apc_ups.md 7.2 KB


Plugin: charts.d.plugin Module: apcupsd


Monitor APC UPS performance with Netdata for optimal uninterruptible power supply operations. Enhance your power supply reliability with real-time APC UPS metrics.

The collector uses the apcaccess tool to contact the apcupsd daemon and get the APC UPS statistics.

This collector is supported on all platforms.

This collector only supports collecting metrics from a single instance of this integration.

Default Behavior


By default, with no configuration provided, the collector will try to contact with using the apcaccess utility.


The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.

Performance Impact

The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.


Metrics grouped by scope.

The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.

Per ups

Metrics related to UPS. Each UPS provides its own set of the following metrics.

This scope has no labels.


Metric Dimensions Unit
apcupsd.charge charge percentage
apcupsd.battery.voltage voltage, nominal Volts
apcupsd.input.voltage voltage, min, max Volts
apcupsd.output.voltage absolute, nominal Volts
apcupsd.input.frequency frequency Hz
apcupsd.load load percentage
apcupsd.load_usage load Watts
apcupsd.temperature temp Celsius
apcupsd.time time Minutes
apcupsd.online online boolean
apcupsd.selftest OK, NO, BT, NG status


The following alerts are available:

Alert name On metric Description
apcupsd_ups_charge apcupsd.charge average UPS charge over the last minute
apcupsd_10min_ups_load apcupsd.load average UPS load over the last 10 minutes
apcupsd_last_collected_secs apcupsd.load number of seconds since the last successful data collection
apcupsd_selftest_warning apcupsd.selftest self-test failed due to insufficient battery capacity or due to overload.
apcupsd_status_onbatt apcupsd.status APC UPS has switched to battery power because the input power has failed
apcupsd_status_overload apcupsd.status APC UPS is overloaded and cannot supply enough power to the load
apcupsd_status_lowbatt apcupsd.status APC UPS battery is low and needs to be recharged
apcupsd_status_replacebatt apcupsd.status APC UPS battery has reached the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced
apcupsd_status_nobatt apcupsd.status APC UPS has no battery
apcupsd_status_commlost apcupsd.status APC UPS communication link is lost



Install charts.d plugin

If using our official native DEB/RPM packages, make sure netdata-plugin-chartsd is installed.

Required software

Make sure the apcaccess and apcupsd are installed and running.



The configuration file name for this integration is charts.d/apcupsd.conf.

You can edit the configuration file using the edit-config script from the Netdata config directory.

cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
sudo ./edit-config charts.d/apcupsd.conf


The config file is sourced by the charts.d plugin. It's a standard bash file.

The following collapsed table contains all the options that can be configured for the apcupsd collector.

Config options | Name | Description | Default | Required | |:----|:-----------|:-------|:--------:| | apcupsd_sources | This is an array of apcupsd sources. You can have multiple entries there. Please refer to the example below on how to set it. | | no | | apcupsd_timeout | How long to wait for apcupsd to respond. | 3 | no | | apcupsd_update_every | The data collection frequency. If unset, will inherit the netdata update frequency. | 1 | no | | apcupsd_priority | The charts priority on the dashboard. | 90000 | no | | apcupsd_retries | The number of retries to do in case of failure before disabling the collector. | 10 | no |


Multiple apcupsd sources

Specify a multiple apcupsd sources along with a custom update interval

# add all your APC UPSes in this array - uncomment it too
declare -A apcupsd_sources=(

# how long to wait for apcupsd to respond

# the data collection frequency
# if unset, will inherit the netdata update frequency

# the charts priority on the dashboard

# the number of retries to do in case of failure
# before disabling the module


Debug Mode

To troubleshoot issues with the apcupsd collector, run the charts.d.plugin with the debug option enabled. The output should give you clues as to why the collector isn't working.

  • Navigate to the plugins.d directory, usually at /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/. If that's not the case on your system, open netdata.conf and look for the plugins setting under [directories].

    cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/
  • Switch to the netdata user.

    sudo -u netdata -s
  • Run the charts.d.plugin to debug the collector:

    ./charts.d.plugin debug 1 apcupsd