123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311 |
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- #include "dlib/matrix.h"
- #include "ml/ml.h"
- #include <vector>
- #include <queue>
- typedef double calculated_number_t;
- typedef dlib::matrix<calculated_number_t, 6, 1> DSample;
- /*
- * Features
- */
- typedef struct {
- size_t diff_n;
- size_t smooth_n;
- size_t lag_n;
- calculated_number_t *dst;
- size_t dst_n;
- calculated_number_t *src;
- size_t src_n;
- std::vector<DSample> &preprocessed_features;
- } ml_features_t;
- /*
- * KMeans
- */
- typedef struct {
- size_t num_clusters;
- size_t max_iterations;
- std::vector<DSample> cluster_centers;
- calculated_number_t min_dist;
- calculated_number_t max_dist;
- } ml_kmeans_t;
- typedef struct machine_learning_stats_t {
- size_t num_machine_learning_status_enabled;
- size_t num_machine_learning_status_disabled_sp;
- size_t num_metric_type_constant;
- size_t num_metric_type_variable;
- size_t num_training_status_untrained;
- size_t num_training_status_pending_without_model;
- size_t num_training_status_trained;
- size_t num_training_status_pending_with_model;
- size_t num_anomalous_dimensions;
- size_t num_normal_dimensions;
- } ml_machine_learning_stats_t;
- typedef struct training_stats_t {
- size_t queue_size;
- size_t num_popped_items;
- usec_t allotted_ut;
- usec_t consumed_ut;
- usec_t remaining_ut;
- size_t training_result_ok;
- size_t training_result_invalid_query_time_range;
- size_t training_result_not_enough_collected_values;
- size_t training_result_null_acquired_dimension;
- size_t training_result_chart_under_replication;
- } ml_training_stats_t;
- enum ml_metric_type {
- // The dimension has constant values, no need to train
- // The dimension's values fluctuate, we need to generate a model
- };
- enum ml_machine_learning_status {
- // Enable training/prediction
- // Disable because configuration pattern matches the chart's id
- };
- enum ml_training_status {
- // We don't have a model for this dimension
- // Request for training sent, but we don't have any models yet
- // Request to update existing models sent
- // Have a valid, up-to-date model
- };
- enum ml_training_result {
- // We managed to create a KMeans model
- // Could not query DB with a correct time range
- // Did not gather enough data from DB to run KMeans
- // Acquired a null dimension
- // Chart is under replication
- };
- typedef struct {
- // Chart/dimension we want to train
- STRING *chart_id;
- STRING *dimension_id;
- // Creation time of request
- time_t request_time;
- // First/last entry of this dimension in DB
- // at the point the request was made
- time_t first_entry_on_request;
- time_t last_entry_on_request;
- } ml_training_request_t;
- typedef struct {
- // Time when the request for this response was made
- time_t request_time;
- // First/last entry of the dimension in DB when generating the request
- time_t first_entry_on_request;
- time_t last_entry_on_request;
- // First/last entry of the dimension in DB when generating the response
- time_t first_entry_on_response;
- time_t last_entry_on_response;
- // After/Before timestamps of our DB query
- time_t query_after_t;
- time_t query_before_t;
- // Actual after/before returned by the DB query ops
- time_t db_after_t;
- time_t db_before_t;
- // Number of doubles returned by the DB query
- size_t collected_values;
- // Number of values we return to the caller
- size_t total_values;
- // Result of training response
- enum ml_training_result result;
- } ml_training_response_t;
- /*
- * Queue
- */
- typedef struct {
- std::queue<ml_training_request_t> internal;
- netdata_mutex_t mutex;
- pthread_cond_t cond_var;
- std::atomic<bool> exit;
- } ml_queue_t;
- typedef struct {
- RRDDIM *rd;
- enum ml_metric_type mt;
- enum ml_training_status ts;
- enum ml_machine_learning_status mls;
- ml_training_response_t tr;
- time_t last_training_time;
- std::vector<calculated_number_t> cns;
- std::vector<ml_kmeans_t> km_contexts;
- netdata_mutex_t mutex;
- ml_kmeans_t kmeans;
- std::vector<DSample> feature;
- } ml_dimension_t;
- typedef struct {
- RRDSET *rs;
- ml_machine_learning_stats_t mls;
- netdata_mutex_t mutex;
- } ml_chart_t;
- void ml_chart_update_dimension(ml_chart_t *chart, ml_dimension_t *dim, bool is_anomalous);
- typedef struct {
- RRDHOST *rh;
- ml_machine_learning_stats_t mls;
- ml_training_stats_t ts;
- calculated_number_t host_anomaly_rate;
- std::atomic<bool> threads_running;
- std::atomic<bool> threads_cancelled;
- std::atomic<bool> threads_joined;
- ml_queue_t *training_queue;
- netdata_mutex_t mutex;
- netdata_thread_t training_thread;
- /*
- * bookkeeping for anomaly detection charts
- */
- RRDSET *machine_learning_status_rs;
- RRDDIM *machine_learning_status_enabled_rd;
- RRDDIM *machine_learning_status_disabled_sp_rd;
- RRDSET *metric_type_rs;
- RRDDIM *metric_type_constant_rd;
- RRDDIM *metric_type_variable_rd;
- RRDSET *training_status_rs;
- RRDDIM *training_status_untrained_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_status_pending_without_model_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_status_trained_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_status_pending_with_model_rd;
- RRDSET *dimensions_rs;
- RRDDIM *dimensions_anomalous_rd;
- RRDDIM *dimensions_normal_rd;
- RRDSET *anomaly_rate_rs;
- RRDDIM *anomaly_rate_rd;
- RRDSET *detector_events_rs;
- RRDDIM *detector_events_above_threshold_rd;
- RRDDIM *detector_events_new_anomaly_event_rd;
- RRDSET *queue_stats_rs;
- RRDDIM *queue_stats_queue_size_rd;
- RRDDIM *queue_stats_popped_items_rd;
- RRDSET *training_time_stats_rs;
- RRDDIM *training_time_stats_allotted_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_time_stats_consumed_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_time_stats_remaining_rd;
- RRDSET *training_results_rs;
- RRDDIM *training_results_ok_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_results_invalid_query_time_range_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_results_not_enough_collected_values_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_results_null_acquired_dimension_rd;
- RRDDIM *training_results_chart_under_replication_rd;
- } ml_host_t;
- typedef struct {
- bool enable_anomaly_detection;
- unsigned max_train_samples;
- unsigned min_train_samples;
- unsigned train_every;
- unsigned num_models_to_use;
- unsigned db_engine_anomaly_rate_every;
- unsigned diff_n;
- unsigned smooth_n;
- unsigned lag_n;
- double random_sampling_ratio;
- unsigned max_kmeans_iters;
- double dimension_anomaly_score_threshold;
- double host_anomaly_rate_threshold;
- RRDR_TIME_GROUPING anomaly_detection_grouping_method;
- time_t anomaly_detection_query_duration;
- bool stream_anomaly_detection_charts;
- std::string hosts_to_skip;
- SIMPLE_PATTERN *sp_host_to_skip;
- std::string charts_to_skip;
- SIMPLE_PATTERN *sp_charts_to_skip;
- std::vector<uint32_t> random_nums;
- netdata_thread_t detection_thread;
- } ml_config_t;
- void ml_config_load(ml_config_t *cfg);
- extern ml_config_t Cfg;
- #endif /* NETDATA_ML_PRIVATE_H */