registry_db.c 15 KB

  1. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
  2. #include "daemon/common.h"
  3. #include "registry_internals.h"
  4. int registry_db_should_be_saved(void) {
  5. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "log entries %llu, max %llu", registry.log_count, registry.save_registry_every_entries);
  6. return registry.log_count > registry.save_registry_every_entries;
  7. }
  8. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. static int registry_machine_save_url(REGISTRY_MACHINE_URL *mu, FILE *fp) {
  11. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: registry_machine_save_url('%s')", string2str(mu->url));
  12. int ret = fprintf(fp, "V\t%08x\t%08x\t%08x\t%02x\t%s\n",
  13. mu->first_t,
  14. mu->last_t,
  15. mu->usages,
  16. mu->flags,
  17. string2str(mu->url)
  18. );
  19. // error handling is done at registry_db_save()
  20. return ret;
  21. }
  22. static int registry_machine_save(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *entry, void *file) {
  23. REGISTRY_MACHINE *m = entry;
  24. FILE *fp = file;
  25. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: registry_machine_save('%s')", m->guid);
  26. int ret = fprintf(fp, "M\t%08x\t%08x\t%08x\t%s\n",
  27. m->first_t,
  28. m->last_t,
  29. m->usages,
  30. m->guid
  31. );
  32. if(ret >= 0) {
  33. for(REGISTRY_MACHINE_URL *mu = m->machine_urls; mu ; mu = mu->next) {
  34. int rc = registry_machine_save_url(mu, fp);
  35. if(rc < 0)
  36. return rc;
  37. ret += rc;
  38. }
  39. }
  40. // error handling is done at registry_db_save()
  41. return ret;
  42. }
  43. static inline int registry_person_save_url(REGISTRY_PERSON_URL *pu, FILE *fp) {
  44. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: registry_person_save_url('%s')", string2str(pu->url));
  45. int ret = fprintf(fp, "U\t%08x\t%08x\t%08x\t%02x\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
  46. pu->first_t,
  47. pu->last_t,
  48. pu->usages,
  49. pu->flags,
  50. pu->machine->guid,
  51. string2str(pu->machine_name),
  52. string2str(pu->url)
  53. );
  54. // error handling is done at registry_db_save()
  55. return ret;
  56. }
  57. static inline int registry_person_save(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *entry, void *file) {
  58. REGISTRY_PERSON *p = entry;
  59. FILE *fp = file;
  60. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: registry_person_save('%s')", p->guid);
  61. int ret = fprintf(fp, "P\t%08x\t%08x\t%08x\t%s\n",
  62. p->first_t,
  63. p->last_t,
  64. p->usages,
  65. p->guid
  66. );
  67. if(ret >= 0) {
  68. for(REGISTRY_PERSON_URL *pu = p->person_urls; pu ;pu = pu->next) {
  69. int rc = registry_person_save_url(pu, fp);
  70. if(rc < 0)
  71. return rc;
  72. else
  73. ret += rc;
  74. }
  75. }
  76. // error handling is done at registry_db_save()
  77. return ret;
  78. }
  79. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. int registry_db_save(void) {
  82. if(unlikely(!registry.enabled))
  83. return -1;
  84. if(unlikely(!registry_db_should_be_saved()))
  85. return -2;
  86. error_log_limit_unlimited();
  87. char tmp_filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
  88. char old_filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
  89. snprintfz(old_filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s.old", registry.db_filename);
  90. snprintfz(tmp_filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s.tmp", registry.db_filename);
  91. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: Creating file '%s'", tmp_filename);
  92. FILE *fp = fopen(tmp_filename, "w");
  93. if(!fp) {
  94. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: Cannot create file: %s", tmp_filename);
  95. error_log_limit_reset();
  96. return -1;
  97. }
  98. // dictionary_walkthrough_read() has its own locking, so this is safe to do
  99. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: saving all machines");
  100. int bytes1 = dictionary_walkthrough_read(registry.machines, registry_machine_save, fp);
  101. if(bytes1 < 0) {
  102. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: Cannot save registry machines - return value %d", bytes1);
  103. fclose(fp);
  104. error_log_limit_reset();
  105. return bytes1;
  106. }
  107. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: saving machines took %d bytes", bytes1);
  108. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "Saving all persons");
  109. int bytes2 = dictionary_walkthrough_read(registry.persons, registry_person_save, fp);
  110. if(bytes2 < 0) {
  111. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: Cannot save registry persons - return value %d", bytes2);
  112. fclose(fp);
  113. error_log_limit_reset();
  114. return bytes2;
  115. }
  116. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: saving persons took %d bytes", bytes2);
  117. // save the totals
  118. fprintf(fp, "T\t%016llx\t%016llx\t%016llx\t%016llx\t%016llx\t%016llx\n",
  119. registry.persons_count,
  120. registry.machines_count,
  121. registry.usages_count + 1, // this is required - it is lost on db rotation
  122. 0LLU, //registry.urls_count,
  123. registry.persons_urls_count,
  124. registry.machines_urls_count
  125. );
  126. fclose(fp);
  127. errno = 0;
  128. // remove the .old db
  129. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: Removing old db '%s'", old_filename);
  130. if(unlink(old_filename) == -1 && errno != ENOENT)
  131. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: cannot remove old registry file '%s'", old_filename);
  132. // rename the db to .old
  133. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: Link current db '%s' to .old: '%s'", registry.db_filename, old_filename);
  134. if(link(registry.db_filename, old_filename) == -1 && errno != ENOENT)
  135. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: cannot move file '%s' to '%s'. Saving registry DB failed!", registry.db_filename, old_filename);
  136. else {
  137. // remove the database (it is saved in .old)
  138. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: removing db '%s'", registry.db_filename);
  139. if (unlink(registry.db_filename) == -1 && errno != ENOENT)
  140. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: cannot remove old registry file '%s'", registry.db_filename);
  141. // move the .tmp to make it active
  142. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: linking tmp db '%s' to active db '%s'", tmp_filename, registry.db_filename);
  143. if (link(tmp_filename, registry.db_filename) == -1) {
  144. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: cannot move file '%s' to '%s'. Saving registry DB failed!", tmp_filename,
  145. registry.db_filename);
  146. // move the .old back
  147. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: linking old db '%s' to active db '%s'", old_filename, registry.db_filename);
  148. if(link(old_filename, registry.db_filename) == -1)
  149. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: cannot move file '%s' to '%s'. Recovering the old registry DB failed!", old_filename, registry.db_filename);
  150. }
  151. else {
  152. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: removing tmp db '%s'", tmp_filename);
  153. if(unlink(tmp_filename) == -1)
  154. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: cannot remove tmp registry file '%s'", tmp_filename);
  155. // it has been moved successfully
  156. // discard the current registry log
  157. registry_log_recreate();
  158. registry.log_count = 0;
  159. }
  160. }
  161. // continue operations
  162. error_log_limit_reset();
  163. return -1;
  164. }
  165. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. size_t registry_db_load(void) {
  168. char *s, buf[4096 + 1];
  171. STRING *u = NULL;
  172. size_t line = 0;
  173. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: loading active db from: '%s'", registry.db_filename);
  174. FILE *fp = fopen(registry.db_filename, "r");
  175. if(!fp) {
  176. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: cannot open registry file: '%s'", registry.db_filename);
  177. return 0;
  178. }
  180. size_t len = 0;
  181. buf[4096] = '\0';
  182. while((s = fgets_trim_len(buf, 4096, fp, &len))) {
  183. line++;
  184. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: read line %zu to length %zu: %s", line, len, s);
  185. switch(*s) {
  186. case 'U': // person URL
  187. if(unlikely(!p)) {
  188. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: ignoring line %zu, no person loaded: %s", line, s);
  189. continue;
  190. }
  191. // verify it is valid
  192. if(len < 69 || s[1] != '\t' || s[10] != '\t' || s[19] != '\t' || s[28] != '\t' || s[31] != '\t' || s[68] != '\t') {
  193. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: person URL line %zu is wrong (len = %zu).", line, len);
  194. continue;
  195. }
  196. s[1] = s[10] = s[19] = s[28] = s[31] = s[68] = '\0';
  197. // skip the name to find the url
  198. char *url = &s[69];
  199. while(*url && *url != '\t') url++;
  200. if(!*url) {
  201. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: person URL line %zu does not have a url.", line);
  202. continue;
  203. }
  204. *url++ = '\0';
  205. if(*url != 'h' && *url != '*') {
  206. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: person URL line %zu does not have a valid url: %s", line, url);
  207. continue;
  208. }
  209. u = string_strdupz(url);
  210. time_t first_t = (time_t)strtoul(&s[2], NULL, 16);
  211. m = registry_machine_find(&s[32]);
  212. if(!m) m = registry_machine_allocate(&s[32], first_t);
  213. mu = registry_machine_url_find(m, u);
  214. if(!mu) {
  215. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: person URL line %zu was not linked to the machine it refers to", line);
  216. mu = registry_machine_url_allocate(m, u, first_t);
  217. }
  218. REGISTRY_PERSON_URL *pu = registry_person_url_index_find(p, u);
  219. if(!pu)
  220. pu = registry_person_url_allocate(p, m, u, &s[69], strlen(&s[69]), first_t);
  221. else
  222. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: person URL line %zu is duplicate, reusing the old one.", line);
  223. pu->last_t = (uint32_t)strtoul(&s[11], NULL, 16);
  224. pu->usages = (uint32_t)strtoul(&s[20], NULL, 16);
  225. pu->flags = (uint8_t)strtoul(&s[29], NULL, 16);
  226. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: loaded person URL '%s' with name '%s' of machine '%s', first: %u, last: %u, usages: %u, flags: %02x",
  227. string2str(u), string2str(pu->machine_name), m->guid, pu->first_t, pu->last_t, pu->usages, pu->flags);
  228. string_freez(u);
  229. break;
  230. case 'P': // person
  231. m = NULL;
  232. // verify it is valid
  233. if(unlikely(len != 65 || s[1] != '\t' || s[10] != '\t' || s[19] != '\t' || s[28] != '\t' || s[65] != '\0')) {
  234. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: person line %zu is wrong (len = %zu).", line, len);
  235. continue;
  236. }
  237. s[1] = s[10] = s[19] = s[28] = '\0';
  238. p = registry_person_allocate(&s[29], (time_t)strtoul(&s[2], NULL, 16));
  239. p->last_t = (uint32_t)strtoul(&s[11], NULL, 16);
  240. p->usages = (uint32_t)strtoul(&s[20], NULL, 16);
  241. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: loaded person '%s', first: %u, last: %u, usages: %u", p->guid, p->first_t, p->last_t, p->usages);
  242. break;
  243. case 'V': // machine URL
  244. if(unlikely(!m)) {
  245. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: ignoring line %zu, no machine loaded: %s", line, s);
  246. continue;
  247. }
  248. // verify it is valid
  249. if(len < 32 || s[1] != '\t' || s[10] != '\t' || s[19] != '\t' || s[28] != '\t' || s[31] != '\t') {
  250. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: person URL line %zu is wrong (len = %zu).", line, len);
  251. continue;
  252. }
  253. s[1] = s[10] = s[19] = s[28] = s[31] = '\0';
  254. url = &s[32];
  255. if(*url != 'h' && *url != '*') {
  256. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: machine URL line %zu does not have a valid url: %s", line, url);
  257. continue;
  258. }
  259. u = string_strdupz(url);
  260. mu = registry_machine_url_find(m, u);
  261. if(!mu)
  262. mu = registry_machine_url_allocate(m, u, (time_t)strtoul(&s[2], NULL, 16));
  263. else
  264. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: machine URL line %zu is duplicate, reusing the old one.", line);
  265. mu->last_t = (uint32_t)strtoul(&s[11], NULL, 16);
  266. mu->usages = (uint32_t)strtoul(&s[20], NULL, 16);
  267. mu->flags = (uint8_t)strtoul(&s[29], NULL, 16);
  268. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry loaded machine URL '%s', machine '%s', first: %u, last: %u, usages: %u, flags: %02x",
  269. string2str(u), m->guid, mu->first_t, mu->last_t, mu->usages, mu->flags);
  270. string_freez(u);
  271. break;
  272. case 'M': // machine
  273. p = NULL;
  274. // verify it is valid
  275. if(unlikely(len != 65 || s[1] != '\t' || s[10] != '\t' || s[19] != '\t' || s[28] != '\t' || s[65] != '\0')) {
  276. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: person line %zu is wrong (len = %zu).", line, len);
  277. continue;
  278. }
  279. s[1] = s[10] = s[19] = s[28] = '\0';
  280. m = registry_machine_allocate(&s[29], (time_t)strtoul(&s[2], NULL, 16));
  281. m->last_t = (uint32_t)strtoul(&s[11], NULL, 16);
  282. m->usages = (uint32_t)strtoul(&s[20], NULL, 16);
  283. netdata_log_debug(D_REGISTRY, "REGISTRY: loaded machine '%s', first: %u, last: %u, usages: %u", m->guid, m->first_t, m->last_t, m->usages);
  284. break;
  285. case 'T': // totals
  286. if(unlikely(len != 103 || s[1] != '\t' || s[18] != '\t' || s[35] != '\t' || s[52] != '\t' || s[69] != '\t' || s[86] != '\t' || s[103] != '\0')) {
  287. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: totals line %zu is wrong (len = %zu).", line, len);
  288. continue;
  289. }
  290. registry.persons_count = strtoull(&s[2], NULL, 16);
  291. registry.machines_count = strtoull(&s[19], NULL, 16);
  292. registry.usages_count = strtoull(&s[36], NULL, 16);
  293. registry.persons_urls_count = strtoull(&s[70], NULL, 16);
  294. registry.machines_urls_count = strtoull(&s[87], NULL, 16);
  295. break;
  296. default:
  297. netdata_log_error("REGISTRY: ignoring line %zu of filename '%s': %s.", line, registry.db_filename, s);
  298. break;
  299. }
  300. }
  301. fclose(fp);
  302. return line;
  303. }