metadata.yaml 9.4 KB

  1. plugin_name: python.d.plugin
  2. modules:
  3. - meta:
  4. plugin_name: python.d.plugin
  5. module_name: beanstalk
  6. monitored_instance:
  7. name: Beanstalk
  8. link: ""
  9. categories:
  10. - data-collection.message-brokers
  11. - data-collection.task-queues
  12. icon_filename: "beanstalk.svg"
  13. related_resources:
  14. integrations:
  15. list: []
  16. info_provided_to_referring_integrations:
  17. description: ""
  18. keywords:
  19. - beanstalk
  20. - beanstalkd
  21. - message
  22. most_popular: false
  23. overview:
  24. data_collection:
  25. metrics_description: "Monitor Beanstalk metrics to enhance job queueing and processing efficiency. Track job rates, processing times, and queue lengths for better task management."
  26. method_description: "The collector uses the `beanstalkc` python module to connect to a `beanstalkd` service and gather metrics."
  27. supported_platforms:
  28. include: []
  29. exclude: []
  30. multi_instance: true
  31. additional_permissions:
  32. description: ""
  33. default_behavior:
  34. auto_detection:
  35. description: "If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to beanstalkd on address."
  36. limits:
  37. description: ""
  38. performance_impact:
  39. description: ""
  40. setup:
  41. prerequisites:
  42. list:
  43. - title: "beanstalkc python module"
  44. description: The collector requires the `beanstalkc` python module to be installed.
  45. configuration:
  46. file:
  47. name: python.d/beanstalk.conf
  48. options:
  49. description: |
  50. There are 2 sections:
  51. * Global variables
  52. * One or more JOBS that can define multiple different instances to monitor.
  53. The following options can be defined globally: priority, penalty, autodetection_retry, update_every, but can also be defined per JOB to override the global values.
  54. Additionally, the following collapsed table contains all the options that can be configured inside a JOB definition.
  55. Every configuration JOB starts with a `job_name` value which will appear in the dashboard, unless a `name` parameter is specified.
  56. folding:
  57. title: "Config options"
  58. enabled: true
  59. list:
  60. - name: update_every
  61. description: Sets the default data collection frequency.
  62. default_value: 5
  63. required: false
  64. - name: priority
  65. description: Controls the order of charts at the netdata dashboard.
  66. default_value: 60000
  67. required: false
  68. - name: autodetection_retry
  69. description: Sets the job re-check interval in seconds.
  70. default_value: 0
  71. required: false
  72. - name: penalty
  73. description: Indicates whether to apply penalty to update_every in case of failures.
  74. default_value: yes
  75. required: false
  76. - name: name
  77. description: Job name. This value will overwrite the `job_name` value. JOBS with the same name are mutually exclusive. Only one of them will be allowed running at any time. This allows autodetection to try several alternatives and pick the one that works.
  78. default_value: ""
  79. required: false
  80. - name: host
  81. description: IP or URL to a beanstalk service.
  82. default_value: ""
  83. required: false
  84. - name: port
  85. description: Port to the IP or URL to a beanstalk service.
  86. default_value: "11300"
  87. required: false
  88. examples:
  89. folding:
  90. enabled: true
  91. title: "Config"
  92. list:
  93. - name: Remote beanstalk server
  94. description: A basic remote beanstalk server
  95. folding:
  96. enabled: false
  97. config: |
  98. remote:
  99. name: 'beanstalk'
  100. host: ''
  101. port: 11300
  102. - name: Multi-instance
  103. description: |
  104. > **Note**: When you define multiple jobs, their names must be unique.
  105. Collecting metrics from local and remote instances.
  106. config: |
  107. localhost:
  108. name: 'local_beanstalk'
  109. host: ''
  110. port: 11300
  111. remote_job:
  112. name: 'remote_beanstalk'
  113. host: ''
  114. port: 113000
  115. troubleshooting:
  116. problems:
  117. list: []
  118. alerts:
  119. - name: beanstalk_server_buried_jobs
  120. link:
  121. metric: beanstalk.current_jobs
  122. info: number of buried jobs across all tubes. You need to manually kick them so they can be processed. Presence of buried jobs in a tube does not affect new jobs.
  123. metrics:
  124. folding:
  125. title: Metrics
  126. enabled: false
  127. description: ""
  128. availability: []
  129. scopes:
  130. - name: global
  131. description: "These metrics refer to the entire monitored application."
  132. labels: []
  133. metrics:
  134. - name: beanstalk.cpu_usage
  135. description: Cpu Usage
  136. unit: "cpu time"
  137. chart_type: area
  138. dimensions:
  139. - name: user
  140. - name: system
  141. - name: beanstalk.jobs_rate
  142. description: Jobs Rate
  143. unit: "jobs/s"
  144. chart_type: line
  145. dimensions:
  146. - name: total
  147. - name: timeouts
  148. - name: beanstalk.connections_rate
  149. description: Connections Rate
  150. unit: "connections/s"
  151. chart_type: area
  152. dimensions:
  153. - name: connections
  154. - name: beanstalk.commands_rate
  155. description: Commands Rate
  156. unit: "commands/s"
  157. chart_type: stacked
  158. dimensions:
  159. - name: put
  160. - name: peek
  161. - name: peek-ready
  162. - name: peek-delayed
  163. - name: peek-buried
  164. - name: reserve
  165. - name: use
  166. - name: watch
  167. - name: ignore
  168. - name: delete
  169. - name: bury
  170. - name: kick
  171. - name: stats
  172. - name: stats-job
  173. - name: stats-tube
  174. - name: list-tubes
  175. - name: list-tube-used
  176. - name: list-tubes-watched
  177. - name: pause-tube
  178. - name: beanstalk.connections_rate
  179. description: Current Tubes
  180. unit: "tubes"
  181. chart_type: area
  182. dimensions:
  183. - name: tubes
  184. - name: beanstalk.current_jobs
  185. description: Current Jobs
  186. unit: "jobs"
  187. chart_type: stacked
  188. dimensions:
  189. - name: urgent
  190. - name: ready
  191. - name: reserved
  192. - name: delayed
  193. - name: buried
  194. - name: beanstalk.current_connections
  195. description: Current Connections
  196. unit: "connections"
  197. chart_type: line
  198. dimensions:
  199. - name: written
  200. - name: producers
  201. - name: workers
  202. - name: waiting
  203. - name: beanstalk.binlog
  204. description: Binlog
  205. unit: "records/s"
  206. chart_type: line
  207. dimensions:
  208. - name: written
  209. - name: migrated
  210. - name: beanstalk.uptime
  211. description: seconds
  212. unit: "seconds"
  213. chart_type: line
  214. dimensions:
  215. - name: uptime
  216. - name: tube
  217. description: "Metrics related to Beanstalk tubes. Each tube produces its own set of the following metrics."
  218. labels: []
  219. metrics:
  220. - name: beanstalk.jobs_rate
  221. description: Jobs Rate
  222. unit: "jobs/s"
  223. chart_type: area
  224. dimensions:
  225. - name: jobs
  226. - name:
  227. description: Jobs
  228. unit: "jobs"
  229. chart_type: stacked
  230. dimensions:
  231. - name: urgent
  232. - name: ready
  233. - name: reserved
  234. - name: delayed
  235. - name: buried
  236. - name: beanstalk.connections
  237. description: Connections
  238. unit: "connections"
  239. chart_type: stacked
  240. dimensions:
  241. - name: using
  242. - name: waiting
  243. - name: watching
  244. - name: beanstalk.commands
  245. description: Commands
  246. unit: "commands/s"
  247. chart_type: stacked
  248. dimensions:
  249. - name: deletes
  250. - name: pauses
  251. - name: beanstalk.pause
  252. description: Pause
  253. unit: "seconds"
  254. chart_type: stacked
  255. dimensions:
  256. - name: since
  257. - name: left