123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339 |
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- #include "daemon/common.h"
- #include "http_server.h"
- #include "h2o.h"
- #include "h2o_utils.h"
- static h2o_globalconf_t config;
- static h2o_context_t ctx;
- static h2o_accept_ctx_t accept_ctx;
- #define CONTENT_JSON_UTF8 H2O_STRLIT("application/json; charset=utf-8")
- #define CONTENT_TEXT_UTF8 H2O_STRLIT("text/plain; charset=utf-8")
- #define NBUF_INITIAL_SIZE_RESP (4096)
- #define API_V1_PREFIX "/api/v1/"
- #define HOST_SELECT_PREFIX "/host/"
- #define HTTPD_CONFIG_SECTION "httpd"
- static void on_accept(h2o_socket_t *listener, const char *err)
- {
- h2o_socket_t *sock;
- if (err != NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if ((sock = h2o_evloop_socket_accept(listener)) == NULL)
- return;
- h2o_accept(&accept_ctx, sock);
- }
- static int create_listener(const char *ip, int port)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- int fd, reuseaddr_flag = 1;
- h2o_socket_t *sock;
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
- addr.sin_port = htons(port);
- if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1 ||
- setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr_flag, sizeof(reuseaddr_flag)) != 0 ||
- bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0 || listen(fd, SOMAXCONN) != 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- sock = h2o_evloop_socket_create(ctx.loop, fd, H2O_SOCKET_FLAG_DONT_READ);
- h2o_socket_read_start(sock, on_accept);
- return 0;
- }
- static int ssl_init()
- {
- if (!config_get_boolean(HTTPD_CONFIG_SECTION, "ssl", false))
- return 0;
- char default_fn[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
- snprintfz(default_fn, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/ssl/key.pem", netdata_configured_user_config_dir);
- const char *key_fn = config_get(HTTPD_CONFIG_SECTION, "ssl key", default_fn);
- snprintfz(default_fn, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/ssl/cert.pem", netdata_configured_user_config_dir);
- const char *cert_fn = config_get(HTTPD_CONFIG_SECTION, "ssl certificate", default_fn);
- accept_ctx.ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method());
- #else
- accept_ctx.ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_server_method());
- #endif
- SSL_CTX_set_options(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2);
- /* load certificate and private key */
- if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, key_fn, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1) {
- netdata_log_error("Could not load server key from \"%s\"", key_fn);
- return -1;
- }
- if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, cert_fn, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1) {
- netdata_log_error("Could not load certificate from \"%s\"", cert_fn);
- return -1;
- }
- h2o_ssl_register_alpn_protocols(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, h2o_http2_alpn_protocols);
- netdata_log_info("SSL support enabled");
- return 0;
- }
- // I did not find a way to do wildcard paths to make common handler for urls like:
- // /api/v1/info
- // /host/child/api/v1/info
- // /host/uuid/api/v1/info
- // ideally we could do something like "/*/api/v1/info" subscription
- // so we do it "manually" here with uberhandler
- static inline int _netdata_uberhandler(h2o_req_t *req, RRDHOST **host)
- {
- if (!h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("GET")))
- return -1;
- static h2o_generator_t generator = { NULL, NULL };
- h2o_iovec_t norm_path = req->path_normalized;
- if (norm_path.len > strlen(HOST_SELECT_PREFIX) && !memcmp(norm_path.base, HOST_SELECT_PREFIX, strlen(HOST_SELECT_PREFIX))) {
- h2o_iovec_t host_id; // host_id can be either and UUID or a hostname of the child
- norm_path.base += strlen(HOST_SELECT_PREFIX);
- norm_path.len -= strlen(HOST_SELECT_PREFIX);
- host_id = norm_path;
- size_t end_loc = h2o_strstr(host_id.base, host_id.len, "/", 1);
- if (end_loc != SIZE_MAX) {
- host_id.len = end_loc;
- norm_path.base += end_loc;
- norm_path.len -= end_loc;
- }
- char *c_host_id = iovec_to_cstr(&host_id);
- *host = rrdhost_find_by_hostname(c_host_id);
- if (!*host)
- *host = rrdhost_find_by_guid(c_host_id);
- if (!*host) {
- req->res.status = HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST;
- req->res.reason = "Wrong host id";
- h2o_send_inline(req, H2O_STRLIT("Host id provided was not found!\n"));
- freez(c_host_id);
- return 0;
- }
- freez(c_host_id);
- // we have to rewrite URL here in case this is not an api call
- // so that the subsequent file upload handler can send the correct
- // files to the client
- // if this is not an API call we will abort this handler later
- // and let the internal serve file handler of h2o care for things
- if (end_loc == SIZE_MAX) {
- req->path.len = 1;
- req->path_normalized.len = 1;
- } else {
- size_t offset = norm_path.base - req->path_normalized.base;
- req->path.len -= offset;
- req->path.base += offset;
- req->query_at -= offset;
- req->path_normalized.len -= offset;
- req->path_normalized.base += offset;
- }
- }
- // workaround for a dashboard bug which causes sometimes urls like
- // "//api/v1/info" to be caled instead of "/api/v1/info"
- if (norm_path.len > 2 &&
- norm_path.base[0] == '/' &&
- norm_path.base[1] == '/' ) {
- norm_path.base++;
- norm_path.len--;
- }
- size_t api_loc = h2o_strstr(norm_path.base, norm_path.len, H2O_STRLIT(API_V1_PREFIX));
- if (api_loc == SIZE_MAX)
- return 1;
- h2o_iovec_t api_command = norm_path;
- api_command.base += api_loc + strlen(API_V1_PREFIX);
- api_command.len -= api_loc + strlen(API_V1_PREFIX);
- if (!api_command.len)
- return 1;
- // this (emulating struct web_client) is a hack and will be removed
- // in future PRs but needs bigger changes in old http_api_v1
- // we need to make the web_client_api_request_v1 to be web server
- // agnostic and remove the old webservers dependency creep into the
- // individual response generators and thus remove the need to "emulate"
- // the old webserver calling this function here and in ACLK
- struct web_client w;
- w.response.data = buffer_create(NBUF_INITIAL_SIZE_RESP, NULL);
- w.response.header = buffer_create(NBUF_INITIAL_SIZE_RESP, NULL);
- w.url_query_string_decoded = buffer_create(NBUF_INITIAL_SIZE_RESP, NULL);
- char *path_c_str = iovec_to_cstr(&api_command);
- char *path_unescaped = url_unescape(path_c_str);
- freez(path_c_str);
- h2o_iovec_t query_params = URL_PARAMS_IOVEC_INIT_WITH_QUESTIONMARK(req);
- char *query_c_str = iovec_to_cstr(&query_params);
- char *query_unescaped = url_unescape(query_c_str);
- freez(query_c_str);
- buffer_strcat(w.url_query_string_decoded, query_unescaped);
- freez(query_unescaped);
- }
- web_client_api_request_v1(*host, &w, path_unescaped);
- freez(path_unescaped);
- h2o_iovec_t body = buffer_to_h2o_iovec(w.response.data);
- // we move msg body to req->pool managed memory as it has to
- // live until whole response has been encrypted and sent
- // when req is finished memory will be freed with the pool
- void *managed = h2o_mem_alloc_shared(&req->pool, body.len, NULL);
- memcpy(managed, body.base, body.len);
- body.base = managed;
- req->res.status = HTTP_RESP_OK;
- req->res.reason = "OK";
- if (w.response.data->content_type == CT_APPLICATION_JSON)
- h2o_add_header(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_TYPE, NULL, CONTENT_JSON_UTF8);
- else
- h2o_add_header(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_TYPE, NULL, CONTENT_TEXT_UTF8);
- h2o_start_response(req, &generator);
- h2o_send(req, &body, 1, H2O_SEND_STATE_FINAL);
- buffer_free(w.response.data);
- buffer_free(w.response.header);
- buffer_free(w.url_query_string_decoded);
- return 0;
- }
- static int netdata_uberhandler(h2o_handler_t *self, h2o_req_t *req)
- {
- UNUSED(self);
- RRDHOST *host = localhost;
- int ret = _netdata_uberhandler(req, &host);
- char host_uuid_str[UUID_STR_LEN];
- uuid_unparse_lower(host->host_uuid, host_uuid_str);
- if (!ret) {
- netdata_log_access("HTTPD OK method: " PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC_FMT
- ", path: " PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC_FMT
- ", as host: %s"
- ", response: %d",
- PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC(&req->method),
- PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC(&req->input.path),
- host == localhost ? "localhost" : host_uuid_str,
- req->res.status);
- } else {
- netdata_log_access("HTTPD %d"
- " method: " PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC_FMT
- ", path: " PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC_FMT
- ", forwarding to file handler as path: " PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC_FMT,
- ret,
- PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC(&req->method),
- PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC(&req->input.path),
- PRINTF_H2O_IOVEC(&req->path));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static int hdl_netdata_conf(h2o_handler_t *self, h2o_req_t *req)
- {
- UNUSED(self);
- if (!h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("GET")))
- return -1;
- BUFFER *buf = buffer_create(NBUF_INITIAL_SIZE_RESP, NULL);
- config_generate(buf, 0);
- void *managed = h2o_mem_alloc_shared(&req->pool, buf->len, NULL);
- memcpy(managed, buf->buffer, buf->len);
- req->res.status = HTTP_RESP_OK;
- req->res.reason = "OK";
- h2o_add_header(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_TYPE, NULL, CONTENT_TEXT_UTF8);
- h2o_send_inline(req, managed, buf->len);
- buffer_free(buf);
- return 0;
- }
- #define POLL_INTERVAL 100
- void *h2o_main(void *ptr) {
- struct netdata_static_thread *static_thread = (struct netdata_static_thread *)ptr;
- h2o_pathconf_t *pathconf;
- h2o_hostconf_t *hostconf;
- netdata_thread_disable_cancelability();
- const char *bind_addr = config_get(HTTPD_CONFIG_SECTION, "bind to", "");
- int bind_port = config_get_number(HTTPD_CONFIG_SECTION, "port", 19998);
- h2o_config_init(&config);
- hostconf = h2o_config_register_host(&config, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("default")), bind_port);
- pathconf = h2o_config_register_path(hostconf, "/netdata.conf", 0);
- h2o_handler_t *handler = h2o_create_handler(pathconf, sizeof(*handler));
- handler->on_req = hdl_netdata_conf;
- pathconf = h2o_config_register_path(hostconf, "/", 0);
- handler = h2o_create_handler(pathconf, sizeof(*handler));
- handler->on_req = netdata_uberhandler;
- h2o_file_register(pathconf, netdata_configured_web_dir, NULL, NULL, H2O_FILE_FLAG_SEND_COMPRESSED);
- h2o_context_init(&ctx, h2o_evloop_create(), &config);
- if(ssl_init()) {
- error_report("SSL was requested but could not be properly initialized. Aborting.");
- return NULL;
- }
- accept_ctx.ctx = &ctx;
- accept_ctx.hosts = config.hosts;
- if (create_listener(bind_addr, bind_port) != 0) {
- netdata_log_error("failed to create listener %s:%d", bind_addr, bind_port);
- return NULL;
- }
- while (service_running(SERVICE_HTTPD)) {
- int rc = h2o_evloop_run(ctx.loop, POLL_INTERVAL);
- if (rc < 0 && errno != EINTR) {
- netdata_log_error("h2o_evloop_run returned (%d) with errno other than EINTR. Aborting", rc);
- break;
- }
- }
- static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITED;
- return NULL;
- }
- int httpd_is_enabled() {
- return config_get_boolean(HTTPD_CONFIG_SECTION, "enabled", HTTPD_ENABLED_DEFAULT);
- }