file_descriptors.conf 887 B

  1. # you can disable an alarm notification by setting the 'to' line to: silent
  2. template: system_file_descriptors_utilization
  3. on: system.file_nr_utilization
  4. class: Utilization
  5. type: System
  6. component: Processes
  7. hosts: *
  8. lookup: max -1m unaligned
  9. units: %
  10. every: 1m
  11. crit: $this > 90
  12. delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  13. info: system-wide utilization of open files
  14. to: sysadmin
  15. template: apps_group_file_descriptors_utilization
  16. on: apps.fd_limit
  17. class: Utilization
  18. type: System
  19. component: Process
  20. os: linux
  21. module: !* *
  22. hosts: *
  23. lookup: max -1m unaligned foreach *
  24. units: %
  25. every: 1m
  26. warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (85) : (90))
  27. delay: down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
  28. info: maximum utilization of open files among all application group PIDs
  29. to: sysadmin