Plugin: apps.plugin Module: users
This integration monitors resource utilization on a user context.
This collector is supported on all platforms.
This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.
This integration doesn't support auto-detection.
The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
Metrics grouped by scope.
The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
These metrics refer to the user.
Label | Description |
user | The name of the user. |
Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
user.cpu_utilization | user, system | percentage |
user.cpu_guest_utilization | guest | percentage |
user.cpu_context_switches | voluntary, involuntary | switches/s |
user.mem_usage | rss | MiB |
user.mem_private_usage | mem | MiB |
user.vmem_usage | vmem | MiB |
user.mem_page_faults | minor, major | pgfaults/s |
user.swap_usage | swap | MiB |
user.disk_physical_io | reads, writes | KiB/s |
user.disk_logical_io | reads, writes | KiB/s |
user.processes | processes | processes |
user.threads | threads | threads |
user.fds_open_limit | limit | percentage |
user.fds_open | files, sockets, pipes, inotifies, event, timer, signal, eventpolls, other | fds |
user.uptime | uptime | seconds |
user.uptime_summary | min, avg, max | seconds |
There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
No action required.
There is no configuration file.
There are no configuration options.
There are no configuration examples.