example configuration per job
  91. config: |
  92. local:
  93. url: 'http://localhost:8098/stats'
  94. - name: Multi-instance
  95. description: |
  96. > **Note**: When you define multiple jobs, their names must be unique.
  97. Collecting metrics from local and remote instances.
  98. config: |
  99. local:
  100. url: 'http://localhost:8098/stats'
  101. remote:
  102. url: ''
  103. troubleshooting:
  104. problems:
  105. list: []
  106. alerts:
  107. - name: riakkv_1h_kv_get_mean_latency
  108. link:
  109. metric: riak.kv.latency.get
  110. info: average time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client over the last hour
  111. - name: riakkv_kv_get_slow
  112. link:
  113. metric: riak.kv.latency.get
  114. info: average time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to the client over the last 3 minutes, compared to the average over the last hour
  115. - name: riakkv_1h_kv_put_mean_latency
  116. link:
  117. metric: riak.kv.latency.put
  118. info: average time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to the client over the last hour
  119. - name: riakkv_kv_put_slow
  120. link:
  121. metric: riak.kv.latency.put
  122. info: average time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to the client over the last 3 minutes, compared to the average over the last hour
  123. - name: riakkv_vm_high_process_count
  124. link:
  125. metric: riak.vm
  126. info: number of processes running in the Erlang VM
  127. - name: riakkv_list_keys_active
  128. link:
  129. metric: riak.core.fsm_active
  130. info: number of currently running list keys finite state machines
  131. metrics:
  132. folding:
  133. title: Metrics
  134. enabled: false
  135. description: ""
  136. availability: []
  137. scopes:
  138. - name: global
  139. description: "These metrics refer to the entire monitored application."
  140. labels: []
  141. metrics:
  142. - name: riak.kv.throughput
  143. description: Reads & writes coordinated by this node
  144. unit: "operations/s"
  145. chart_type: line
  146. dimensions:
  147. - name: gets
  148. - name: puts
  149. - name: riak.dt.vnode_updates
  150. description: Update operations coordinated by local vnodes by data type
  151. unit: "operations/s"
  152. chart_type: line
  153. dimensions:
  154. - name: counters
  155. - name: sets
  156. - name: maps
  157. - name:
  158. description: Search queries on the node
  159. unit: "queries/s"
  160. chart_type: line
  161. dimensions:
  162. - name: queries
  163. - name:
  164. description: Documents indexed by search
  165. unit: "documents/s"
  166. chart_type: line
  167. dimensions:
  168. - name: indexed
  169. - name: riak.consistent.operations
  170. description: Consistent node operations
  171. unit: "operations/s"
  172. chart_type: line
  173. dimensions:
  174. - name: gets
  175. - name: puts
  176. - name: riak.kv.latency.get
  177. description: Time between reception of a client GET request and subsequent response to client
  178. unit: "ms"
  179. chart_type: line
  180. dimensions:
  181. - name: mean
  182. - name: median
  183. - name: "95"
  184. - name: "99"
  185. - name: "100"
  186. - name: riak.kv.latency.put
  187. description: Time between reception of a client PUT request and subsequent response to client
  188. unit: "ms"
  189. chart_type: line
  190. dimensions:
  191. - name: mean
  192. - name: median
  193. - name: "95"
  194. - name: "99"
  195. - name: "100"
  196. - name: riak.dt.latency.counter_merge
  197. description: Time it takes to perform an Update Counter operation
  198. unit: "ms"
  199. chart_type: line
  200. dimensions:
  201. - name: mean
  202. - name: median
  203. - name: "95"
  204. - name: "99"
  205. - name: "100"
  206. - name: riak.dt.latency.set_merge
  207. description: Time it takes to perform an Update Set operation
  208. unit: "ms"
  209. chart_type: line
  210. dimensions:
  211. - name: mean
  212. - name: median
  213. - name: "95"
  214. - name: "99"
  215. - name: "100"
  216. - name: riak.dt.latency.map_merge
  217. description: Time it takes to perform an Update Map operation
  218. unit: "ms"
  219. chart_type: line
  220. dimensions:
  221. - name: mean
  222. - name: median
  223. - name: "95"
  224. - name: "99"
  225. - name: "100"
  226. - name:
  227. description: Search query latency
  228. unit: "ms"
  229. chart_type: line
  230. dimensions:
  231. - name: median
  232. - name: min
  233. - name: "95"
  234. - name: "99"
  235. - name: "999"
  236. - name: max
  237. - name:
  238. description: Time it takes Search to index a new document
  239. unit: "ms"
  240. chart_type: line
  241. dimensions:
  242. - name: median
  243. - name: min
  244. - name: "95"
  245. - name: "99"
  246. - name: "999"
  247. - name: max
  248. - name: riak.consistent.latency.get
  249. description: Strongly consistent read latency
  250. unit: "ms"
  251. chart_type: line
  252. dimensions:
  253. - name: mean
  254. - name: median
  255. - name: "95"
  256. - name: "99"
  257. - name: "100"
  258. - name: riak.consistent.latency.put
  259. description: Strongly consistent write latency
  260. unit: "ms"
  261. chart_type: line
  262. dimensions:
  263. - name: mean
  264. - name: median
  265. - name: "95"
  266. - name: "99"
  267. - name: "100"
  268. - name: riak.vm
  269. description: Total processes running in the Erlang VM
  270. unit: "total"
  271. chart_type: line
  272. dimensions:
  273. - name: processes
  274. - name: riak.vm.memory.processes
  275. description: Memory allocated & used by Erlang processes
  276. unit: "MB"
  277. chart_type: line
  278. dimensions:
  279. - name: allocated
  280. - name: used
  281. - name: riak.kv.siblings_encountered.get
  282. description: Number of siblings encountered during GET operations by this node during the past minute
  283. unit: "siblings"
  284. chart_type: line
  285. dimensions:
  286. - name: mean
  287. - name: median
  288. - name: "95"
  289. - name: "99"
  290. - name: "100"
  291. - name: riak.kv.objsize.get
  292. description: Object size encountered by this node during the past minute
  293. unit: "KB"
  294. chart_type: line
  295. dimensions:
  296. - name: mean
  297. - name: median
  298. - name: "95"
  299. - name: "99"
  300. - name: "100"
  301. - name:
  302. description: Number of unprocessed messages in the vnode message queues of Search on this node in the past minute
  303. unit: "messages"
  304. chart_type: line
  305. dimensions:
  306. - name: mean
  307. - name: median
  308. - name: "95"
  309. - name: "99"
  310. - name: "100"
  311. - name:
  312. description: Number of document index errors encountered by Search
  313. unit: "errors"
  314. chart_type: line
  315. dimensions:
  316. - name: errors
  317. - name: riak.core.protobuf_connections
  318. description: Protocol buffer connections by status
  319. unit: "connections"
  320. chart_type: line
  321. dimensions:
  322. - name: active
  323. - name: riak.core.repairs
  324. description: Number of repair operations this node has coordinated
  325. unit: "repairs"
  326. chart_type: line
  327. dimensions:
  328. - name: read
  329. - name: riak.core.fsm_active
  330. description: Active finite state machines by kind
  331. unit: "fsms"
  332. chart_type: line
  333. dimensions:
  334. - name: get
  335. - name: put
  336. - name: secondary index
  337. - name: list keys
  338. - name: riak.core.fsm_rejected
  339. description: Finite state machines being rejected by Sidejobs overload protection
  340. unit: "fsms"
  341. chart_type: line
  342. dimensions:
  343. - name: get
  344. - name: put
  345. - name:
  346. description: Number of writes to Search failed due to bad data format by reason
  347. unit: "writes"
  348. chart_type: line
  349. dimensions:
  350. - name: bad_entry
  351. - name: extract_fail