Markos Fountoulakis ce9f70d7b3 Agent claiming (#7525) 5 years ago
.. ce9f70d7b3 Agent claiming (#7525) 5 years ago ce9f70d7b3 Agent claiming (#7525) 5 years ago
claim.c ce9f70d7b3 Agent claiming (#7525) 5 years ago
claim.h ce9f70d7b3 Agent claiming (#7525) 5 years ago ce9f70d7b3 Agent claiming (#7525) 5 years ago

Agent claiming

Agent claiming is part of the onboarding process when creating a workspace in Netdata Cloud. Each workspace gets its own common invitation mechanism, which begins with the administrators of the workspace creating a claiming-token. They, or other users is their organization, can then use the claiming-token to add an agent to their workspace.

To claim a Netdata agent, you first send a claiming request to Netdata Cloud (from the agent node). Once the Netdata Cloud validates the claiming request of the agent (based on the claiming token), and returns a successful result, the node is considered claimed.

Claiming script

The user can claim an agent by directly calling the script as the netdata user and passing the following arguments:

    where TOKEN is the workspace claiming-token.
    where ROOMX is the workspace war-room to join. This list is optional.
    where URL_BASE is the Netdata Cloud endpoint base URL. By default, this is
    where AGENT_ID is the unique identifier of the agent. This is the agent's MACHINE_GUID by default.
    where HOSTNAME is the result of the hostname command by default.

For example, the following command claims an agent and adds it to rooms room1 and room2: -token=MYTOKEN1234567 -rooms=room1,room2

You should then update the netdata service about the result with netdatacli:

netdatacli reload-claiming-state

This reloads the agent claiming state from disk.

Netdata agent command line

The user can trigger agent claiming by calling the netdata service binary with the additional command line parameters:

-W "claim -token=TOKEN -rooms=ROOM1,ROOM2"

For example:

/usr/sbin/netdata -D -W "claim -token=MYTOKEN1234567 -rooms=room1,room2"

If need be, the user can override the agent's defaults by providing additional arguments like those described here.

Claiming directory

Netdata stores the agent claiming-related state in the user configuration directory under claim.d, e.g. in /etc/netdata/claim.d. The user can put files in this directory to provide defaults to the -token and -rooms arguments. These files should be owned by the netdata user.

The claim.d/token file should contain the claiming-token and the claim.d/rooms file should contain the list of war-rooms.

The user can also put the Cloud endpoint's full certificate chain in claim.d/cloud_fullchain.pem so that the agent can trust the endpoint if necessary.
